{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.Class where

import Servant.Auth
import Data.Monoid
import Servant hiding (BasicAuth)

import Servant.Auth.JWT
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.Types
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.ConfigTypes
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.BasicAuth
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.Cookie
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.JWT (jwtAuthCheck)

-- | @IsAuth a ctx v@ indicates that @a@ is an auth type that expects all
-- elements of @ctx@ to be the in the Context and whose authentication check
-- returns an @AuthCheck v@.
class IsAuth a v  where
  type family AuthArgs a :: [*]
  runAuth :: proxy a -> proxy v -> Unapp (AuthArgs a) (AuthCheck v)

instance FromJWT usr => IsAuth Cookie usr where
  type AuthArgs Cookie = '[CookieSettings, JWTSettings]
  runAuth _ _ = cookieAuthCheck

instance FromJWT usr => IsAuth JWT usr where
  type AuthArgs JWT = '[JWTSettings]
  runAuth _ _ = jwtAuthCheck

instance FromBasicAuthData usr => IsAuth BasicAuth usr where
  type AuthArgs BasicAuth = '[BasicAuthCfg]
  runAuth _ _ = basicAuthCheck

-- * Helper

class AreAuths (as :: [*]) (ctxs :: [*]) v where
  runAuths :: proxy as -> Context ctxs -> AuthCheck v

instance  AreAuths '[] ctxs v where
  runAuths _ _ = mempty

instance ( AuthCheck v ~ App (AuthArgs a) (Unapp (AuthArgs a) (AuthCheck v))
         , IsAuth a v
         , AreAuths as ctxs v
         , AppCtx ctxs (AuthArgs a) (Unapp (AuthArgs a) (AuthCheck v))
         ) => AreAuths (a ': as) ctxs v where
  runAuths _ ctxs = go <> runAuths (Proxy :: Proxy as) ctxs
      go = appCtx (Proxy :: Proxy (AuthArgs a))
                  (runAuth (Proxy :: Proxy a) (Proxy :: Proxy v))

type family Unapp ls res where
  Unapp '[] res = res
  Unapp (arg1 ': rest) res = arg1 -> Unapp rest res

type family App ls res where
  App '[] res = res
  App (arg1 ': rest) (arg1 -> res) = App rest res

-- | @AppCtx@ applies the function @res@ to the arguments in @ls@ by taking the
-- values from the Context provided.
class AppCtx ctx ls res where
  appCtx :: proxy ls -> Context ctx -> res -> App ls res

instance ( HasContextEntry ctxs ctx
         , AppCtx ctxs rest res
         ) => AppCtx ctxs (ctx ': rest) (ctx -> res) where
  appCtx _ ctx fn = appCtx (Proxy :: Proxy rest) ctx $ fn $ getContextEntry ctx

instance AppCtx ctx '[] res where
  appCtx _ _ r = r