scyther-proof-0.3.0: Automatic generation of Isabelle/HOL correctness proofs for security protocols.



A persistent, but not so efficient union-find structure.



newtype UnionFind a Source




unUnionFind :: Map a a


Typeable1 UnionFind 
Eq a => Eq (UnionFind a) 
(Data a, Ord a) => Data (UnionFind a) 
Ord a => Ord (UnionFind a) 
Show a => Show (UnionFind a) 
Ord a => Monoid (UnionFind a) 

unionFind :: Ord a => Map a a -> UnionFind aSource

Smart constructor from a Map to a union-find structure.

map :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> UnionFind a -> UnionFind bSource

empty :: UnionFind aSource

empty is the syntactic identity equivalence relation.

size :: UnionFind a -> IntSource

size uf returns the number of stored equalities.

equate :: Ord a => a -> a -> UnionFind a -> UnionFind aSource

equate x y uf inserts the equality x = y into uf.

fromList :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> UnionFind aSource

equateList :: Ord a => UnionFind a -> [(a, a)] -> UnionFind aSource

toList :: UnionFind a -> [(a, a)]Source

find :: Ord a => a -> UnionFind a -> Maybe aSource

find x uf returns the representative of the equivalence class that x belongs to in uf, if there is any.

findWithDefault :: Ord a => a -> a -> UnionFind a -> aSource

findWithDefault def x uf returns the representative of the equivalence class that x belongs to in uf or def, if there is no representative.

equiv :: Ord a => (a, a) -> UnionFind a -> BoolSource

(x,y) equiv uf iff x and y are in the same equivalence class with respect to uf.