{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Development.Shake.ATS ( -- * Shake Rules
                             , cgen
                             , genATS
                             , atsLex
                             , cabalForeign
                             , hsAts
                             -- * Shake actions
                             , cleanATS
                             -- * Helper functions
                             , getSubdirs
                             , ccToDir
                             , withPF
                             -- * Environment/configuration
                             , patscc
                             , patsopt
                             -- * Types
                             , ForeignCabal (..)
                             , ATSTarget (..)
                             , ATSToolConfig (..)
                             , CCompiler (..)
                             , ArtifactType (..)
                             , ATSGen (..)
                             , HATSGen (..)
                             , Solver (..)
                             ) where

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Bool                         (bool)
import           Data.Either                       (fromRight)
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Maybe                        (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Semigroup                    (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Data.Text                         as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO                      as TIO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                    as TL
import           Development.Shake                 hiding (doesFileExist, getEnv)
import           Development.Shake.ATS.Environment
import           Development.Shake.ATS.Rules
import           Development.Shake.ATS.Type
import           Development.Shake.C               hiding (GHC)
import qualified Development.Shake.C               as C
import           Development.Shake.Cabal
import           Development.Shake.FilePath
import           Development.Shake.Version
import           Language.ATS
import           System.Directory                  (copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import           System.Environment                (getEnv)
import           System.Exit                       (ExitCode (ExitSuccess))

-- | Run @patsopt@ given information about various things
atsCommand :: CmdResult r => ATSToolConfig
                          -> String -- ^ Source file
                          -> String -- ^ C code to be generated
                          -> Action r
atsCommand tc sourceFile out = do
    path <- liftIO $ getEnv "PATH"
    let env = patsEnv tc path
        patsc = patsopt tc
        f = case _solver tc of
                Ignore -> ("--constraint-ignore":)
                _      -> id

        (command env patsc (f ["--output", out, "-dd", sourceFile, "-cc"] ++ _patsFlags tc))
        (liftIO $ deleteLine out)

-- TODO: consider removing and caching that?
deleteLine :: FilePath -> IO ()
deleteLine fp = TIO.writeFile fp . del =<< TIO.readFile fp
    where del = T.unlines . fmap snd . filter p . zip [(1::Int)..] . T.lines
          p = (4 /=) . fst

-- | Filter any generated errors with @pats-filter@.
withPF :: Action (Exit, Stderr String, Stdout String) -- ^ Result of a 'cmd' or 'command'
       -> Action (Exit, Stderr String, Stdout String)
withPF act = do
    ret@(Exit c, Stderr err, Stdout _) <- act :: Action (Exit, Stderr String, Stdout String)
    cmd_ [Stdin err] Shell "pats-filter"
    if c /= ExitSuccess
        then error "patsopt failure"
        else pure ret

gcFlag :: Bool -> String
gcFlag False = "-DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC"

-- Copy source files to the appropriate place. This is necessary because
-- @#include@s in ATS are weird.
copySources :: ATSToolConfig -> [FilePath] -> Action ()
copySources ATSToolConfig{..} sources =
    forM_ sources $ \dep -> do
        liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (_patsHome </> takeDirectory dep)
        liftIO $ copyFile dep (_patsHome </> dep)

makeCFlags :: [String] -- ^ Inputs
           -> [ForeignCabal] -- ^ Haskell libraries
           -> String -- ^ GHC version
           -> Bool -- ^ Whether to use the Garbage collector
           -> [String]
makeCFlags ss fc ghcV' b = gcFlag' : (hsExtra <> ss) where
    gcFlag' = bool ("-optc" <>) id noHs $ gcFlag b
    hsExtra = bool (["--make", "-I.", "-odir", ".atspkg", "-no-hs-main", "-package-db", "~/.cabal/store/ghc-" ++ ghcV' </> "package.db/"] ++ packageDbs) mempty noHs
    noHs = null fc
    packageDbs = (\x -> ["-package-db", x </> "dist-newstyle" </> "packagedb" </> "ghc-" ++ ghcV']) =<< libToDirs fc

libToDirs :: [ForeignCabal] -> [String]
libToDirs = fmap (takeDirectory . TL.unpack . h)
    where h (ForeignCabal mpr cf _) = fromMaybe cf mpr

-- | Absolute path to @patscc@
patscc :: ATSToolConfig -> String
patscc = patsTool "patscc"

-- | Absolute path to @patsopt@
patsopt :: ATSToolConfig -> String
patsopt = patsTool "patsopt"

patsTool :: String -> ATSToolConfig -> String
patsTool tool tc = _patsHome tc ++ "/bin/" ++ tool

cconfig :: MonadIO m => ATSToolConfig -> [String] -> Bool -> [String] -> m CConfig
cconfig tc libs' gc' extras = do
    let h = _patsHome tc
        cc' = _cc tc
        f = bool id ("atslib":) (_linkATSLib tc)
    h' <- pkgHome cc'
    let libs'' = f $ bool libs' ("gc" : libs') gc'
    pure $ CConfig [h </> "ccomp" </> "runtime", h, h' </> "include", ".atspkg" </> "contrib"] libs'' [h' </> "lib", _patsHome tc </> "ccomp" </> "atslib" </> "lib"] extras (_linkStatic tc)

patsEnv :: ATSToolConfig -> FilePath -> [CmdOption]
patsEnv cfg path = EchoStderr False :
    zipWith AddEnv
        [_patsHome cfg, _patsHome cfg </> "bin:" ++ path, _patsHomeLocs cfg ]

atsToC :: FilePath -> FilePath
atsToC = (-<.> "c") . ((".atspkg" </> "c") </>)

ghcV :: HsCompiler -> [ForeignCabal] -> Action String
ghcV (GHC _ suff) hsLibs' = maybe def' (fmap (drop 1)) (pure <$> suff) where
    def' = case hsLibs' of
        [] -> pure undefined
        _  -> quietly ghcVersion
ghcV _ _ = pure undefined

doLib :: ArtifactType -> Rules () -> Rules ()
doLib Executable = pure mempty
doLib _          = id

hsAts :: ATSGen -> Rules ()
hsAts (ATSGen x y z) = genATS x y z

satsGen :: HATSGen -> Rules ()
satsGen (HATSGen x y) = genLinks x y

ccToHsc :: CCompiler -> HsCompiler
ccToHsc (C.GHC pref suff) = GHC pref suff
ccToHsc _                 = GHC Nothing Nothing

-- | Rules for generating binaries or libraries from ATS code.
atsBin :: ATSTarget -> Rules ()
atsBin ATSTarget{..} = do

    traverse_ satsGen _linkTargets

    traverse_ hsAts _genTargets

    traverse_ (cabalForeign (ccToHsc $ _cc _toolConfig)) _hsLibs

    let cTargets = atsToC <$> _src

    let h Executable    = id
        h StaticLibrary = fmap (-<.> "o")
        h SharedLibrary = fmap (-<.> "o")
        g Executable    = binaryA
        g StaticLibrary = staticLibA
        g SharedLibrary = sharedLibA
        h' = h _tgtType

    cconfig' <- cconfig _toolConfig _libs _gc (makeCFlags _cFlags mempty (pure undefined) _gc)

    let atsGen = (hatsFile <$> _linkTargets) <> (_atsTarget <$> _genTargets)
        -- FIXME the generated C should not depend on the C compiler but the
        -- build artifacts should
        atsExtras = _otherDeps <> (TL.unpack . objectFile <$> _hsLibs)

    zipWithM_ (cgen _toolConfig atsExtras atsGen) _src cTargets

    doLib _tgtType (zipWithM_ (objectFileR (_cc _toolConfig) cconfig') cTargets (h' cTargets))

    _binTarget %> \_ -> do

        need (h' cTargets)

        ghcV' <- ghcV (ccToHsc $ _cc _toolConfig) _hsLibs

        cconfig'' <- cconfig _toolConfig _libs _gc (makeCFlags _cFlags _hsLibs ghcV' _gc)

        unit $ g _tgtType (_cc _toolConfig) (h' cTargets) _binTarget cconfig''
        bool (pure ()) (stripA _binTarget (_cc _toolConfig)) _strip

-- | Generate C code from ATS code.
cgen :: ATSToolConfig
     -> [FilePath] -- ^ Extra files to track
     -> [FilePath] -- ^ ATS source that may be generated.
     -> FilePath -- ^ ATS source
     -> FilePattern -- ^ Pattern for C file to be generated
     -> Rules ()
cgen toolConfig' extras atsGens atsSrc cFiles =
    cFiles %> \out -> do

        -- tell shake which files to track and copy them to the appropriate
        -- directory
        need extras
        sources <- transitiveDeps atsGens [atsSrc]
        need sources
        copySources toolConfig' sources

        atsCommand toolConfig' atsSrc out

-- | This provides rules for generating C code from ATS source files in the
trim :: String -> String
trim = init . drop 1

-- | Print any errors to standard error.
maybeError :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> Either ATSError b -> m ()
maybeError _ Right{}  = pure ()
maybeError p (Left y) = warnErr p y

transitiveDeps :: (MonadIO m) => [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> m [FilePath]
transitiveDeps _ [] = pure []
transitiveDeps gen ps = fmap fold $ forM ps $ \p -> if p `elem` gen then pure mempty else do
    contents <- liftIO $ readFile p
    let (ats, err) = (fromRight mempty &&& id) . parseM $ contents
    maybeError p err
    let dir = takeDirectory p
    deps <- filterM (\f -> ((f `elem` gen) ||) <$> (liftIO . doesFileExist) f) $ fixDir dir . trim <$> getDependencies ats
    deps' <- transitiveDeps gen deps
    pure $ (p:deps) ++ deps'