shake-0.10.7: Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies.

Safe HaskellNone



Warning: I intend to remove this module. Please use 'command' or 'cmd' instead.

This module provides versions of the system' family of functions which take a variable number of arguments.

All these functions take a variable number of arguments.

  • String arguments are treated as whitespace separated arguments.
  • [String] arguments are treated as literal arguments.

As an example, to run ghc --make -O2 inputs -o output:

   sys "ghc --make -O2" inputs "-o" [output]

Note that we enclose output as a list so that if the output name contains spaces they are appropriately escaped.



sys :: SysArguments v => String -> v :-> Action ()Source

A variable arity version of system'.

sysCwd :: SysCwdArguments v => FilePath -> String -> v :-> Action ()Source

A variable arity version of systemCwd.

sysOutput :: SysOutputArguments v => String -> v :-> Action (String, String)Source

A variable arity version of systemOutput.

args :: ArgsArguments v => v :-> [String]Source

A variable arity function to accumulate a list of arguments.