{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds #-}
-- | Selda table definition language.
module Database.Selda.Table where
import Database.Selda.Types
import Database.Selda.SqlType
import Control.Exception hiding (TypeError)
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List (sort, group)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (unpack, intercalate, any)

-- | An error occurred when validating a database table.
--   If this error is thrown, there is a bug in your database schema, and the
--   particular table that triggered the error is unusable.
--   Since validation is deterministic, this error will be thrown on every
--   consecutive operation over the offending table.
--   Therefore, it is not meaningful to handle this exception in any way,
--   just fix your bug instead.
data ValidationError = ValidationError String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Exception ValidationError

-- | A database table.
--   Tables are parameterized over their column types. For instance, a table
--   containing one string and one integer, in that order, would have the type
--   @Table (Text :*: Int)@, and a table containing only a single string column
--   would have the type @Table Text@.
--   Table and column names may contain any character except @\NUL@, and be
--   non-empty. Column names must be unique per table.
data Table a = Table
  { -- | Name of the table. NOT guaranteed to be a valid SQL name.
    tableName :: TableName
    -- | All table columns.
    --   Invariant: the 'colAttrs' list of each column is sorted and contains
    --   no duplicates.
  , tableCols :: [ColInfo]
    -- | Does the given table have an auto-incrementing primary key?
  , tableHasAutoPK :: Bool

data ColInfo = ColInfo
  { colName  :: ColName
  , colType  :: SqlTypeRep
  , colAttrs :: [ColAttr]
  , colFKs   :: [(Table (), ColName)]

newCol :: forall a. SqlType a => ColName -> ColSpec a
newCol name = ColSpec [ColInfo
  { colName  = name
  , colType  = sqlType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
  , colAttrs = []
  , colFKs   = []

-- | A table column specification.
newtype ColSpec a = ColSpec {unCS :: [ColInfo]}

-- | Any SQL type which is NOT nullable.
type family NonNull a :: Constraint where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 9, 0)
  NonNull (Maybe a) = TypeError
    ( Text "Optional columns must not be nested, and" :<>:
      Text " required or primary key columns" :$$:
      Text "must not have option types."
  NonNull (Maybe a) = a ~ Maybe a
  NonNull a         = ()

-- | Column attributes such as nullability, auto increment, etc.
--   When adding elements, make sure that they are added in the order
--   required by SQL syntax, as this list is only sorted before being
--   pretty-printed.
data ColAttr = Primary | AutoIncrement | Required | Optional | Unique
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A non-nullable column with the given name.
required :: (SqlType a, NonNull a) => ColName -> ColSpec a
required = addAttr Required . newCol

-- | A nullable column with the given name.
optional :: (SqlType a, NonNull a) => ColName -> ColSpec (Maybe a)
optional = addAttr Optional . newCol

-- | Marks the given column as the table's primary key.
--   A table may only have one primary key; marking more than one key as
--   primary will result in 'ValidationError' during validation.
primary :: (SqlType a, NonNull a) => ColName -> ColSpec a
primary = addAttr Primary . unique . required

-- | Automatically increment the given attribute if not specified during insert.
--   Also adds the @PRIMARY KEY@ and @UNIQUE@ attributes on the column.
autoPrimary :: ColName -> ColSpec RowID
autoPrimary n = ColSpec [c {colAttrs = [Primary, AutoIncrement, Required, Unique]}]
  where ColSpec [c] = newCol n :: ColSpec RowID

-- | Add a uniqueness constraint to the given column.
--   Adding a uniqueness constraint to a column that is already implied to be
--   unique, such as a primary key, is a no-op.
unique :: SqlType a => ColSpec a -> ColSpec a
unique = addAttr Unique

-- | Add an attribute to a column. Not for public consumption.
addAttr :: SqlType a => ColAttr -> ColSpec a -> ColSpec a
addAttr attr (ColSpec [ci]) = ColSpec [ci {colAttrs = attr : colAttrs ci}]
addAttr _ _                 = error "impossible: ColSpec with several columns"

-- | An inductive tuple where each element is a column specification.
type family ColSpecs a where
  ColSpecs (a :*: b) = ColSpec a :*: ColSpecs b
  ColSpecs a         = ColSpec a

-- | An inductive tuple forming a table specification.
class TableSpec a where
  mergeSpecs :: Proxy a -> ColSpecs a -> [ColInfo]
instance TableSpec b => TableSpec (a :*: b) where
  mergeSpecs _ (ColSpec a :*: b) = a ++ mergeSpecs (Proxy :: Proxy b) b
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ColSpecs a ~ ColSpec a => TableSpec a where
  mergeSpecs _ (ColSpec a) = a

-- | A table with the given name and columns.
table :: forall a. TableSpec a => TableName -> ColSpecs a -> Table a
table name cs = Table
    { tableName = name
    , tableCols = tcs
    , tableHasAutoPK = Prelude.any ((AutoIncrement `elem`) . colAttrs) tcs
    tcs = map tidy $ mergeSpecs (Proxy :: Proxy a) cs

-- | Remove duplicate attributes.
tidy :: ColInfo -> ColInfo
tidy ci = ci {colAttrs = snub $ colAttrs ci}

-- | Sort a list and remove all duplicates from it.
snub :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
snub = map head . soup

-- | Sort a list, then group all identical elements.
soup :: Ord a => [a] -> [[a]]
soup = group . sort

-- | Ensure that there are no duplicate column names or primary keys.
validate :: TableName -> [ColInfo] -> [ColInfo]
validate name cis
  | null errs = cis
  | otherwise = throw $ ValidationError $ concat
      [ "validation of table ", unpack $ fromTableName name, " failed:"
      , "\n  "
      , unpack $ intercalate "\n  " errs
    colIdents = map (fromColName . colName) cis
    allIdents = fromTableName name : colIdents
    errs = concat
      [ dupes
      , pkDupes
      , optionalRequiredMutex
      , nulIdents
      , emptyIdents
      , emptyTableName
      , nonPkFks
      | fromTableName name == "\"\"" = ["table name is empty"]
      | otherwise                    = []
      | Prelude.any (== "\"\"") colIdents =
        ["table has columns with empty names"]
      | otherwise =
    nulIdents =
      [ "table or column name contains \\NUL: " <> n
      | n <- allIdents
      , Data.Text.any (== '\NUL') n
    dupes =
      ["duplicate column: " <> fromColName x | (x:_:_) <- soup $ map colName cis]
    pkDupes =
      ["multiple primary keys" | (Primary:_:_) <- soup $ concatMap colAttrs cis]
    nonPkFks =
      [ "column is used as a foreign key, but is not primary or unique: "
          <> fromTableName ftn <> "." <> fromColName fcn
      | ci <- cis
      , (Table ftn fcs _, fcn) <- colFKs ci
      , fc <- fcs
      , colName fc == fcn
      , not (Unique `elem` colAttrs fc)

    -- This should be impossible, but...
    optionalRequiredMutex =
      [ "BUG: column " <> fromColName (colName ci)
                       <> " is both optional and required"
      | ci <- cis
      , Optional `elem` colAttrs ci && Required `elem` colAttrs ci