{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Building and executing prepared statements.
module Database.Selda.Prepared (Preparable, Prepare, prepared) where
import Database.Selda.Backend.Internal
import Database.Selda.Column
import Database.Selda.Compile
import Database.Selda.Query.Type
import Database.Selda.SQL (param, paramType)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Data.IORef
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import System.IO.Unsafe

data Placeholder = Placeholder Int
  deriving Show
instance Exception Placeholder

-- | Index of first argument parameter to a query.
firstParamIx :: Int
firstParamIx = 0

-- | Result type of a monadic computation.
type family ResultT f where
  ResultT (a -> b) = ResultT b
  ResultT (m a)    = a

type family Equiv q f where
  Equiv (Col s a -> q) (a -> f) = Equiv q f
  Equiv (Query s a)    (m [b])  = (Res a ~ b, Backend m ~ s)

type CompResult = (Text, [Either Int Param], [SqlTypeRep])

class Preparable q where
  -- | Prepare the query and parameter list.
  mkQuery :: MonadSelda m
          => Int -- ^ Next argument index.
          -> q   -- ^ The query.
          -> [SqlTypeRep] -- ^ The list of param types so far.
          -> m CompResult

-- | Some parameterized query @q@ that can be prepared into a function @f@
--   in some @MonadSelda@.
class Prepare q f where
  -- | Build the function that prepares and execute the query.
  mkFun :: Preparable q
        => IORef (Maybe (BackendID, CompResult))
        -> StmtID
        -> q
        -> [Param]
        -> f

instance (SqlType a, Prepare q b) => Prepare q (a -> b) where
  mkFun ref sid qry ps x = mkFun ref sid qry (param x : ps)

instance (Typeable a, MonadSelda m, a ~ Res (ResultT q), Result (ResultT q)) =>
         Prepare q (m [a]) where
  -- This function uses read/writeIORef instead of atomicModifyIORef.
  -- For once, this is actually safe: the IORef points to a single compiled
  -- statement, so the only consequence of a race between the read and the write
  -- is that the statement gets compiled (note: NOT prepared) twice.
  mkFun ref (StmtID sid) qry arguments = withConnection $ \conn -> do
    let backend = connBackend conn
        args = reverse arguments
    stmts <- liftIO $ readIORef (connStmts conn)
    case M.lookup sid stmts of
      Just stm -> do
        -- Statement already prepared for this connection; just execute it.
        liftIO $ runQuery conn stm args
      _ -> do
        -- Statement wasn't prepared for this connection; check if it was at
        -- least previously compiled for this backend.
        compiled <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
        (q, params, reps) <- case compiled of
          Just (bid, comp) | bid == backendId backend -> do
            return comp
          _ -> do
            comp <- mkQuery firstParamIx qry []
            liftIO $ writeIORef ref (Just (backendId backend, comp))
            return comp

        -- Prepare and execute
        liftIO $ mask $ \restore -> do
          hdl <- prepareStmt backend (StmtID sid) reps q
          let stm = SeldaStmt
                { stmtHandle = hdl
                , stmtParams = params
                , stmtText = q
          atomicModifyIORef' (connStmts conn) $ \m -> (M.insert sid stm m, ())
          restore $ runQuery conn stm args
      runQuery conn stm args = do
        let ps = replaceParams (stmtParams stm) args
            hdl = stmtHandle stm
        res <- runPrepared (connBackend conn) hdl ps
        return $ map (buildResult (Proxy :: Proxy (ResultT q))) (snd res)

instance (SqlType a, Preparable b) => Preparable (Col s a -> b) where
  mkQuery n f ts = mkQuery (n+1) (f x) (t : ts)
      t = sqlType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
      x = One $ Lit $ LCustom t (throw (Placeholder n) :: Lit a)

instance Result a => Preparable (Query s a) where
  mkQuery _ q types = withBackend $ \b -> do
    case compileWith (ppConfig b) q of
      (q', ps) -> do
        (ps', types') <- liftIO $ inspectParams (reverse types) ps
        return (q', ps', types')

-- | Create a prepared Selda function. A prepared function has zero or more
--   arguments, and will get compiled into a prepared statement by the first
--   backend to execute it. Any subsequent calls to the function for the duration
--   of the connection to the database will reuse the prepared statement.
--   Preparable functions are of the form
--   @(SqlType a, SqlType b, ...) => Col s a -> Col s b -> ... -> Query s r@.
--   The resulting prepared function will be of the form
--   @MonadSelda m => a -> b -> ... -> m [Res r]@.
--   Note, however, that when using @prepared@, you must give a concrete type
--   for @m@ due to how Haskell's type class resolution works.
--   Prepared functions rely on memoization for just-in-time preparation and
--   caching. This means that if GHC accidentally inlines your prepared function,
--   it may get prepared twice.
--   While this does not affect the correctness of your program, and is
--   fairly unlikely to happen, if you want to be absolutely sure that your
--   queries aren't re-prepared more than absolutely necessary,
--   consider adding a @NOINLINE@ annotation to each prepared function.
--   Note that when using a constrained backend type variable (i.e.
--   @foo :: Bar b => SeldaM b [Int]@), optimizations must be enabled for
--   prepared statements to be effective.
--   A usage example:
-- > persons :: Table (Text, Int)
-- > (persons, name :*: age) = tableWithSelectors "ages" [name :- primary]
-- >
-- > {-# NOINLINE ageOf #-}
-- > ageOf :: Text -> SeldaM [Int]
-- > ageOf = prepared $ \n -> do
-- >   person <- select ages
-- >   restrict $ (person!name .== n)
-- >   return age
{-# NOINLINE prepared #-}
prepared :: (Preparable q, Prepare q f, Equiv q f) => q -> f
prepared q = unsafePerformIO $ do
  ref <- newIORef Nothing
  sid <- freshStmtId
  return $ mkFun ref sid q []

-- | Replace every indexed parameter with the corresponding provided parameter.
--   Keep all non-indexed parameters in place.
replaceParams :: [Either Int Param] -> [Param] -> [Param]
replaceParams params = map fromRight . go firstParamIx params
    go n ps (x:xs) = go (n+1) (map (subst n x) ps) xs
    go _ ps _      = ps

    subst n x (Left n') | n == n' = Right x
    subst _ _ old                 = old

    fromRight (Right x) = x
    fromRight _         = error "BUG: query parameter not substituted!"

-- | Inspect a list of parameters, denoting each parameter with either a
--   placeholder index or a literal parameter.
inspectParams :: [SqlTypeRep] -> [Param] -> IO ([Either Int Param], [SqlTypeRep])
inspectParams ts (x:xs) = do
  res <- try $ pure $! forceParam x
  let (x', t) = case res of
        Right p               -> (Right p, paramType p)
        Left (Placeholder ix) -> (Left ix, ts !! ix)
  (xs', ts') <- inspectParams ts xs
  return (x' : xs', t : ts')
inspectParams _ [] = do
  return ([], [])

-- | Force a parameter deep enough to determine whether it is a placeholder.
forceParam :: Param -> Param
forceParam p@(Param (LCustom _ x)) | x `seq` True = p
forceParam p                                      = p