servant-combinators-0.0.1: Extra servant combinators for full WAI functionality.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





data QueryString Source #

QueryString provides handlers access to the full query string from the WAI request, rather than pulling each element explicitly. This allows for dynamic query management, or to simply take in many queries in one argument.


import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Query, renderQuery)
import Servant
import ServantExtras.QueryString

type MyAPI = "my-cookie-enabled-endpoint"
           :> QueryString
           :> Get '[JSON] NoContent

myServer :: Server MyAPI
myServer = queryEndpointHandler
   queryEndpointHandler :: Query -> Handler NoContent
   queryEndpointHandler query = do
    liftIO $ print $ renderQuery True query
    let mCookieValue = lookup "merlinWasHere" query in
     case mCookieValue of
      Nothing -> do
        liftIO $ print "Merlin was *NOT* here!"
        throwError err400 { errBody = "Clearly you've missed something." }
      Just message -> do
        liftIO $ do
          print "Merlin WAS here, and he left us a message!"
          print message
        pure NoContent


Instances details
HasServer api ctx => HasServer (QueryString :> api :: Type) ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.API.QueryString

Associated Types

type ServerT (QueryString :> api) m #


route :: Proxy (QueryString :> api) -> Context ctx -> Delayed env (Server (QueryString :> api)) -> Router env #

hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (QueryString :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (QueryString :> api) m -> ServerT (QueryString :> api) n #

type ServerT (QueryString :> api :: Type) m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Servant.API.QueryString

type ServerT (QueryString :> api :: Type) m = Query -> ServerT api m