{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-} -- fails with GHC 7.10
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl #-}

-- | Lexing is a slow point, the code below is optimised
module Development.Ninja.Lexer(Lexeme(..), lexerFile) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import Development.Ninja.Type
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as Internal
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Exts
import Prelude


newtype Str0 = Str0 Str -- null terminated

type S = Ptr Word8

char :: S -> Char
char x = Internal.w2c $ unsafePerformIO $ peek x

next :: S -> S
next x = x `plusPtr` 1

{-# INLINE dropWhile0 #-}
dropWhile0 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Str0 -> Str0
dropWhile0 f x = snd $ span0 f x

{-# INLINE span0 #-}
span0 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Str0 -> (Str, Str0)
span0 f = break0 (not . f)

{-# INLINE break0 #-}
break0 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Str0 -> (Str, Str0)
break0 f (Str0 bs) = (BS.unsafeTake i bs, Str0 $ BS.unsafeDrop i bs)
        i = unsafePerformIO $ BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \ptr -> do
            let start = castPtr ptr :: S
            let end = go start
            return $! Ptr end `minusPtr` start

        go s@(Ptr a) | c == '\0' || f c = a
                     | otherwise = go (next s)
            where c = char s

{-# INLINE break00 #-}
-- The predicate must return true for '\0'
break00 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Str0 -> (Str, Str0)
break00 f (Str0 bs) = (BS.unsafeTake i bs, Str0 $ BS.unsafeDrop i bs)
        i = unsafePerformIO $ BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \ptr -> do
            let start = castPtr ptr :: S
            let end = go start
            return $! Ptr end `minusPtr` start

        go s@(Ptr a) | f c = a
                     | otherwise = go (next s)
            where c = char s

head0 :: Str0 -> Char
head0 (Str0 x) = Internal.w2c $ BS.unsafeHead x

tail0 :: Str0 -> Str0
tail0 (Str0 x) = Str0 $ BS.unsafeTail x

list0 :: Str0 -> (Char, Str0)
list0 x = (head0 x, tail0 x)

take0 :: Int -> Str0 -> Str
take0 i (Str0 x) = BS.takeWhile (/= '\0') $ BS.take i x


-- Lex each line separately, rather than each lexeme
data Lexeme
    = LexBind Str Expr -- [indent]foo = bar
    | LexBuild [Expr] Str [Expr] -- build foo: bar | baz || qux (| and || are represented as Expr)
    | LexInclude Expr -- include file
    | LexSubninja Expr -- include file
    | LexRule Str -- rule name
    | LexPool Str -- pool name
    | LexDefault [Expr] -- default foo bar
    | LexDefine Str Expr -- foo = bar
      deriving Show

isVar, isVarDot :: Char -> Bool
isVar x = x == '-' || x == '_' || isAsciiLower x || isAsciiUpper x || isDigit x
isVarDot x = x == '.' || isVar x

endsDollar :: Str -> Bool
endsDollar = BS.isSuffixOf (BS.singleton '$')

dropN :: Str0 -> Str0
dropN x = if head0 x == '\n' then tail0 x else x

dropSpace :: Str0 -> Str0
dropSpace = dropWhile0 (== ' ')

lexerFile :: Maybe FilePath -> IO [Lexeme]
lexerFile file = lexer <$> maybe BS.getContents BS.readFile file

lexer :: Str -> [Lexeme]
lexer x = lexerLoop $ Str0 $ x `BS.append` BS.pack "\n\n\0"

lexerLoop :: Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexerLoop c_x | (c,x) <- list0 c_x = case c of
    '\r' -> lexerLoop x
    '\n' -> lexerLoop x
    ' ' -> lexBind $ dropSpace x
    '#' -> lexerLoop $ dropWhile0 (/= '\n') x
    'b' | Just x <- strip "uild " x -> lexBuild x
    'r' | Just x <- strip "ule " x -> lexRule x
    'd' | Just x <- strip "efault " x -> lexDefault x
    'p' | Just x <- strip "ool " x -> lexPool x
    'i' | Just x <- strip "nclude " x -> lexInclude x
    's' | Just x <- strip "ubninja " x -> lexSubninja x
    '\0' -> []
    _ -> lexDefine c_x
        strip str (Str0 x) = if b `BS.isPrefixOf` x then Just $ dropSpace $ Str0 $ BS.drop (BS.length b) x else Nothing
            where b = BS.pack str

lexBind :: Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexBind c_x | (c,x) <- list0 c_x = case c of
    '\r' -> lexerLoop x
    '\n' -> lexerLoop x
    '#' -> lexerLoop $ dropWhile0 (/= '\n') x
    '\0' -> []
    _ -> lexxBind LexBind c_x

lexBuild :: Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexBuild x
    | (outputs,x) <- lexxExprs True x
    , (rule,x) <- span0 isVarDot $ jumpCont $ dropSpace x
    , (deps,x) <- lexxExprs False $ dropSpace x
    = LexBuild outputs rule deps : lexerLoop x

lexDefault :: Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexDefault x
    | (files,x) <- lexxExprs False x
    = LexDefault files : lexerLoop x

lexRule, lexPool, lexInclude, lexSubninja, lexDefine :: Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexRule = lexxName LexRule
lexPool = lexxName LexPool
lexInclude = lexxFile LexInclude
lexSubninja = lexxFile LexSubninja
lexDefine = lexxBind LexDefine

lexxBind :: (Str -> Expr -> Lexeme) -> Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexxBind ctor x
    | (var,x) <- span0 isVarDot x
    , ('=',x) <- list0 $ jumpCont $ dropSpace x
    , (exp,x) <- lexxExpr False False $ jumpCont $ dropSpace x
    = ctor var exp : lexerLoop x
lexxBind _ x = error $ show ("parse failed when parsing binding", take0 100 x)

lexxFile :: (Expr -> Lexeme) -> Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexxFile ctor x
    | (exp,rest) <- lexxExpr False False $ dropSpace x
    = ctor exp : lexerLoop rest

lexxName :: (Str -> Lexeme) -> Str0 -> [Lexeme]
lexxName ctor x
    | (name,rest) <- splitLineCont x
    = ctor name : lexerLoop rest

lexxExprs :: Bool -> Str0 -> ([Expr], Str0)
lexxExprs stopColon x = case lexxExpr stopColon True x of
    (a,c_x) | c <- head0 c_x, x <- tail0 c_x -> case c of
        ' ' -> add a $ lexxExprs stopColon $ dropSpace x
        ':' | stopColon -> new a x
        _ | stopColon -> error "expected a colon"
        '\r' -> new a $ dropN x
        '\n' -> new a x
        '\0' -> new a c_x
        _ -> error "unexpected expression in Ninja"
        new a x = add a ([], x)
        add (Exprs []) x = x
        add a (as,x) = (a:as,x)

{-# NOINLINE lexxExpr #-}
lexxExpr :: Bool -> Bool -> Str0 -> (Expr, Str0) -- snd will start with one of " :\n\r" or be empty
lexxExpr stopColon stopSpace = first exprs . f
        exprs [x] = x
        exprs xs = Exprs xs

        special = case (stopColon, stopSpace) of
            (True , True ) -> \x -> x <= ':' && (x == ':' || x == ' ' || x == '$' || x == '\r' || x == '\n' || x == '\0')
            (True , False) -> \x -> x <= ':' && (x == ':'             || x == '$' || x == '\r' || x == '\n' || x == '\0')
            (False, True ) -> \x -> x <= '$' && (            x == ' ' || x == '$' || x == '\r' || x == '\n' || x == '\0')
            (False, False) -> \x -> x <= '$' && (                        x == '$' || x == '\r' || x == '\n' || x == '\0')
        f x = case break00 special x of (a,x) -> if BS.null a then g x else Lit a $: g x

        x $: (xs,y) = (x:xs,y)

        g x | head0 x /= '$' = ([], x)
        g x | c_x <- tail0 x, (c,x) <- list0 c_x = case c of
            '$' -> Lit (BS.singleton '$') $: f x
            ' ' -> Lit (BS.singleton ' ') $: f x
            ':' -> Lit (BS.singleton ':') $: f x
            '\n' -> f $ dropSpace x
            '\r' -> f $ dropSpace $ dropN x
            '{' | (name,x) <- span0 isVarDot x, not $ BS.null name, ('}',x) <- list0 x -> Var name $: f x
            _ | (name,x) <- span0 isVar c_x, not $ BS.null name -> Var name $: f x
            _ -> error "Unexpect $ followed by unexpected stuff"

jumpCont :: Str0 -> Str0
jumpCont o
    | '$' <- head0 o
    , let x = tail0 o
    = case head0 x of
        '\n' -> dropSpace $ tail0 x
        '\r' -> dropSpace $ dropN $ tail0 x
        _ -> o
    | otherwise = o

splitLineCont :: Str0 -> (Str, Str0)
splitLineCont x = first BS.concat $ f x
        f x = if not $ endsDollar a then ([a], b) else let (c,d) = f $ dropSpace b in (BS.init a : c, d)
            where (a,b) = splitLineCR x

splitLineCR :: Str0 -> (Str, Str0)
splitLineCR x = if BS.singleton '\r' `BS.isSuffixOf` a then (BS.init a, dropN b) else (a, dropN b)
    where (a,b) = break0 (== '\n') x