{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SequenceFormats.Pileup (readPileupFromStdIn, readPileupFromFile, PileupRow(..), Strand(..)) where

import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Pipes (Producer)
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB
import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe)

import SequenceFormats.Utils (Chrom(..), word, readFileProd, consumeProducer)

-- |A datatype to represent the strand orientation of a single base.
data Strand = ForwardStrand | ReverseStrand deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |A datatype to represent a single pileup row for multiple individuals.
-- The constructor arguments are: Chromosome, Position, Refererence Allelele,
-- Pileup String per individual
data PileupRow = PileupRow {
    pileupChrom :: Chrom, -- ^The chromosome
    pileupPos :: Int, -- ^The position
    pileupRef :: Char, -- ^The reference base
    pileupBases :: [String], -- ^The base string
    pileupStrandInfo :: [[Strand]]
 } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Read a pileup-formatted file from StdIn, for reading from an
-- external command `samtools mpileup`.
readPileupFromStdIn :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Producer PileupRow m ()
readPileupFromStdIn = consumeProducer pileupParser PB.stdin

-- |Read pileup from a file.
readPileupFromFile :: (MonadSafe m) => FilePath -> Producer PileupRow m ()
readPileupFromFile = consumeProducer pileupParser . readFileProd

pileupParser :: A.Parser PileupRow
pileupParser = do
    chrom <- word
    _ <- A.space
    pos <- A.decimal
    _ <- A.space
    refA <- A.satisfy (A.inClass "ACTGNactgnM")
     -- for some reason, there is an M in the human reference at
     -- position 3:60830534 (both in hs37d5 and in hg19)
    _ <- A.space
    baseAndStrandEntries <- parsePileupPerSample refA `A.sepBy1`
        A.satisfy (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t')
    let baseStrings = map fst baseAndStrandEntries
        strandInfoStrings = map snd baseAndStrandEntries
    let ret = PileupRow (Chrom $ B.unpack chrom) pos refA baseStrings strandInfoStrings
    --trace (show ret) $ return ret
    return ret
    parsePileupPerSample refA =
        processPileupEntry refA <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> (B.unpack <$> word) <*
            A.space <* word

processPileupEntry :: Char -> Int -> String -> (String, [Strand])
processPileupEntry refA cov readBaseString =
    if cov == 0 then ("", []) else
        let res = go readBaseString
        in  (map fst res, map snd res)
    go (x:xs)
        | x == '.' = (refA, ForwardStrand) : go xs
        | x == ',' = (refA, ReverseStrand) : go xs
        | x `elem` ("ACTGN" :: String) = (x, ForwardStrand) : go xs
        | x `elem` ("actgn" :: String) = (toUpper x, ReverseStrand) : go xs
        | x `elem` ("$*" :: String) = go xs
        | x == '^' = go (drop 1 xs)
        | (x == '+' || x == '-') =
            let [(num, rest)] = reads xs in go (drop num rest)
        | otherwise = error $ "cannot parse read base string: " ++ (x:xs)
    go [] = []