servant-cli- Command line interface for Servant API clients

Copyright(c) Justin Le 2019
Safe HaskellNone




Main module providing underlying functionality for the command line interface parser for servant API clients.

For the most part, you can ignore this module unless you're adding new API combinators.



class HasCLI m api ctx where Source #

Typeclass defining how each API combinator influences how a server can be interacted with using command line options.

Note that query parameters and captures all require servant-docs annotation instances, to allow for proper help messages.

Unless you are adding new combinators to be used with APIs, you can ignore this class.

Associated Types

type CLIResult (m :: Type -> Type) (api :: Type) :: Type Source #

The parsed type of the client request response. Usually this will be a bunch of nested Eithers for every API endpoint, nested according to the :<|>s in the API.

type CLIHandler (m :: Type -> Type) (api :: Type) (r :: Type) :: Type Source #

The type of a data structure to conveniently handle the results of all pontential endpoints. This is useful because it is often tedious to handle the bunch of nested Eithers that CLIResult has.

It essentially lets you specify how to sort each potential endpoint's response into a single output value.

Usually this will be a bunch of nested :<|>s which handle each endpoint, according to the :<|>s in the API. It mirrors the structure of Client and ServerT.

Used with functions like parseHandleClient.


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m api)) Source #

Create a structure for a command line parser, which parses how to modify a Request and perform an action, given an API and underlying monad. Only meant for internal use; should be used through cliPStructWithContext instead.

Takes a Rec of actions to generate required items that cannot be passed via the command line (like authentication). Pass in RNil if no parameters are expected. The actions will only be run if they are needed.

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m api r -> CLIResult m api -> r Source #

Handle all the possibilities in a CLIResult, by giving the appropriate CLIHandler.

RunClient m => HasCLI m Raw ctx Source #

Asks for method as a command line argument. If any Verb exists at the same endpoint, it can only be accessed as an extra RAW subcommand (as if it had an extra path component labeled RAW).

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m Raw :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m Raw r :: Type Source #

HasCLI m EmptyAPI ctx Source #

EmptyAPI will always fail to parse.

The branch ending in EmptyAPI will never be return, so if this is combined using :<|>, the branch will never end up on the side of EmptyAPI.

One can use absurd to handle this branch as a part of CLIHandler.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m EmptyAPI :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m EmptyAPI r :: Type Source #

(HasCLI m a ctx, HasCLI m b ctx, Functor m) => HasCLI m (a :<|> b) ctx Source #

Using alternation with :<|> provides an Either between the two results.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (a :<|> b) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (a :<|> b) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (a :<|> b) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (a :<|> b))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (a :<|> b) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (a :<|> b) r -> CLIResult m (a :<|> b) -> r Source #

(ToAuthInfo (BasicAuth realm usr), HasCLI m api ctx, BasicAuth realm usr ctx, Monad m) => HasCLI m (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) ctx Source #

Add GenBasicAuthData to the required context, meaning it must be provided to allow the client to generate authentication data. The action will only be run if the user selects this endpoint via command line arguments.

Please use a secure connection!

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (BasicAuth realm usr :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) r -> CLIResult m (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> r Source #

(HasCLI m api ctx, AuthProtect tag ctx, Monad m) => HasCLI m (AuthProtect tag :> api) ctx Source #

Add GenAuthReq to the required context, meaning it must be provided to allow the client to generate authentication data. The action will only be run if the user selects this endpoint via command line arguments.

Please use a secure connection!

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (AuthProtect tag :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (AuthProtect tag :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (AuthProtect tag :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (AuthProtect tag :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (AuthProtect tag :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (AuthProtect tag :> api) r -> CLIResult m (AuthProtect tag :> api) -> r Source #

(NamedContext m name subctx ctx, HasCLI m subapi subctx) => HasCLI m (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) ctx Source #

Descend down a subcontext indexed by a given name. Must be provided when parsing within the context.

Useful for when you have multiple items with the same name within a context; this essentially creates a namespace for context items.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) r -> CLIResult m (WithNamedContext name subctx subapi) -> r Source #

HasCLI m api ctx => HasCLI m (IsSecure :> api) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (IsSecure :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (IsSecure :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (IsSecure :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (IsSecure :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (IsSecure :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (IsSecure :> api) r -> CLIResult m (IsSecure :> api) -> r Source #

HasCLI m api ctx => HasCLI m (RemoteHost :> api) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (RemoteHost :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (RemoteHost :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (RemoteHost :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (RemoteHost :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (RemoteHost :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (RemoteHost :> api) r -> CLIResult m (RemoteHost :> api) -> r Source #

HasCLI m api ctx => HasCLI m (Vault :> api) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Vault :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Vault :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Vault :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Vault :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Vault :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Vault :> api) r -> CLIResult m (Vault :> api) -> r Source #

(KnownSymbol desc, HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (Description desc :> api) ctx Source #

Description is displayed during --help when it is reached while navigating down subcommands.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Description desc :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Description desc :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Description desc :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Description desc :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Description desc :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Description desc :> api) r -> CLIResult m (Description desc :> api) -> r Source #

(KnownSymbol desc, HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (Summary desc :> api) ctx Source #

Summary is displayed during --help when it is reached while navigating down subcommands.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Summary desc :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Summary desc :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Summary desc :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Summary desc :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Summary desc :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Summary desc :> api) r -> CLIResult m (Summary desc :> api) -> r Source #

HasCLI m api ctx => HasCLI m (HttpVersion :> api) ctx Source #

Using HttpVersion has no affect on CLI operations.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (HttpVersion :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (HttpVersion :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (HttpVersion :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (HttpVersion :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (HttpVersion :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (HttpVersion :> api) r -> CLIResult m (HttpVersion :> api) -> r Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, ToHttpApiData a, SBoolI (FoldRequired' False mods), Typeable a, HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (Header' mods sym a :> api) ctx Source #

A Header' in the middle of a path is interpreted as a command line argument, prefixed with "header". For example, Header "foo" Int is an option for --header-foo.

Like for QueryParam', arguments are associated with the action at their endpoint. After entering all path components and positional arguments, the parser library will begin asking for arguments.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Header' mods sym a :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Header' mods sym a :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Header' mods sym a :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Header' mods sym a :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Header' mods sym a :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Header' mods sym a :> api) r -> CLIResult m (Header' mods sym a :> api) -> r Source #

(ToSourceIO chunk a, MimeRender ctype chunk, FramingRender framing, StreamBody' mods framing ctype a ctx, HasCLI m api ctx, Monad m) => HasCLI m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) ctx Source #

As a part of ctx, asks for a streaming source a.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) r -> CLIResult m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> r Source #

(MimeRender ct a, ParseBody a, HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) ctx Source #

Request body requirements are interpreted using ParseBody.

Note if more than one ReqBody is in an API endpoint, both parsers will be "run", but only the final one will be used. This shouldn't be an issue, since multiple ReqBodys in a single endpoint should be undefined behavior.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) r -> CLIResult m (ReqBody' mods (ct ': cts) a :> api) -> r Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, ToParam (QueryFlag sym), HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (QueryFlag sym :> api) ctx Source #

Query flags are interpreted as command line flags/switches.

QueryFlag arguments are associated with the action at their endpoint. After entering all path components and positional arguments, the parser library will begin asking for arguments.

Note that these require ToParam instances from servant-docs, to provide appropriate help messages.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (QueryFlag sym :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (QueryFlag sym :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (QueryFlag sym :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (QueryFlag sym :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (QueryFlag sym :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (QueryFlag sym :> api) r -> CLIResult m (QueryFlag sym :> api) -> r Source #

(KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, ToHttpApiData a, SBoolI (FoldRequired' False mods), Typeable a, ToParam (QueryParam' mods sym a), HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) ctx Source #

Query parameters are interpreted as command line options.

QueryParam' arguments are associated with the action at their endpoint. After entering all path components and positional arguments, the parser library will begin asking for arguments.

Note that these require ToParam instances from servant-docs, to provide appropriate help messages.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) r -> CLIResult m (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> r Source #

(FromHttpApiData a, ToHttpApiData a, Typeable a, ToCapture (CaptureAll sym a), HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (CaptureAll sym a :> api) ctx Source #

A CaptureAll is interpreted as arbitrarily many command line arguments. If there is more than one final endpoint method, the method must be given as a command line option before beginning the arguments.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (CaptureAll sym a :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (CaptureAll sym a :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (CaptureAll sym a :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (CaptureAll sym a :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (CaptureAll sym a :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (CaptureAll sym a :> api) r -> CLIResult m (CaptureAll sym a :> api) -> r Source #

(FromHttpApiData a, ToHttpApiData a, Typeable a, ToCapture (Capture sym a), HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (Capture' mods sym a :> api) ctx Source #

A Capture is interpreted as a positional required command line argument.

Note that these require ToCapture instances from servant-docs, to provide appropriate help messages.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Capture' mods sym a :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Capture' mods sym a :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Capture' mods sym a :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Capture' mods sym a :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Capture' mods sym a :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Capture' mods sym a :> api) r -> CLIResult m (Capture' mods sym a :> api) -> r Source #

(KnownSymbol path, HasCLI m api ctx) => HasCLI m (path :> api) ctx Source #

A path component is interpreted as a "subcommand".

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (path :> api) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (path :> api) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (path :> api) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (path :> api))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (path :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (path :> api) r -> CLIResult m (path :> api) -> r Source #

(HasClient m (Verb method status cts' a), ReflectMethod method) => HasCLI m (Verb method status cts' a) ctx Source #

Final actions are the result of specifying all necessary command line positional arguments.

All command line options are associated with the final action at the end of their endpoint/path. They cannot be entered in "before" you arrive at your final endpoint.

If more than one action (under a different method) exists under the same endpoint/path, the method (GET, POST, etc.) will be treated as an extra final command. After that, you may begin entering in options.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Verb method status cts' a) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Verb method status cts' a) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Verb method status cts' a) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Verb method status cts' a))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Verb method status cts' a) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Verb method status cts' a) r -> CLIResult m (Verb method status cts' a) -> r Source #

(RunStreamingClient m, MimeUnrender ct chunk, ReflectMethod method, FramingUnrender framing, FromSourceIO chunk a) => HasCLI m (Stream method status framing ct a) ctx Source #

Same semantics in parsing command line options as Verb.

Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

Associated Types

type CLIResult m (Stream method status framing ct a) :: Type Source #

type CLIHandler m (Stream method status framing ct a) r :: Type Source #


cliPStructWithContext_ :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Stream method status framing ct a) -> Rec (ContextFor m) ctx -> PStruct (Request -> m (CLIResult m (Stream method status framing ct a))) Source #

cliHandler :: Proxy m -> Proxy (Stream method status framing ct a) -> Proxy ctx -> CLIHandler m (Stream method status framing ct a) r -> CLIResult m (Stream method status framing ct a) -> r Source #


data family ContextFor (m :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type Source #

Data family associating API combinators with contexts required to run them. These typically will be actions in m that fetch/generate the required data, and will only be "run" if the user selects an endpoint that requires it through the command line interface.

data ContextFor m (BasicAuth realm usr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

data ContextFor m (AuthProtect tag) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

data ContextFor m (NamedContext m name subContext) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

data ContextFor m (NamedContext m name subContext) = NC (NamedContext m name subContext)
data ContextFor m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

data ContextFor m (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a) = GenStreamBody {}

newtype NamedContext m (name :: Symbol) (subContext :: [Type]) Source #

Contains a subcontext that can be descended down into using NamedContext. Mirrors NamedContext.

Useful for when you have multiple items with the same name within a context; this essentially creates a namespace for context items.


NamedContext (Rec (ContextFor m) subContext) 
data ContextFor m (NamedContext m name subContext) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.CLI.HasCLI

data ContextFor m (NamedContext m name subContext) = NC (NamedContext m name subContext)

descendIntoNamedContext :: forall (name :: Symbol) context subContext m. NamedContext m name subContext context => Proxy name -> Rec (ContextFor m) context -> Rec (ContextFor m) subContext Source #

Allows you to access NamedContexts inside a context.