{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns, TupleSections #-}
module Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern(
FilePattern, (?==), (<//>),
compatible, extract, substitute,
Walk(..), walk,
internalTest, isRelativePath, isRelativePattern
) where
import Development.Shake.Internal.Errors
import System.FilePath(isPathSeparator)
import Data.List.Extra
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import System.Info.Extra
import Prelude
type FilePattern = String
infixr 5 <//>
(<//>) :: FilePattern -> FilePattern -> FilePattern
a <//> b = dropWhileEnd isPathSeparator a ++ "//" ++ dropWhile isPathSeparator b
data Pat = Lit String
| Star
| Skip
| Skip1
| Stars String [String] String
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
fromLit :: Pat -> Maybe String
fromLit (Lit x) = Just x
fromLit _ = Nothing
data Lexeme = Str String | Slash | SlashSlash
lexer :: FilePattern -> [Lexeme]
lexer "" = []
lexer (x1:x2:xs) | isPathSeparator x1, isPathSeparator x2 = SlashSlash : lexer xs
lexer (x1:xs) | isPathSeparator x1 = Slash : lexer xs
lexer xs = Str a : lexer b
where (a,b) = break isPathSeparator xs
parse :: FilePattern -> [Pat]
parse = f False True . lexer
f str slash = \x -> case x of
[] -> [Lit "" | slash]
Str "**":xs -> Skip : f True False xs
Str x:xs -> parseLit x : f True False xs
SlashSlash:Slash:xs | not str -> Skip1 : f str True xs
SlashSlash:xs -> Skip : f str False xs
Slash:xs -> [Lit "" | not str] ++ f str True xs
parseLit :: String -> Pat
parseLit "*" = Star
parseLit x = case split (== '*') x of
[x] -> Lit x
pre:xs | Just (mid,post) <- unsnoc xs -> Stars pre mid post
_ -> Lit ""
internalTest :: IO ()
internalTest = do
let x # y = when (parse x /= y) $ fail $ show ("FilePattern.internalTest",x,parse x,y)
"" # [Lit ""]
"x" # [Lit "x"]
"/" # [Lit "",Lit ""]
"x/" # [Lit "x",Lit ""]
"/x" # [Lit "",Lit "x"]
"x/y" # [Lit "x",Lit "y"]
"//" # [Skip]
"**" # [Skip]
"//x" # [Skip, Lit "x"]
"**/x" # [Skip, Lit "x"]
"x//" # [Lit "x", Skip]
"x/**" # [Lit "x", Skip]
"x//y" # [Lit "x",Skip, Lit "y"]
"x/**/y" # [Lit "x",Skip, Lit "y"]
"///" # [Skip1, Lit ""]
"**/**" # [Skip,Skip]
"**/**/" # [Skip, Skip, Lit ""]
"///x" # [Skip1, Lit "x"]
"**/x" # [Skip, Lit "x"]
"x///" # [Lit "x", Skip, Lit ""]
"x/**/" # [Lit "x", Skip, Lit ""]
"x///y" # [Lit "x",Skip, Lit "y"]
"x/**/y" # [Lit "x",Skip, Lit "y"]
"////" # [Skip, Skip]
"**/**/**" # [Skip, Skip, Skip]
"////x" # [Skip, Skip, Lit "x"]
"x////" # [Lit "x", Skip, Skip]
"x////y" # [Lit "x",Skip, Skip, Lit "y"]
"**//x" # [Skip, Skip, Lit "x"]
optimise :: [Pat] -> [Pat]
optimise (Skip:Skip:xs) = optimise $ Skip:xs
optimise (Skip:Star:xs) = optimise $ Skip1:xs
optimise (Star:Skip:xs) = optimise $ Skip1:xs
optimise (x:xs) = x : optimise xs
optimise [] =[]
isRelativePattern :: FilePattern -> Bool
isRelativePattern ('*':'*':xs)
| [] <- xs = True
| x:_ <- xs, isPathSeparator x = True
isRelativePattern _ = False
isRelativePath :: FilePath -> Bool
isRelativePath (x:_) | isPathSeparator x = False
isRelativePath (x:':':_) | isWindows, isAlpha x = False
isRelativePath _ = True
match :: [Pat] -> [String] -> [[String]]
match (Skip:xs) (y:ys) = map ("":) (match xs (y:ys)) ++ match (Skip1:xs) (y:ys)
match (Skip1:xs) (y:ys) = [(y++"/"++r):rs | r:rs <- match (Skip:xs) ys]
match (Skip:xs) [] = map ("":) $ match xs []
match (Star:xs) (y:ys) = map (y:) $ match xs ys
match (Lit x:xs) (y:ys) = concat $ [match xs ys | x == y] ++ [match xs (y:ys) | x == "."]
match (x@Stars{}:xs) (y:ys) | Just rs <- matchStars x y = map (rs ++) $ match xs ys
match [] [] = [[]]
match _ _ = []
matchOne :: Pat -> String -> Bool
matchOne (Lit x) y = x == y
matchOne x@Stars{} y = isJust $ matchStars x y
matchOne Star _ = True
matchOne p _ = throwImpure $ errorInternal $ "unreachablePattern, matchOne " ++ show p
matchStars :: Pat -> String -> Maybe [String]
matchStars (Stars pre mid post) x = do
x <- stripPrefix pre x
x <- if null post then Just x else stripSuffix post x
stripInfixes mid x
stripInfixes [] x = Just [x]
stripInfixes (m:ms) x = do
(a,x) <- stripInfix m x
(a:) <$> stripInfixes ms x
matchStars p _ = throwImpure $ errorInternal $ "unreachablePattern, matchStars " ++ show p
(?==) :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Bool
(?==) p = case optimise $ parse p of
[x] | x == Skip || x == Skip1 -> if rp then isRelativePath else const True
p -> let f = not . null . match p . split isPathSeparator
in if rp then (\x -> isRelativePath x && f x) else f
where rp = isRelativePattern p
filePattern :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Maybe [String]
filePattern p = \x -> if eq x then Just $ ex x else Nothing
where eq = (?==) p
ex = extract p
specials :: FilePattern -> [Pat]
specials = concatMap f . parse
f Lit{} = []
f Star = [Star]
f Skip = [Skip]
f Skip1 = [Skip]
f (Stars _ xs _) = replicate (length xs + 1) Star
simple :: FilePattern -> Bool
simple = null . specials
compatible :: [FilePattern] -> Bool
compatible [] = True
compatible (x:xs) = all ((==) (specials x) . specials) xs
extract :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> [String]
extract p = let pat = parse p in \x ->
case match pat (split isPathSeparator x) of
[] | p ?== x -> throwImpure $ errorInternal $ "extract with " ++ show p ++ " and " ++ show x
| otherwise -> error $ "Pattern " ++ show p ++ " does not match " ++ x ++ ", when trying to extract the FilePattern matches"
ms:_ -> ms
substitute :: [String] -> FilePattern -> FilePath
substitute oms oxs = intercalate "/" $ concat $ snd $ mapAccumL f oms (parse oxs)
f ms (Lit x) = (ms, [x])
f (m:ms) Star = (ms, [m])
f (m:ms) Skip = (ms, split m)
f (m:ms) Skip1 = (ms, split m)
f ms (Stars pre mid post) = (ms2, [concat $ pre : zipWith (++) ms1 (mid++[post])])
where (ms1,ms2) = splitAt (length mid + 1) ms
f _ _ = error $ "Substitution failed into pattern " ++ show oxs ++ " with " ++ show (length oms) ++ " matches, namely " ++ show oms
split = linesBy (== '/')
data Walk = Walk ([String] -> ([String],[(String,Walk)]))
| WalkTo ([String],[(String,Walk)])
walk :: [FilePattern] -> (Bool, Walk)
walk ps = (any (\p -> isEmpty p || not (null $ match p [""])) ps2, f ps2)
ps2 = map (filter (/= Lit ".") . optimise . parse) ps
f (nubOrd -> ps)
| Just fin <- mapM fromLit fin
, Just nxt <- mapM (\(a,b) -> (,f b) <$> fromLit a) nxt
= WalkTo (fin, nxt)
| otherwise = Walk $ \xs ->
(if finStar then xs else filter (\x -> any (`matchOne` x) fin) xs
,[(x, f ys) | x <- xs, let ys = concat [b | (a,b) <- nxt, matchOne a x], not $ null ys])
finStar = Star `elem` fin
fin = nubOrd $ mapMaybe final ps
nxt = groupSort $ concatMap next ps
next :: [Pat] -> [(Pat, [Pat])]
next (Skip1:xs) = [(Star,Skip:xs)]
next (Skip:xs) = (Star,Skip:xs) : next xs
next (x:xs) = [(x,xs) | not $ null xs]
next [] = []
final :: [Pat] -> Maybe Pat
final (Skip:xs) = if isEmpty xs then Just Star else final xs
final (Skip1:xs) = if isEmpty xs then Just Star else Nothing
final (x:xs) = if isEmpty xs then Just x else Nothing
final [] = Nothing
isEmpty = all (== Skip)