serversession-backend-redis-1.0.5: Storage backend for serversession using Redis.
Safe HaskellNone



Internal module exposing the guts of the package. Use at your own risk. No API stability guarantees apply.



data RedisStorage sess Source #

Session storage backend using Redis via the hedis package.





Instances details
RedisSession sess => Storage (RedisStorage sess) Source #

We do not provide any ACID guarantees for different actions running inside the same TransactionM RedisStorage.

Instance details

Defined in Web.ServerSession.Backend.Redis.Internal

Associated Types

type SessionData (RedisStorage sess) #

type TransactionM (RedisStorage sess) :: Type -> Type #

type TransactionM (RedisStorage sess) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.ServerSession.Backend.Redis.Internal

type SessionData (RedisStorage sess) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.ServerSession.Backend.Redis.Internal

type SessionData (RedisStorage sess) = sess

data RedisStorageException Source #

An exception thrown by the serversession-backend-redis package.


ExpectedTxSuccess (TxResult ())

We expected TxSuccess but got something else.

ExpectedRight Reply

We expected Right from an Either Reply a but got Left.

transaction :: RedisTx (Queued ()) -> Redis () Source #

Run the given Redis transaction and force its result. Throws a RedisStorageException if the result is not TxSuccess.

unwrap :: Redis (Either Reply a) -> Redis a Source #

Unwraps an Either Reply a by throwing an exception if not Right.

rSessionKey :: SessionId sess -> ByteString Source #

Redis key for the given session ID.

rAuthKey :: AuthId -> ByteString Source #

Redis key for the given auth ID.

class IsSessionData sess => RedisSession sess where Source #

Class for data types that can be used as session data for the Redis backend.

It should hold that

fromHash p . perm . toHash p  ===  id

for all list permutations perm :: [a] -> [a], where p :: Proxy sess.


toHash :: Proxy sess -> Decomposed sess -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] Source #

Transform a decomposed session into a Redis hash. Keys will be prepended with "data:" before being stored.

fromHash :: Proxy sess -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Decomposed sess Source #

Parse back a Redis hash into session data.


Instances details
RedisSession SessionMap Source #

Assumes that keys are UTF-8 encoded when parsing (which is true if keys are always generated via toHash).

Instance details

Defined in Web.ServerSession.Backend.Redis.Internal

parseSession :: forall sess. RedisSession sess => SessionId sess -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Maybe (Session sess) Source #

Parse a Session from a Redis hash.

printSession :: forall sess. RedisSession sess => Session sess -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] Source #

Convert a Session into a Redis hash.

parseUTCTime :: ByteString -> UTCTime Source #

Parse UTCTime from a ByteString stored on Redis. Uses error on parse error.

printUTCTime :: UTCTime -> ByteString Source #

Convert a UTCTime into a ByteString to be stored on Redis.

timeFormat :: String Source #

Time format used when storing UTCTime.

getSessionImpl :: RedisSession sess => SessionId sess -> Redis (Maybe (Session sess)) Source #

Get the session for the given session ID.

deleteSessionImpl :: RedisSession sess => SessionId sess -> Redis () Source #

Delete the session with given session ID.

removeSessionFromAuthId :: (RedisCtx m f, Functor m) => SessionId sess -> Maybe AuthId -> m () Source #

Remove the given SessionId from the set of sessions of the given AuthId. Does not do anything if Nothing.

insertSessionForAuthId :: (RedisCtx m f, Functor m) => SessionId sess -> Maybe AuthId -> m () Source #

Insert the given SessionId into the set of sessions of the given AuthId. Does not do anything if Nothing.

deleteAllSessionsOfAuthIdImpl :: AuthId -> Redis () Source #

Delete all sessions of the given auth ID.

insertSessionImpl :: RedisSession sess => RedisStorage sess -> Session sess -> Redis () Source #

Insert a new session.

replaceSessionImpl :: RedisSession sess => RedisStorage sess -> Session sess -> Redis () Source #

Replace the contents of a session.