seal-module-0.1: Template Haskell support for global configuration data

MaintainerJoachim Breitner <>




This provides a Template Haskell function to convert a set of function declarations which use global constants into function declarations that take these constants as parameters.

The goal is to make it more convenient to write pure, non-monadic code that deep in the call stack requires some configuration data without having to pass these paramters around explicitly.



Consider the following minimal example:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Example1 where
import SealModule
import Control.Monad

sealModule [d|
    verbose :: Bool
    verbose = sealedParam
    worker :: Int -> IO Int
    worker n = do
        when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Got " ++ show n
        return $ Suc n

The function verbose will be removed from the module, and the function worker will be equivalent to

worker :: Bool -> Int -> IO Int
worker verbose n = do
    when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Got " ++ show n
    return $ Suc n

This also works if worker had called foo, foo had called bar and only bar would use the configuration parameter verbose.

Record Wildcards

sealModule supports more than one sealedParam, they are added to the paramter list in the order in which they appear in the declaration list. But if you want to be able to conveniently add further parameters without changing the functions' signature, you can use record wildcards:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards #-}
module Example2 where
import SealModule
import Control.Monad

data Config = Config { verbose :: Bool, increment :: Int }

sealModule [d|
    config :: Config
    config = sealedParam
    Config{..} = config

    worker :: Int -> IO Int
    worker n = do
        when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Got " ++ show n
        return $ n + increment

This way, the fields of the Config record appear as top-level declarations inside the sealed module. Each function is exposed with one additional parameter of type Config. If you later need an additional configuration value anywhere in the module, all you have to do is add it to the Config record data type. No function signatures change this way.


sealedParam :: aSource

sealedParam turns a toplevel declaration into a sealed parameter. It must only be used inside a call to sealModule and there only in the form of a top level declaration of the form

 name = sealedParam

A type signature for name may be given, and is a prerequisite for the generated functions having type signatures.

sealModule :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]Source

sealModule modifies the passed top level declarations to have additional parameters for each declaration bound to sealedParam, in the order of their appearance. The parameter declarations and their type signature, if present, are removed from the list of declarations.

The generated functions will have a type signature if and only they have a type signature and all parameters have type signatures.


  • The code passed to sealModule has to be indented.
  • Although the modified functions will apear in haddock documentation if they and all parameters have type signatures, Haddock annotations inside sealModule are lost. A work around is the approach shown in the following listing. It is important that no type signature is given inside the sealModule, otherwise the compiler will complain about duplicate type signatures, and that the signatures are given after sealModule.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Example1 where
import SealModule
import Control.Monad

sealModule [d|
    verbose :: Bool
    verbose = sealedParam

    worker n = do
        when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Got " ++ show n
        return $ Suc n

-- | This is the documentation for 'worker'.
worker :: Bool -> Int -> IO Int