{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables, NamedFieldPuns, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ConstraintKinds, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-}

module Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Build(
    getDatabaseValue, getDatabaseValueGeneric,
    historyIsEnabled, historySave, historyLoad,
    apply, apply1,
    ) where

import Development.Shake.Classes
import General.Pool
import Development.Shake.Internal.Value
import Development.Shake.Internal.Errors
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action
import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Shared
import Development.Shake.Internal.History.Cloud
import Development.Shake.Internal.Options
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad
import General.Wait
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import General.Extra
import qualified General.Intern as Intern
import General.Intern(Id)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Numeric.Extra
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified General.Ids as Ids
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules
import Data.Typeable.Extra
import Data.IORef.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Either.Extra
import System.Time.Extra
import Prelude


getKeyId :: Database -> Key -> Locked Id
getKeyId Database{..} k = liftIO $ do
    is <- readIORef intern
    case Intern.lookup k is of
        Just i -> return i
        Nothing -> do
            (is, i) <- return $ Intern.add k is
            -- make sure to write it into Status first to maintain Database invariants
            Ids.insert status i (k,Missing)
            writeIORef' intern is
            return i

-- Returns Nothing only if the Id was serialised previously but then the Id disappeared
getIdKeyStatus :: Database -> Id -> Locked (Maybe (Key, Status))
getIdKeyStatus Database{..} i = liftIO $ Ids.lookup status i

setIdKeyStatus :: Global -> Database -> Id -> Key -> Status -> Locked ()
setIdKeyStatus Global{..} database@Database{..} i k v = do
    liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ do
        old <- Ids.lookup status i
        let changeStatus = maybe "Missing" (statusType . snd) old ++ " -> " ++ statusType v ++ ", " ++ maybe "<unknown>" (show . fst) old
        let changeValue = case v of
                Ready r -> Just $ "    = " ++ showBracket (result r) ++ " " ++ (if built r == changed r then "(changed)" else "(unchanged)")
                _ -> Nothing
        return $ changeStatus ++ maybe "" ("\n" ++) changeValue
    setIdKeyStatusQuiet database i k v

setIdKeyStatusQuiet :: Database -> Id -> Key -> Status -> Locked ()
setIdKeyStatusQuiet Database{..} i k v =
    liftIO $ Ids.insert status i (k,v)


getDatabaseValue :: (RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => key -> Action (Maybe (Result (Either BS.ByteString value)))
getDatabaseValue k =
    fmap (fmap $ fmap $ fmap fromValue) $ getDatabaseValueGeneric $ newKey k

getDatabaseValueGeneric :: Key -> Action (Maybe (Result (Either BS.ByteString Value)))
getDatabaseValueGeneric k = do
    Global{..} <- Action getRO
    Just (_, status) <- liftIO $ runLocked globalDatabase $ \database ->
        getIdKeyStatus database =<< getKeyId database k
    return $ getResult status


-- | Lookup the value for a single Id, may need to spawn it
lookupOne :: Global -> Stack -> Database -> Id -> Wait Locked (Either SomeException (Result (Value, BS_Store)))
lookupOne global stack database i = do
    res <- quickly $ getIdKeyStatus database i
    case res of
        Nothing -> Now $ Left $ errorStructured "Shake Id no longer exists" [("Id", Just $ show i)] ""
        Just (k, s) -> case s of
            Ready r -> Now $ Right r
            Error e _ -> Now $ Left e
            Running{} | Left e <- addStack i k stack -> Now $ Left e
            _ -> Later $ \continue -> do
                Just (_, s) <- getIdKeyStatus database i
                case s of
                    Ready r -> continue $ Right r
                    Error e _ -> continue $ Left e
                    Running (NoShow w) r -> do
                        let w2 v = w v >> continue v
                        setIdKeyStatusQuiet database i k $ Running (NoShow w2) r
                    Loaded r -> buildOne global stack database i k (Just r) `fromLater` continue
                    Missing -> buildOne global stack database i k Nothing `fromLater` continue

-- | Build a key, must currently be either Loaded or Missing, changes to Waiting
buildOne :: Global -> Stack -> Database -> Id -> Key -> Maybe (Result BS.ByteString) -> Wait Locked (Either SomeException (Result (Value, BS_Store)))
buildOne global@Global{..} stack database i k r = case addStack i k stack of
    Left e -> do
        quickly $ setIdKeyStatus global database i k $ mkError e
        return $ Left e
    Right stack -> Later $ \continue -> do
        setIdKeyStatus global database i k (Running (NoShow continue) r)
        let go = buildRunMode global stack database r
        fromLater go $ \mode -> liftIO $ addPool PoolStart globalPool $
            runKey global stack k r mode $ \res -> do
                runLocked globalDatabase $ \_ -> do
                    let val = fmap runValue res
                    res <- getIdKeyStatus database i
                    w <- case res of
                        Just (_, Running (NoShow w) _) -> return w
                        _ -> throwM $ errorInternal $ "expected Waiting but got " ++ maybe "nothing" (statusType . snd) res ++ ", key " ++ show k
                    setIdKeyStatus global database i k $ either mkError Ready val
                    w val
                case res of
                    Right RunResult{..} | runChanged /= ChangedNothing -> journal database i k runValue{result=runStore}
                    _ -> return ()
        mkError e = if globalOneShot then Error e Nothing else Error e r

-- | Compute the value for a given RunMode and a restore function to run
buildRunMode :: Global -> Stack -> Database -> Maybe (Result a) -> Wait Locked RunMode
buildRunMode global stack database me = do
    changed <- case me of
        Nothing -> return True
        Just me -> buildRunDependenciesChanged global stack database me
    return $ if changed then RunDependenciesChanged else RunDependenciesSame

-- | Have the dependencies changed
buildRunDependenciesChanged :: Global -> Stack -> Database -> Result a -> Wait Locked Bool
buildRunDependenciesChanged global stack database me = isJust <$> firstJustM id
    [firstJustWaitUnordered (fmap test . lookupOne global stack database) x | Depends x <- depends me]
        test (Right dep) | changed dep <= built me = Nothing
        test _ = Just ()


applyKeyValue :: [String] -> [Key] -> Action [Value]
applyKeyValue _ [] = return []
applyKeyValue callStack ks = do
    global@Global{..} <- Action getRO
    Local{localStack} <- Action getRW
    let stack = addCallStack (if shakeVerbosity globalOptions > Normal then callStack else take 1 callStack) localStack

    (is, wait) <- liftIO $ runLocked globalDatabase $ \database -> do
        is <- mapM (getKeyId database) ks
        wait <- runWait $ do
            x <- firstJustWaitUnordered (fmap (either Just (const Nothing)) . lookupOne global stack database) $ nubOrd is
            case x of
                Just e -> return $ Left e
                Nothing -> quickly $ Right <$> mapM (fmap (\(Just (_, Ready r)) -> fst $ result r) . getIdKeyStatus database) is
        return (is, wait)
    Action $ modifyRW $ \s -> s{localDepends = Depends is : localDepends s}

    case wait of
        Now vs -> either throwM return vs
        _ -> do
            offset <- liftIO offsetTime
            vs <- Action $ captureRAW $ \continue ->
                runLocked globalDatabase $ \_ -> fromLater wait $ \x ->
                    liftIO $ addPool (if isLeft x then PoolException else PoolResume) globalPool $ continue x
            offset <- liftIO offset
            Action $ modifyRW $ addDiscount offset
            return vs

    :: Global
    -> Stack  -- Given the current stack with the key added on
    -> Key -- The key to build
    -> Maybe (Result BS.ByteString) -- A previous result, or Nothing if never been built before
    -> RunMode -- True if any of the children were dirty
    -> Capture (Either SomeException (RunResult (Result (Value, BS_Store))))
        -- Either an error, or a (the produced files, the result).
runKey global@Global{globalOptions=ShakeOptions{..},..} stack k r mode continue = do
    let tk = typeKey k
    BuiltinRule{..} <- case Map.lookup tk globalRules of
        Nothing -> throwM $ errorNoRuleToBuildType tk (Just $ show k) Nothing
        Just r -> return r

    let s = (newLocal stack shakeVerbosity){localBuiltinVersion = builtinVersion}
    time <- offsetTime
    runAction global s (do
        res <- builtinRun k (fmap result r) mode
        liftIO $ evaluate $ rnf res

        -- completed, now track anything required afterwards

        Action $ fmap (res,) getRW) $ \x -> case x of
            Left e -> do
                e <- if isNothing shakeLint then return e else handle return $
                    do lintCurrentDirectory globalCurDir $ "Running " ++ show k; return e
                continue . Left . toException =<< shakeException global stack e
            Right (RunResult{..}, Local{..})
                | runChanged == ChangedNothing || runChanged == ChangedStore, Just r <- r ->
                    continue $ Right $ RunResult runChanged runStore (r{result = mkResult runValue runStore})
                | otherwise -> do
                    dur <- time
                    let (cr, c) | Just r <- r, runChanged == ChangedRecomputeSame = (ChangedRecomputeSame, changed r)
                                | otherwise = (ChangedRecomputeDiff, globalStep)
                    continue $ Right $ RunResult cr runStore Result
                        {result = mkResult runValue runStore
                        ,changed = c
                        ,built = globalStep
                        ,depends = nubDepends $ reverse localDepends
                        ,execution = doubleToFloat $ dur - localDiscount
                        ,traces = reverse localTraces}
                mkResult value store = (value, if globalOneShot then BS.empty else store)

-- USER key/value WRAPPERS

-- | Execute a rule, returning the associated values. If possible, the rules will be run in parallel.
--   This function requires that appropriate rules have been added with 'addBuiltinRule'.
--   All @key@ values passed to 'apply' become dependencies of the 'Action'.
apply :: (Partial, RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => [key] -> Action [value]
-- Don't short-circuit [] as we still want error messages
apply ks = do
    -- this is the only place a user can inject a key into our world, so check they aren't throwing
    -- in unevaluated bottoms
    liftIO $ mapM_ (evaluate . rnf) ks

    let tk = typeRep ks
    Local{localBlockApply} <- Action getRW
    whenJust localBlockApply $ throwM . errorNoApply tk (show <$> listToMaybe ks)
    fmap (map fromValue) $ applyKeyValue callStackFull $ map newKey ks

-- | Apply a single rule, equivalent to calling 'apply' with a singleton list. Where possible,
--   use 'apply' to allow parallelism.
apply1 :: (Partial, RuleResult key ~ value, ShakeValue key, Typeable value) => key -> Action value
apply1 = withFrozenCallStack $ fmap head . apply . return


-- | Load a value from the history. Given a version from any user rule
--   (or @0@), return the payload that was stored by 'historySave'.
--   If this function returns 'Just' it will also have restored any files that
--   were saved by 'historySave'.
historyLoad :: Int -> Action (Maybe BS.ByteString)
historyLoad (Ver -> ver) = do
    global@Global{..} <- Action getRO
    Local{localStack, localBuiltinVersion} <- Action getRW
    if isNothing globalShared && isNothing globalCloud then return Nothing else do
        key <- liftIO $ evaluate $ fromMaybe (error "Can't call historyLoad outside a rule") $ topStack localStack
        res <- liftIO $ runLocked globalDatabase $ \database -> runWait $ do
            let ask k = do
                    i <- quickly $ getKeyId database k
                    let identify = Just . runIdentify globalRules k . fst . result
                    either (const Nothing) identify <$> lookupOne global localStack database i
            x <- case globalShared of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just shared -> lookupShared shared ask key localBuiltinVersion ver
            x <- case x of
                Just res -> return $ Just res
                Nothing -> case globalCloud of
                    Nothing -> return Nothing
                    Just cloud -> lookupCloud cloud ask key localBuiltinVersion ver
            case x of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just (a,b,c) -> quickly $ Just . (a,,c) <$> mapM (mapM $ getKeyId database) b
        -- FIXME: If running with cloud and shared, and you got a hit in cloud, should also add it to shared
        res <- case res of
            Now x -> return x
            _ -> do
                offset <- liftIO offsetTime
                res <- Action $ captureRAW $ \continue ->
                    runLocked globalDatabase $ \_ -> fromLater res $ \x ->
                        liftIO $ addPool PoolResume globalPool $ continue $ Right x
                offset <- liftIO offset
                Action $ modifyRW $ addDiscount offset
                return res
        case res of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just (res, deps, restore) -> do
                liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ return $ "History hit for " ++ show key
                liftIO restore
                Action $ modifyRW $ \s -> s{localDepends = reverse $ map Depends deps}
                return (Just res)

-- | Is the history enabled.
historyIsEnabled :: Action Bool
historyIsEnabled = Action $
    (isJust . globalShared <$> getRO) &&^ (localHistory <$> getRW)

-- | Save a value to the history. Record the version of any user rule
--   (or @0@), and a payload. Must be run at the end of the rule, after
--   any dependencies have been captured. If history is enabled, stores the information
--   in a cache.
--   This function relies on 'produces' to have been called correctly to describe
--   which files were written during the execution of this rule.
historySave :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> Action ()
historySave (Ver -> ver) store = Action $ do
    Global{..} <- getRO
    Local{localHistory, localProduces, localDepends, localBuiltinVersion, localStack} <- getRW
    liftIO $ when (localHistory && (isJust globalShared || isJust globalCloud)) $ do
        -- make sure we throw errors before we get into the history
        evaluate ver
        evaluate store
        key <- evaluate $ fromMaybe (error "Can't call historySave outside a rule") $ topStack localStack

        let produced = reverse $ map snd localProduces
        deps <- runLocked globalDatabase $ \database ->
            -- technically this could be run without the DB lock, since it reads things that are stable
            forM (reverse localDepends) $ \(Depends is) -> forM is $ \i -> do
                Just (k, Ready r) <- getIdKeyStatus database i
                return (k, runIdentify globalRules k $ fst $ result r)
        let k = topStack localStack
        whenJust globalShared $ \shared -> addShared shared key localBuiltinVersion ver deps store produced
        whenJust globalCloud  $ \cloud  -> addCloud  cloud  key localBuiltinVersion ver deps store produced
        liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ return $ "History saved for " ++ show k

runIdentify :: Map.HashMap TypeRep BuiltinRule -> Key -> Value -> BS.ByteString
runIdentify mp k v
    | Just BuiltinRule{..} <- Map.lookup (typeKey k) mp = builtinIdentity k v
    | otherwise = throwImpure $ errorInternal "runIdentify can't find rule"