sdp- Simple Data Processing
Copyright(c) Andrey Mulik 2019-2021
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC Extensions)
Safe HaskellTrustworthy



SDP.Set provides Set - class for basic set operations.



class Nullable s => SetWith s o | s -> o where Source #

SetWith is a class of data structures, that can represent sets.

SetWith doesn't provide data protection/validation before each first action. All functions (except setWith) works correctly only with correct sets. SetWith guarantee only that the returned data is correct. So if you need maximum reliability and security, use containers. But if you want simplicity, openness and a lot of non-set functions without extra conversions, then you are at the right place.

Note that function of type Compare o must follow basic order laws (comparability, transitivity, reflexivity and antisymmetry). With wrong comparator, the result may become implementation-dependent.


setWith :: Compare o -> s -> s Source #

Creates ordered set from linear structure.

default setWith :: Linear s o => Compare o -> s -> s Source #

groupSetWith :: Compare o -> (o -> o -> o) -> s -> s Source #

Creates set from linear structure using additional function for choice/merge equal elements.

default groupSetWith :: Linear s o => Compare o -> (o -> o -> o) -> s -> s Source #

insertWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> s Source #

Adding element to set.

default insertWith :: Linear s o => Compare o -> o -> s -> s Source #

deleteWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> s Source #

Deleting element from set.

default deleteWith :: Linear s o => Compare o -> o -> s -> s Source #

intersectionWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> s Source #

Intersection of two sets.

differenceWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> s Source #

Difference (relative complement, aka A / B) of two sets.

symdiffWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> s Source #

Symmetric difference of two sets.

unionWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> s Source #

Union of two sets.

intersectionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f s -> s Source #

differencesWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f s -> s Source #

unionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f s -> s Source #

Fold by unionWith.

symdiffsWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f s -> s Source #

Fold by symdiffWith.

isIntersectsWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> Bool Source #

Compares sets on intersection.

isDisjointWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> Bool Source #

Compares sets on disjoint.

memberWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> Bool Source #

Same as elem, but can work faster. By default, uses find.

default memberWith :: (t o ~~ s, Foldable t) => Compare o -> o -> s -> Bool Source #

isSubsetWith :: Compare o -> s -> s -> Bool Source #

Сhecks whether a first set is a subset of second.

default isSubsetWith :: (t o ~~ s, Foldable t) => Compare o -> s -> s -> Bool Source #

subsets :: Ord o => s -> [s] Source #

Generates a list of different subsets (including empty and equivalent).

default subsets :: (Linear s o, Ord o) => s -> [s] Source #

lookupLTWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupLTWith trying to find lesser element in set.

lookupGTWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGTWith trying to find greater element in set.

lookupGEWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGEWith trying to find greater or equal element in set.

lookupLEWith :: Compare o -> o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupLEWith trying to find lesser or equal element in set.


Instances details
SetWith [o] o Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Set


setWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] Source #

groupSetWith :: Compare o -> (o -> o -> o) -> [o] -> [o] Source #

insertWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> [o] Source #

deleteWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> [o] Source #

intersectionWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

differenceWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

symdiffWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

unionWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

intersectionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f [o] -> [o] Source #

differencesWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f [o] -> [o] Source #

unionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f [o] -> [o] Source #

symdiffsWith :: Foldable f => Compare o -> f [o] -> [o] Source #

isIntersectsWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> Bool Source #

isDisjointWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> Bool Source #

memberWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> Bool Source #

isSubsetWith :: Compare o -> [o] -> [o] -> Bool Source #

subsets :: [o] -> [[o]] Source #

lookupLTWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGTWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGEWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

lookupLEWith :: Compare o -> o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

Unboxed e => SetWith (SBytes# e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes

SetWith (SArray# e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray

(SetWith1 rep e, Linear1 rep e, Ord (rep e), Bordered1 rep Int e) => SetWith (AnyChunks rep e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyChunks


setWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

groupSetWith :: Compare e -> (e -> e -> e) -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

insertWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

deleteWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

intersectionWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

differenceWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

symdiffWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

unionWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

intersectionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

differencesWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

unionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

symdiffsWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

isIntersectsWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

isDisjointWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

memberWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

isSubsetWith :: Compare e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

subsets :: AnyChunks rep e -> [AnyChunks rep e] Source #

lookupLTWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGTWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGEWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupLEWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

(Index i, SetWith1 rep e, Linear1 rep e, Bordered1 rep Int e) => SetWith (AnyBorder rep i e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyBorder


setWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

groupSetWith :: Compare e -> (e -> e -> e) -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

insertWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

deleteWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

intersectionWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

differenceWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

symdiffWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

unionWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

intersectionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

differencesWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

unionsWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

symdiffsWith :: Foldable f => Compare e -> f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

isIntersectsWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

isDisjointWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

memberWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

isSubsetWith :: Compare e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

subsets :: AnyBorder rep i e -> [AnyBorder rep i e] Source #

lookupLTWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGTWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGEWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupLEWith :: Compare e -> e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

type SetWith1 s o = SetWith (s o) o Source #

SetWith contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type SetWith2 s i o = SetWith (s i o) o Source #

SetWith contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.


class Nullable s => Set s o | s -> o where Source #

Set is a class of data structures, that can represent any sets. Set is intended for more specific sets than ordered linear structures. In particular, it may not work with an arbitrary comparator, and also (unlike the early implementation) does not impose restrictions on the element type.

Set, as well as SetWith, doesn't provide data protection/validation.

Minimal complete definition



set :: s -> s Source #

The same as setWith compare.

default set :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s Source #

insert :: o -> s -> s Source #

Same as insert compare.

default insert :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> s Source #

delete :: o -> s -> s Source #

default delete :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> s Source #

(/\) :: s -> s -> s Source #

default (/\) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> s Source #

(\/) :: s -> s -> s Source #

default (\/) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> s Source #

(\\) :: s -> s -> s Source #

default (\\) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> s Source #

(\^/) :: s -> s -> s Source #

default (\^/) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> s Source #

(/?\) :: s -> s -> Bool Source #

default (/?\) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> Bool Source #

(\?/) :: s -> s -> Bool Source #

default (\?/) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> Bool Source #

(\+/) :: s -> s -> Bool Source #

default (\+/) :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => s -> s -> Bool Source #

intersections :: Foldable f => f s -> s Source #

default intersections :: (Foldable f, SetWith s o, Ord o) => f s -> s Source #

unions :: Foldable f => f s -> s Source #

default unions :: (Foldable f, SetWith s o, Ord o) => f s -> s Source #

differences :: Foldable f => f s -> s Source #

default differences :: (Foldable f, SetWith s o, Ord o) => f s -> s Source #

symdiffs :: Foldable f => f s -> s Source #

Same as symdiffsWith compare'.

default symdiffs :: (Foldable f, SetWith s o, Ord o) => f s -> s Source #

member :: o -> s -> Bool Source #

default member :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> Bool Source #

lookupLT :: Ord o => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

default lookupLT :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGT :: Ord o => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

default lookupGT :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupLE :: Ord o => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

default lookupLE :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGE :: Ord o => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #

default lookupGE :: (SetWith s o, Ord o) => o -> s -> Maybe o Source #


Instances details
Ord o => Set [o] o Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Set


set :: [o] -> [o] Source #

insert :: o -> [o] -> [o] Source #

delete :: o -> [o] -> [o] Source #

(/\) :: [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

(\/) :: [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

(\\) :: [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

(\^/) :: [o] -> [o] -> [o] Source #

(/?\) :: [o] -> [o] -> Bool Source #

(\?/) :: [o] -> [o] -> Bool Source #

(\+/) :: [o] -> [o] -> Bool Source #

intersections :: Foldable f => f [o] -> [o] Source #

unions :: Foldable f => f [o] -> [o] Source #

differences :: Foldable f => f [o] -> [o] Source #

symdiffs :: Foldable f => f [o] -> [o] Source #

member :: o -> [o] -> Bool Source #

lookupLT :: o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGT :: o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

lookupLE :: o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

lookupGE :: o -> [o] -> Maybe o Source #

(Unboxed e, Ord e) => Set (SBytes# e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes

Ord e => Set (SArray# e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray

(Nullable (AnyChunks rep e), SetWith1 (AnyChunks rep) e, Ord e) => Set (AnyChunks rep e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyChunks


set :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

insert :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

delete :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

(/\) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

(\/) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

(\\) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

(\^/) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

(/?\) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

(\?/) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

(\+/) :: AnyChunks rep e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

intersections :: Foldable f => f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

unions :: Foldable f => f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

differences :: Foldable f => f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

symdiffs :: Foldable f => f (AnyChunks rep e) -> AnyChunks rep e Source #

member :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Bool Source #

lookupLT :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGT :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupLE :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGE :: e -> AnyChunks rep e -> Maybe e Source #

(SetWith1 (AnyBorder rep i) e, Nullable (AnyBorder rep i e), Ord e) => Set (AnyBorder rep i e) e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyBorder


set :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

insert :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

delete :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

(/\) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

(\/) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

(\\) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

(\^/) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

(/?\) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

(\?/) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

(\+/) :: AnyBorder rep i e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

intersections :: Foldable f => f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

unions :: Foldable f => f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

differences :: Foldable f => f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

symdiffs :: Foldable f => f (AnyBorder rep i e) -> AnyBorder rep i e Source #

member :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Bool Source #

lookupLT :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGT :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupLE :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

lookupGE :: e -> AnyBorder rep i e -> Maybe e Source #

type Set1 s o = Set (s o) o Source #

Set contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type Set2 s i o = Set (s i o) o Source #

Set contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.

Rank 2 quantified constraints

GHC 8.6.1+ only

type SetWith' s = forall o. SetWith (s o) o Source #

SetWith quantified contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type SetWith'' s = forall i o. SetWith (s i o) o Source #

SetWith quantified contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.

type Set' s = forall o. Set (s o) o Source #

Set quantified contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type Set'' s = forall i o. Set (s i o) o Source #

Set quantified contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.