{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module AWSLambda.Events.APIGateway where
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing (aesonDrop, camelCase)
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveFromJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Embedded
import Data.Aeson.TextValue
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.IP
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.AWS.Data.Base64
import Network.AWS.Data.Text
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Text.Read
import AWSLambda.Handler (lambdaMain)
type Method = Text
type HeaderName = Text
type HeaderValue = Text
type QueryParamName = Text
type QueryParamValue = Text
type PathParamName = Text
type PathParamValue = Text
type StageVarName = Text
type StageVarValue = Text
data RequestIdentity = RequestIdentity
{ _riCognitoIdentityPoolId :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riAccountId :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riCognitoIdentityId :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riCaller :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riApiKey :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riSourceIp :: !(Maybe IP)
, _riCognitoAuthenticationType :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riCognitoAuthenticationProvider :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riUserArn :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riUserAgent :: !(Maybe Text)
, _riUser :: !(Maybe Text)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
readParse :: Read a => String -> Text -> Parser a
readParse msg str =
case readMaybe (Text.unpack str) of
Just result -> pure result
Nothing -> fail $ "Failed to parse an " ++ msg
instance FromJSON RequestIdentity where
parseJSON =
withObject "RequestIdentity" $ \o ->
RequestIdentity <$> o .:? "cognitoIdentityPoolId" <*> o .:? "accountId" <*>
o .:? "cognitoIdentityId" <*>
o .:? "caller" <*>
o .:? "apiKey" <*>
(o .:? "sourceIp" >>= traverse (readParse "IP address")) <*>
o .:? "cognitoAuthenticationType" <*>
o .:? "cognitoAuthenticationProvider" <*>
o .:? "userArn" <*>
o .:? "userAgent" <*>
o .:? "user"
$(makeLenses ''RequestIdentity)
data ProxyRequestContext = ProxyRequestContext
{ _prcPath :: !(Maybe Text)
, _prcAccountId :: !Text
, _prcResourceId :: !Text
, _prcStage :: !Text
, _prcRequestId :: !Text
, _prcIdentity :: !RequestIdentity
, _prcResourcePath :: !Text
, _prcHttpMethod :: !Text
, _prcApiId :: !Text
, _prcProtocol :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
$(deriveFromJSON (aesonDrop 4 camelCase) ''ProxyRequestContext)
$(makeLenses ''ProxyRequestContext)
data APIGatewayProxyRequest body = APIGatewayProxyRequest
{ _agprqResource :: !Text
, _agprqPath :: !ByteString
, _agprqHttpMethod :: !HTTP.Method
, _agprqHeaders :: !HTTP.RequestHeaders
, _agprqQueryStringParameters :: !HTTP.Query
, _agprqPathParameters :: !(HashMap PathParamName PathParamValue)
, _agprqStageVariables :: !(HashMap StageVarName StageVarValue)
, _agprqRequestContext :: !ProxyRequestContext
, _agprqBody :: !(Maybe (TextValue body))
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromText body => FromJSON (APIGatewayProxyRequest body) where
parseJSON = withObject "APIGatewayProxyRequest" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "resource"
<*> (encodeUtf8 <$> o .: "path")
<*> (encodeUtf8 <$> o .: "httpMethod")
<*> (fmap fromAWSHeaders <$> o .:? "headers") .!= mempty
<*> (fmap fromAWSQuery <$> o .:? "queryStringParameters") .!= mempty
<*> o .:? "pathParameters" .!= HashMap.empty
<*> o .:? "stageVariables" .!= HashMap.empty
<*> o .: "requestContext"
<*> o .:? "body"
fromAWSHeaders :: HashMap HeaderName HeaderValue -> HTTP.RequestHeaders
fromAWSHeaders = fmap toHeader . HashMap.toList
toHeader = bimap (CI.mk . encodeUtf8) encodeUtf8
fromAWSQuery :: HashMap QueryParamName QueryParamValue -> HTTP.Query
fromAWSQuery = fmap toQueryItem . HashMap.toList
toQueryItem = bimap encodeUtf8 (\x -> if Text.null x then Nothing else Just . encodeUtf8 $ x)
$(makeLenses ''APIGatewayProxyRequest)
requestBody :: Getter (APIGatewayProxyRequest body) (Maybe body)
requestBody = agprqBody . mapping unTextValue
requestBodyEmbedded :: Getter (APIGatewayProxyRequest (Embedded v)) (Maybe v)
requestBodyEmbedded = requestBody . mapping unEmbed
requestBodyBinary :: Getter (APIGatewayProxyRequest Base64) (Maybe ByteString)
requestBodyBinary = requestBody . mapping _Base64
data APIGatewayProxyResponse body = APIGatewayProxyResponse
{ _agprsStatusCode :: !Int
, _agprsHeaders :: !HTTP.ResponseHeaders
, _agprsBody :: !(Maybe (TextValue body))
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToText body => ToJSON (APIGatewayProxyResponse body) where
toJSON APIGatewayProxyResponse {..} =
[ "statusCode" .= _agprsStatusCode
, "headers" .= toAWSHeaders _agprsHeaders
, "body" .= _agprsBody
toAWSHeaders :: HTTP.ResponseHeaders -> HashMap HeaderName HeaderValue
toAWSHeaders = HashMap.fromList . fmap (bimap (decodeUtf8 . CI.original) decodeUtf8)
instance FromText body => FromJSON (APIGatewayProxyResponse body) where
parseJSON =
withObject "APIGatewayProxyResponse" $ \o ->
APIGatewayProxyResponse <$> o .: "statusCode" <*>
(fromAWSHeaders <$> o .: "headers") <*>
o .:? "body"
fromAWSHeaders :: HashMap HeaderName HeaderValue -> HTTP.RequestHeaders
fromAWSHeaders = fmap toHeader . HashMap.toList
toHeader = bimap (CI.mk . encodeUtf8) encodeUtf8
$(makeLenses ''APIGatewayProxyResponse)
response :: Int -> APIGatewayProxyResponse body
response statusCode = APIGatewayProxyResponse statusCode mempty Nothing
responseOK :: APIGatewayProxyResponse body
responseOK = response 200
responseNotFound :: APIGatewayProxyResponse body
responseNotFound = response 404
responseBadRequest :: APIGatewayProxyResponse body
responseBadRequest = response 400
responseBody :: Setter' (APIGatewayProxyResponse body) (Maybe body)
responseBody = agprsBody . at () . mapping unTextValue
responseBodyEmbedded :: Setter' (APIGatewayProxyResponse (Embedded body)) (Maybe body)
responseBodyEmbedded = responseBody . mapping unEmbed
responseBodyBinary :: Setter' (APIGatewayProxyResponse Base64) (Maybe ByteString)
responseBodyBinary = responseBody . mapping _Base64
:: (FromText reqBody, ToText resBody)
=> (APIGatewayProxyRequest reqBody -> IO (APIGatewayProxyResponse resBody))
-> IO ()
apiGatewayMain = lambdaMain