{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

-- | Provides the `momentum` function which implements stochastic gradient
-- descent with momentum, following:
--     * http://ruder.io/optimizing-gradient-descent/index.html#momentum

module Numeric.SGD.Momentum
  ( Config(..)
  , momentum
  ) where

import           GHC.Generics (Generic)

import           Data.Default

import qualified Pipes as P

import           Numeric.SGD.Type
import           Numeric.SGD.ParamSet

-- | Momentum configuration
data Config = Config
  { gain0 :: Double
  -- ^ Initial gain parameter, used to scale the gradient
  , tau :: Double
  -- ^ After how many gradient calculations the gain parameter is halved
  , gamma :: Double
  -- ^ Momentum term
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Default Config where
  def = Config
    { gain0 = 0.01
    , gamma = 0.9
    , tau = 1000

-- | Stochastic gradient descent with momentum. See "Numeric.SGD.Momentum" for
-- more information.
  :: (Monad m, ParamSet p)
  => Config
    -- ^ Momentum configuration
  -> (e -> p -> p)
    -- ^ Gradient on a training element
  -> SGD m e p
momentum Config{..} gradient net0 =

  go (0 :: Integer) (zero net0) net0


    -- Gain in the k-th iteration
    gain k
      = (gain0 * tau)
      / (tau + fromIntegral k)

    go k moment net = do
      x <- P.await
      let grad = scale (gain k) (gradient x net)
          moment' = scale gamma moment `add` grad
          newNet = net `sub` moment'
      P.yield newNet
      go (k+1) moment' newNet

-- Utils

-- | Scaling
scale :: ParamSet p => Double -> p -> p
scale x = pmap (*x)
{-# INLINE scale #-}