serversession-backend-persistent-1.0: Storage backend for serversession using persistent and an RDBMS.

Safe HaskellNone



Storage backend for serversession using persistent.

In order to use this backend, you have to include serverSessionDefs on your migration code. For example, the Yesod scaffold usually includes the following code:

-- On Model.hs
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"]

-- On Application.hs
makeFoundation =
    runLoggingT (runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool) logFunc

You should changed those lines to:

-- On Model.hs
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkSave "entityDefs"]

-- On Application.hs
import qualified Data.Proxy as P -- tagged package, or base from GHC 7.10 onwards
import qualified Web.ServerSession.Core as SS
import qualified Web.ServerSession.Backend.Persistent as SS

mkMigrate "migrateAll" (SS.serverSessionDefs (P.Proxy :: P.Proxy SS.SessionMap) ++ entityDefs)

makeFoundation =
    runLoggingT (runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool) logFunc

If you're not using SessionMap, just change Proxy type above.

If you forget to setup the migration above, this session storage backend will fail at runtime as the required table will not exist.



newtype SqlStorage sess Source

SQL session storage backend using persistent.




connPool :: ConnectionPool

Pool of DB connections. You may use the same pool as your application.


serverSessionDefs :: forall sess. PersistEntity (PersistentSession sess) => Proxy sess -> [EntityDef] Source

Entity definitions needed to generate the SQL schema for SqlStorage. Example using SessionMap:

serverSessionDefs (Proxy :: Proxy SessionMap)