{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, DefaultSignatures, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- | Types representable as columns in Selda's subset of SQL.
module Database.Selda.SqlType
  ( SqlType (..), SqlEnum (..)
  , Lit (..), UUID, RowID, ID, SqlValue (..), SqlTypeRep (..)
  , invalidRowId, isInvalidRowId, toRowId, fromRowId
  , fromId, toId, invalidId, isInvalidId, untyped
  , compLit, litType
  , sqlDateTimeFormat, sqlDateFormat, sqlTimeFormat
  ) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Time
import Data.Typeable
import Data.UUID.Types (UUID, toString, fromByteString, nil)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- | Format string used to represent date and time when
--   representing timestamps as text.
--   If at all possible, use 'SqlUTCTime' instead.
sqlDateTimeFormat :: String
sqlDateTimeFormat = "%F %H:%M:%S%Q%z"

-- | Format string used to represent date when
--   representing dates as text.
--   If at all possible, use 'SqlDate' instead.
sqlDateFormat :: String
sqlDateFormat = "%F"

-- | Format string used to represent time of day when
--   representing time as text.
--   If at all possible, use 'SqlTime' instead.
sqlTimeFormat :: String
sqlTimeFormat = "%H:%M:%S%Q%z"

-- | Representation of an SQL type.
data SqlTypeRep
  = TText
  | TRowID
  | TInt
  | TFloat
  | TBool
  | TDateTime
  | TDate
  | TTime
  | TBlob
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Any datatype representable in (Selda's subset of) SQL.
class Typeable a => SqlType a where
  -- | Create a literal of this type.
  mkLit :: a -> Lit a
  default mkLit :: (Typeable a, SqlEnum a) => a -> Lit a
  mkLit = LCustom TText . LText . toText

  -- | The SQL representation for this type.
  sqlType :: Proxy a -> SqlTypeRep
  sqlType _ = litType (defaultValue :: Lit a)

  -- | Convert an SqlValue into this type.
  fromSql :: SqlValue -> a
  default fromSql :: (Typeable a, SqlEnum a) => SqlValue -> a
  fromSql = fromText . fromSql

  -- | Default value when using 'def' at this type.
  defaultValue :: Lit a
  default defaultValue :: (Typeable a, SqlEnum a) => Lit a
  defaultValue = mkLit (minBound :: a)

-- | Any type that's bounded, enumerable and has a text representation, and
--   thus representable as a Selda enumerable.
--   While it would be more efficient to store enumerables as integers, this
--   makes hand-rolled SQL touching the values inscrutable, and will break if
--   the user a) derives Enum and b) changes the order of their constructors.
--   Long-term, this should be implemented in PostgreSQL as a proper enum
--   anyway, which mostly renders the performance argument moot.
class (Typeable a, Bounded a, Enum a) => SqlEnum a where
  toText :: a -> Text
  fromText :: Text -> a

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
    (Typeable a, Bounded a, Enum a, Show a, Read a) => SqlEnum a where
  toText = pack . show
  fromText = read . unpack

-- | An SQL literal.
data Lit a where
  LText     :: !Text       -> Lit Text
  LInt      :: !Int        -> Lit Int
  LDouble   :: !Double     -> Lit Double
  LBool     :: !Bool       -> Lit Bool
  LDateTime :: !UTCTime    -> Lit UTCTime
  LDate     :: !Day        -> Lit Day
  LTime     :: !TimeOfDay  -> Lit TimeOfDay
  LJust     :: SqlType a => !(Lit a) -> Lit (Maybe a)
  LBlob     :: !ByteString -> Lit ByteString
  LNull     :: SqlType a => Lit (Maybe a)
  LCustom   :: SqlTypeRep  -> Lit a -> Lit b
  LUUID     :: !UUID       -> Lit UUID

-- | The SQL type representation for the given literal.
litType :: Lit a -> SqlTypeRep
litType (LText{})     = TText
litType (LInt{})      = TInt
litType (LDouble{})   = TFloat
litType (LBool{})     = TBool
litType (LDateTime{}) = TDateTime
litType (LDate{})     = TDate
litType (LTime{})     = TTime
litType (LJust x)     = litType x
litType (LBlob{})     = TBlob
litType (x@LNull)     = sqlType (proxyFor x)
    proxyFor :: Lit (Maybe a) -> Proxy a
    proxyFor _ = Proxy
litType (LCustom t _) = t
litType (LUUID{})     = TUUID

instance Eq (Lit a) where
  a == b = compLit a b == EQ

instance Ord (Lit a) where
  compare = compLit

-- | Constructor tag for all literals. Used for Ord instance.
litConTag :: Lit a -> Int
litConTag (LText{})     = 0
litConTag (LInt{})      = 1
litConTag (LDouble{})   = 2
litConTag (LBool{})     = 3
litConTag (LDateTime{}) = 4
litConTag (LDate{})     = 5
litConTag (LTime{})     = 6
litConTag (LJust{})     = 7
litConTag (LBlob{})     = 8
litConTag (LNull)       = 9
litConTag (LCustom{})   = 10
litConTag (LUUID{})     = 11

-- | Compare two literals of different type for equality.
compLit :: Lit a -> Lit b -> Ordering
compLit (LText x)     (LText x')     = x `compare` x'
compLit (LInt x)      (LInt x')      = x `compare` x'
compLit (LDouble x)   (LDouble x')   = x `compare` x'
compLit (LBool x)     (LBool x')     = x `compare` x'
compLit (LDateTime x) (LDateTime x') = x `compare` x'
compLit (LDate x)     (LDate x')     = x `compare` x'
compLit (LTime x)     (LTime x')     = x `compare` x'
compLit (LBlob x)     (LBlob x')     = x `compare` x'
compLit (LJust x)     (LJust x')     = x `compLit` x'
compLit (LCustom _ x) (LCustom _ x') = x `compLit` x'
compLit (LUUID x)     (LUUID x')     = x `compare` x'
compLit a             b              = litConTag a `compare` litConTag b

-- | Some value that is representable in SQL.
data SqlValue where
  SqlInt     :: !Int        -> SqlValue
  SqlFloat   :: !Double     -> SqlValue
  SqlString  :: !Text       -> SqlValue
  SqlBool    :: !Bool       -> SqlValue
  SqlBlob    :: !ByteString -> SqlValue
  SqlUTCTime :: !UTCTime    -> SqlValue
  SqlTime    :: !TimeOfDay  -> SqlValue
  SqlDate    :: !Day        -> SqlValue
  SqlNull    :: SqlValue

instance Show SqlValue where
  show (SqlInt n)     = "SqlInt " ++ show n
  show (SqlFloat f)   = "SqlFloat " ++ show f
  show (SqlString s)  = "SqlString " ++ show s
  show (SqlBool b)    = "SqlBool " ++ show b
  show (SqlBlob b)    = "SqlBlob " ++ show b
  show (SqlUTCTime t) = "SqlUTCTime " ++ show t
  show (SqlTime t)    = "SqlTime " ++ show t
  show (SqlDate d)    = "SqlDate " ++ show d
  show (SqlNull)      = "SqlNull"

instance Show (Lit a) where
  show (LText s)     = show s
  show (LInt i)      = show i
  show (LDouble d)   = show d
  show (LBool b)     = show b
  show (LDateTime s) = show s
  show (LDate s)     = show s
  show (LTime s)     = show s
  show (LBlob b)     = show b
  show (LJust x)     = "Just " ++ show x
  show (LNull)       = "Nothing"
  show (LCustom _ l) = show l
  show (LUUID u)     = toString u

-- | A row identifier for some table.
--   This is the type of auto-incrementing primary keys.
newtype RowID = RowID Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance Show RowID where
  show (RowID n) = show n

-- | A row identifier which is guaranteed to not match any row in any table.
invalidRowId :: RowID
invalidRowId = RowID (-1)

-- | Is the given row identifier invalid? I.e. is it guaranteed to not match any
--   row in any table?
isInvalidRowId :: RowID -> Bool
isInvalidRowId (RowID n) = n < 0

-- | Create a row identifier from an integer.
--   Use with caution, preferably only when reading user input.
toRowId :: Int -> RowID
toRowId = RowID

-- | Inspect a row identifier.
fromRowId :: RowID -> Int
fromRowId (RowID n) = n

-- | A typed row identifier.
--   Generic tables should use this instead of 'RowID'.
--   Use 'untyped' to erase the type of a row identifier, and @cast@ from the
--   "Database.Selda.Unsafe" module if you for some reason need to add a type
--   to a row identifier.
newtype ID a = ID {untyped :: RowID}
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance Show (ID a) where
  show = show . untyped

-- | Create a typed row identifier from an integer.
--   Use with caution, preferably only when reading user input.
toId :: Int -> ID a
toId = ID . toRowId

-- | Create a typed row identifier from an integer.
--   Use with caution, preferably only when reading user input.
fromId :: ID a -> Int
fromId (ID i) = fromRowId i

-- | A typed row identifier which is guaranteed to not match any row in any
--   table.
invalidId :: ID a
invalidId = ID invalidRowId

-- | Is the given typed row identifier invalid? I.e. is it guaranteed to not
--   match any row in any table?
isInvalidId :: ID a -> Bool
isInvalidId = isInvalidRowId . untyped

instance SqlType RowID where
  mkLit (RowID n) = LCustom TRowID (LInt n)
  sqlType _ = TRowID
  fromSql (SqlInt x) = RowID x
  fromSql v          = error $ "fromSql: RowID column with non-int value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = mkLit invalidRowId

instance Typeable a => SqlType (ID a) where
  mkLit (ID n) = LCustom TRowID (mkLit n)
  sqlType _ = TRowID
  fromSql = ID . fromSql
  defaultValue = mkLit (ID invalidRowId)

instance SqlType Int where
  mkLit = LInt
  sqlType _ = TInt
  fromSql (SqlInt x) = x
  fromSql v          = error $ "fromSql: int column with non-int value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LInt 0

instance SqlType Double where
  mkLit = LDouble
  sqlType _ = TFloat
  fromSql (SqlFloat x) = x
  fromSql v            = error $ "fromSql: float column with non-float value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LDouble 0

instance SqlType Text where
  mkLit = LText
  sqlType _ = TText
  fromSql (SqlString x) = x
  fromSql v             = error $ "fromSql: text column with non-text value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LText ""

instance SqlType Bool where
  mkLit = LBool
  sqlType _ = TBool
  fromSql (SqlBool x) = x
  fromSql (SqlInt 0)  = False
  fromSql (SqlInt _)  = True
  fromSql v           = error $ "fromSql: bool column with non-bool value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LBool False

instance SqlType UTCTime where
  mkLit = LDateTime
  sqlType _ = TDateTime
  fromSql (SqlUTCTime t) = t
  fromSql (SqlString s) =
    case withWeirdTimeZone sqlDateTimeFormat (unpack s) of
      Just t -> t
      _      -> error $ "fromSql: bad datetime string: " ++ unpack s
  fromSql v = error $ "fromSql: datetime column with non-datetime value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LDateTime $ UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 40587) 0

instance SqlType Day where
  mkLit = LDate
  sqlType _ = TDate
  fromSql (SqlDate d) = d
  fromSql (SqlString s) =
    case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale sqlDateFormat (unpack s) of
      Just t -> t
      _      -> error $ "fromSql: bad date string: " ++ unpack s
  fromSql v = error $ "fromSql: date column with non-date value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LDate $ ModifiedJulianDay 40587

instance SqlType TimeOfDay where
  mkLit = LTime
  sqlType _ = TTime
  fromSql (SqlTime s) = s
  fromSql (SqlString s) =
    case withWeirdTimeZone sqlTimeFormat (unpack s) of
      Just t -> t
      _      -> error $ "fromSql: bad time string: " ++ unpack s
  fromSql v = error $ "fromSql: time column with non-time value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LTime $ TimeOfDay 0 0 0

-- | Both PostgreSQL and SQLite to weird things with time zones.
--   Long term solution is to use proper binary types internally for
--   time values, so this is really just an interim solution.
withWeirdTimeZone :: ParseTime t => String -> String -> Maybe t
withWeirdTimeZone fmt s =
  parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale fmt (s++"00")
  <|> parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale fmt s
  <|> parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale fmt (s++"+0000")

instance SqlType ByteString where
  mkLit = LBlob
  sqlType _ = TBlob
  fromSql (SqlBlob x) = x
  fromSql v           = error $ "fromSql: blob column with non-blob value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LBlob empty

instance SqlType BSL.ByteString where
  mkLit = LCustom TBlob . LBlob . BSL.toStrict
  sqlType _ = TBlob
  fromSql (SqlBlob x) = BSL.fromStrict x
  fromSql v           = error $ "fromSql: blob column with non-blob value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LCustom TBlob (LBlob empty)

-- | @defaultValue@ for UUIDs is the all-zero RFC4122 nil UUID.
instance SqlType UUID where
  mkLit = LUUID
  sqlType _ = TUUID
  fromSql (SqlBlob x) = fromJust . fromByteString $ BSL.fromStrict x
  fromSql v           = error $ "fromSql: UUID column with non-blob value: " ++ show v
  defaultValue = LUUID nil

instance SqlType a => SqlType (Maybe a) where
  mkLit (Just x) = LJust $ mkLit x
  mkLit Nothing  = LNull
  sqlType _ = sqlType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
  fromSql (SqlNull) = Nothing
  fromSql x         = Just $ fromSql x
  defaultValue = LNull

instance SqlType Ordering