servant-py- Automatically derive python functions to query servant webservices.

Safe HaskellNone




data CommonGeneratorOptions Source #

This structure is used by specific implementations to let you customize the output




defCommonGeneratorOptions :: CommonGeneratorOptions Source #

Default options.

> defCommonGeneratorOptions = CommonGeneratorOptions
>   { functionNameBuilder = snakeCase
>   , requestBody = "body"
>   , urlPrefix = ""
>   , indentation = "    "  -- 4 spaces
>   , returnMode = DangerMode
>   }

type Indent = (" " :: Symbol) Source #

toValidFunctionName :: Text -> Text Source #

Attempts to reduce the function name provided to that allowed by Foreign.

For valid Python function identifiers see the following: valid start chars: Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Nl, the underscore valid continuation chars: valid start chars <> Mn, Mc, Nd, Pc

functionArguments :: forall f. Req f -> Text Source #

data a :<|> b :: * -> * -> * infixr 8 #

Union of two APIs, first takes precedence in case of overlap.


>>> :{
type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
       :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] () -- POST /books


a :<|> b infixr 8 


(HasForeign k lang ftype a, HasForeign k lang ftype b) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:<|>) a b) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:<|>) a b) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * (a :<|> b) -> Proxy * api -> Req (a :<|> b) -> Foreign (a :<|> b) api #

(GenerateList ftype start, GenerateList ftype rest) => GenerateList ftype ((:<|>) start rest) 


generateList :: (start :<|> rest) -> [Req ftype] #

Functor ((:<|>) a) 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (a :<|> a) -> a :<|> b #

(<$) :: a -> (a :<|> b) -> a :<|> a #

Foldable ((:<|>) a) 


fold :: Monoid m => (a :<|> m) -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (a :<|> a) -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (a :<|> a) -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (a :<|> a) -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> (a :<|> a) -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> (a :<|> a) -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a :<|> a) -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a :<|> a) -> a #

toList :: (a :<|> a) -> [a] #

null :: (a :<|> a) -> Bool #

length :: (a :<|> a) -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> (a :<|> a) -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => (a :<|> a) -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => (a :<|> a) -> a #

sum :: Num a => (a :<|> a) -> a #

product :: Num a => (a :<|> a) -> a #

Traversable ((:<|>) a) 


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (a :<|> a) -> f (a :<|> b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => (a :<|> f a) -> f (a :<|> a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (a :<|> a) -> m (a :<|> b) #

sequence :: Monad m => (a :<|> m a) -> m (a :<|> a) #

(Bounded b, Bounded a) => Bounded ((:<|>) a b) 


minBound :: a :<|> b #

maxBound :: a :<|> b #

(Eq b, Eq a) => Eq ((:<|>) a b) 


(==) :: (a :<|> b) -> (a :<|> b) -> Bool #

(/=) :: (a :<|> b) -> (a :<|> b) -> Bool #

(Show b, Show a) => Show ((:<|>) a b) 


showsPrec :: Int -> (a :<|> b) -> ShowS #

show :: (a :<|> b) -> String #

showList :: [a :<|> b] -> ShowS #

(Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup ((:<|>) a b) 


(<>) :: (a :<|> b) -> (a :<|> b) -> a :<|> b #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (a :<|> b) -> a :<|> b #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> (a :<|> b) -> a :<|> b #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid ((:<|>) a b) 


mempty :: a :<|> b #

mappend :: (a :<|> b) -> (a :<|> b) -> a :<|> b #

mconcat :: [a :<|> b] -> a :<|> b #

type Foreign ftype ((:<|>) a b) 
type Foreign ftype ((:<|>) a b) = (:<|>) (Foreign ftype a) (Foreign ftype b)

data (k :> k1) path a :: forall k k1. k1 -> k -> * infixr 9 #

The contained API (second argument) can be found under ("/" ++ path) (path being the first argument).


>>> -- GET /hello/world
>>> -- returning a JSON encoded World value
>>> type MyApi = "hello" :> "world" :> Get '[JSON] World


(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype [t], HasForeign k lang ftype sublayout) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype a, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype a, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParam k sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (QueryParam k sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (QueryParam k sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (QueryParam k sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (QueryParam k sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype [a], HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParams * sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (QueryParams * sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (QueryParams * sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (QueryParams * sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (QueryParams * sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype Bool, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (QueryFlag sym) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (QueryFlag sym) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (QueryFlag sym) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (QueryFlag sym) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (QueryFlag sym) api) api #

(Elem * JSON list, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype a, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol path, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * Symbol path api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * Symbol path api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> Symbol) path api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> Symbol) path api) -> Foreign ((* :> Symbol) path api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * RemoteHost api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * RemoteHost api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) RemoteHost api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) RemoteHost api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) RemoteHost api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype t, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (Capture k sym t) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (Capture k sym t) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (Capture k sym t) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (Capture k sym t) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (Capture k sym t) api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * IsSecure api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * IsSecure api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) IsSecure api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) IsSecure api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) IsSecure api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * Vault api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * Vault api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) Vault api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) Vault api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) Vault api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * HttpVersion api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * HttpVersion api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) HttpVersion api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) HttpVersion api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) HttpVersion api) api #

type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * HttpVersion api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * HttpVersion api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * Vault api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * Vault api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * IsSecure api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * IsSecure api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * RemoteHost api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * RemoteHost api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * Symbol path api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * Symbol path api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (QueryFlag sym) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (QueryFlag sym) api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParams * sym a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParams * sym a) api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParam k sym a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParam k sym a) api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) = Foreign ftype api
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) = Foreign ftype sublayout
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (Capture k sym a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (Capture k sym a) api) = Foreign ftype api

defReq :: Req ftype #

reqHeaders :: Functor f => ([HeaderArg f0] -> f [HeaderArg f0]) -> Req f0 -> f (Req f0) #

class HasForeign k lang ftype api where #

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type Foreign ftype api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy k lang -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy * api -> Req ftype -> Foreign ftype api #


HasForeign k lang ftype Raw 

Associated Types

type Foreign Raw api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * Raw -> Proxy * api -> Req Raw -> Foreign Raw api #

(HasForeign k lang ftype a, HasForeign k lang ftype b) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:<|>) a b) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:<|>) a b) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * (a :<|> b) -> Proxy * api -> Req (a :<|> b) -> Foreign (a :<|> b) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype (WithNamedContext name context api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign (WithNamedContext name context api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * (WithNamedContext name context api) -> Proxy * api -> Req (WithNamedContext name context api) -> Foreign (WithNamedContext name context api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype [t], HasForeign k lang ftype sublayout) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (CaptureAll * sym t) sublayout) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype a, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype a, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParam k sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (QueryParam k sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (QueryParam k sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (QueryParam k sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (QueryParam k sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype [a], HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (QueryParams * sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (QueryParams * sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (QueryParams * sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (QueryParams * sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (QueryParams * sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype Bool, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (QueryFlag sym) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (QueryFlag sym) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (QueryFlag sym) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (QueryFlag sym) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (QueryFlag sym) api) api #

(Elem * JSON list, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype a, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol path, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * Symbol path api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * Symbol path api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> Symbol) path api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> Symbol) path api) -> Foreign ((* :> Symbol) path api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * RemoteHost api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * RemoteHost api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) RemoteHost api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) RemoteHost api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) RemoteHost api) api #

(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype t, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (Capture k sym t) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (Capture k sym t) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (Capture k sym t) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (Capture k sym t) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (Capture k sym t) api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * IsSecure api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * IsSecure api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) IsSecure api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) IsSecure api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) IsSecure api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * Vault api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * Vault api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) Vault api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) Vault api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) Vault api) api #

HasForeign k lang ftype api => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * HttpVersion api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * HttpVersion api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) HttpVersion api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) HttpVersion api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) HttpVersion api) api #

(Elem * JSON list, HasForeignType k k2 lang ftype a, ReflectMethod k1 method) => HasForeign k2 lang ftype (Verb k k1 method status list a) 

Associated Types

type Foreign (Verb k k1 method status list a) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * (Verb k k1 method status list a) -> Proxy * api -> Req (Verb k k1 method status list a) -> Foreign (Verb k k1 method status list a) api #

class HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype a where #

HasForeignType maps Haskell types with types in the target language of your backend. For example, let's say you're implementing a backend to some language X, and you want a Text representation of each input/output type mentioned in the API:

-- First you need to create a dummy type to parametrize your
-- instances.
data LangX

-- Otherwise you define instances for the types you need
instance HasForeignType LangX Text Int where
   typeFor _ _ _ = "intX"

-- Or for example in case of lists
instance HasForeignType LangX Text a => HasForeignType LangX Text [a] where
   typeFor lang type _ = "listX of " <> typeFor lang ftype (Proxy :: Proxy a)

Finally to generate list of information about all the endpoints for an API you create a function of a form:

getEndpoints :: (HasForeign LangX Text api, GenerateList Text (Foreign Text api))
             => Proxy api -> [Req Text]
getEndpoints api = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy LangX) (Proxy :: Proxy Text) api
-- If language __X__ is dynamically typed then you can use
-- a predefined NoTypes parameter with the NoContent output type:
getEndpoints :: (HasForeign NoTypes NoContent api, GenerateList Text (Foreign NoContent api))
             => Proxy api -> [Req NoContent]
getEndpoints api = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy NoTypes) (Proxy :: Proxy NoContent) api

Minimal complete definition



typeFor :: Proxy k1 lang -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy k a -> ftype #


HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text a -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType k * NoTypes NoContent ftype 


typeFor :: Proxy NoContent ftype -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy NoTypes a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text Bool # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text Bool -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text Int # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text Int -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text ByteString # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text ByteString -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text ByteString # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text ByteString -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text String # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text String -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text Text # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text Text -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text JSON # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text JSON -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text NoContent # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text NoContent -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text a => HasForeignType * * Python Text [a] # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text [a] -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a => HasForeignType * * Python Text [Header a b] # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text [Header a b] -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType * * Python Text a => HasForeignType * * Python Text (Maybe a) # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text (Maybe a) -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a => HasForeignType * * Python Text (Headers ((:) * (Header a b) ([] *)) c) # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text (Headers ((* ': Header a b) [*]) c) -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType [*] * Python Text a => HasForeignType (* -> *) * Python Text (Headers a) # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text (Headers a) -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a => HasForeignType (* -> *) * Python Text (Header a) # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text (Header a) -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

class GenerateList ftype reqs where #

Utility class used by listFromAPI which computes the data needed to generate a function for each endpoint and hands it all back in a list.

Minimal complete definition



generateList :: reqs -> [Req ftype] #


GenerateList ftype (Req ftype) 


generateList :: Req ftype -> [Req ftype] #

(GenerateList ftype start, GenerateList ftype rest) => GenerateList ftype ((:<|>) start rest) 


generateList :: (start :<|> rest) -> [Req ftype] #

data NoTypes :: * #


HasForeignType k * NoTypes NoContent ftype 


typeFor :: Proxy NoContent ftype -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy NoTypes a -> ftype #

data ArgType :: * #




data HeaderArg f :: * -> * #






Eq f => Eq (HeaderArg f) 


(==) :: HeaderArg f -> HeaderArg f -> Bool #

(/=) :: HeaderArg f -> HeaderArg f -> Bool #

Show f => Show (HeaderArg f) 

data QueryArg f :: * -> * #




Eq f => Eq (QueryArg f) 


(==) :: QueryArg f -> QueryArg f -> Bool #

(/=) :: QueryArg f -> QueryArg f -> Bool #

Show f => Show (QueryArg f) 


showsPrec :: Int -> QueryArg f -> ShowS #

show :: QueryArg f -> String #

showList :: [QueryArg f] -> ShowS #

data Req f :: * -> * #


GenerateList ftype (Req ftype) 


generateList :: Req ftype -> [Req ftype] #

Eq f => Eq (Req f) 


(==) :: Req f -> Req f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Req f -> Req f -> Bool #

Show f => Show (Req f) 


showsPrec :: Int -> Req f -> ShowS #

show :: Req f -> String #

showList :: [Req f] -> ShowS #

newtype Segment f :: * -> * #





Eq f => Eq (Segment f) 


(==) :: Segment f -> Segment f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Segment f -> Segment f -> Bool #

Show f => Show (Segment f) 


showsPrec :: Int -> Segment f -> ShowS #

show :: Segment f -> String #

showList :: [Segment f] -> ShowS #

data SegmentType f :: * -> * #


Static PathSegment

a static path segment. like "/foo"

Cap (Arg f)

a capture. like "/:userid"


Eq f => Eq (SegmentType f) 
Show f => Show (SegmentType f) 

data Url f :: * -> * #





Eq f => Eq (Url f) 


(==) :: Url f -> Url f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Url f -> Url f -> Bool #

Show f => Show (Url f) 


showsPrec :: Int -> Url f -> ShowS #

show :: Url f -> String #

showList :: [Url f] -> ShowS #

type Path f = [Segment f] #

data Arg f :: * -> * #





Eq f => Eq (Arg f) 


(==) :: Arg f -> Arg f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Arg f -> Arg f -> Bool #

Show f => Show (Arg f) 


showsPrec :: Int -> Arg f -> ShowS #

show :: Arg f -> String #

showList :: [Arg f] -> ShowS #

concatCase :: FunctionName -> Text #

Function name builder that simply concat each part together

snakeCase :: FunctionName -> Text #

Function name builder using the snake_case convention. each part is separated by a single underscore character.

camelCase :: FunctionName -> Text #

Function name builder using the CamelCase convention. each part begins with an upper case character.

data ReqBody k contentTypes a :: forall k. [*] -> k -> * #

Extract the request body as a value of type a.


>>> -- POST /books
>>> type MyApi = "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book


(Elem * JSON list, HasForeignType k k1 lang ftype a, HasForeign k1 lang ftype api) => HasForeign k1 lang ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (ReqBody k list a) api) api #

type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (ReqBody k list a) api) = Foreign ftype api

data JSON :: * #


data FormUrlEncoded :: * #


Accept * FormUrlEncoded
ToForm a => MimeRender * FormUrlEncoded a

urlEncodeAsForm Note that the mimeUnrender p (mimeRender p x) == Right x law only holds if every element of x is non-null (i.e., not ("", ""))

FromForm a => MimeUnrender * FormUrlEncoded a

urlDecodeAsForm Note that the mimeUnrender p (mimeRender p x) == Right x law only holds if every element of x is non-null (i.e., not ("", ""))

type Post k = Verb k StdMethod POST 200 #

POST with 200 status code.

type Get k = Verb k StdMethod GET 200 #

GET with 200 status code.

data Raw :: * #

Endpoint for plugging in your own Wai Applications.

The given Application will get the request as received by the server, potentially with a modified (stripped) pathInfo if the Application is being routed with :>.

In addition to just letting you plug in your existing WAI Applications, this can also be used with serveDirectory to serve static files stored in a particular directory on your filesystem


HasForeign k lang ftype Raw 

Associated Types

type Foreign Raw api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * Raw -> Proxy * api -> Req Raw -> Foreign Raw api #

type Foreign ftype Raw 
type Foreign ftype Raw = Method -> Req ftype

data Header sym a :: Symbol -> * -> * #

Extract the given header's value as a value of type a.


>>> newtype Referer = Referer Text deriving (Eq, Show)
>>> -- GET /view-my-referer
>>> type MyApi = "view-my-referer" :> Header "from" Referer :> Get '[JSON] Referer


(KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType * k lang ftype a, HasForeign k lang ftype api) => HasForeign k lang ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) 

Associated Types

type Foreign ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) api :: * #


foreignFor :: Proxy lang ftype -> Proxy * ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) -> Proxy * api -> Req ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) -> Foreign ((* :> *) (Header sym a) api) api #

(KnownSymbol h, ToHttpApiData v) => AddHeader h v (Headers ((:) * fst rest) a) (Headers ((:) * (Header h v) ((:) * fst rest)) a) 


addOptionalHeader :: Header h v -> Headers ((* ': fst) rest) a -> Headers ((* ': Header h v) ((* ': fst) rest)) a

Functor (Header sym) 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Header sym a -> Header sym b #

(<$) :: a -> Header sym b -> Header sym a #

(KnownSymbol h, ToHttpApiData x, GetHeaders (HList xs)) => GetHeaders (HList ((:) * (Header h x) xs)) 


getHeaders :: HList ((* ': Header h x) xs) -> [Header] #

HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a => HasForeignType * * Python Text [Header a b] # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text [Header a b] -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a => HasForeignType * * Python Text (Headers ((:) * (Header a b) ([] *)) c) # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text (Headers ((* ': Header a b) [*]) c) -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

Eq a => Eq (Header sym a) 


(==) :: Header sym a -> Header sym a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Header sym a -> Header sym a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (Header sym a) 


showsPrec :: Int -> Header sym a -> ShowS #

show :: Header sym a -> String #

showList :: [Header sym a] -> ShowS #

(KnownSymbol h, GetHeaders (HList rest), ToHttpApiData v) => GetHeaders (Headers ((:) * (Header h v) rest) a) 


getHeaders :: Headers ((* ': Header h v) rest) a -> [Header] #

HasForeignType Symbol * Python Text a => HasForeignType (* -> *) * Python Text (Header a) # 


typeFor :: Proxy Text (Header a) -> Proxy * ftype -> Proxy Python a -> ftype #

(FromHttpApiData v, BuildHeadersTo xs, KnownSymbol h) => BuildHeadersTo ((:) * (Header h v) xs) 


buildHeadersTo :: [Header] -> HList ((* ': Header h v) xs) #

type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) 
type Foreign ftype ((:>) * * (Header sym a) api) = Foreign ftype api