shake-plus- Re-export of Shake using well-typed paths and ReaderT.

CopyrightCopyright (C) 2020 Daniel Firth
MaintainerDaniel Firth <
Safe HaskellNone



License : MIT Stability : experimental

Experimental loaders for shake-plus. Load a collection of FilePatterns as a HashMap.



batchLoad Source #


:: MonadAction m 
=> Path b Dir

The directory to search in

-> [FilePattern]

A filepattern to match against.

-> (Path b File -> m a)

A newCache operation that loads the file and turns it into some a.

-> m (HashMap (Path Rel File) a) 

Load a directory of FilePatterns via some loading function. This should be a newCache operation that takes full filepaths.

batchLoadWithin Source #


:: MonadAction m 
=> Within b [FilePattern]

The directory and filepattern to search.

-> (Within b (Path Rel File) -> m a)

A newCache operation that loads the file and turns it into some a.

-> m (Within b (HashMap (Path Rel File) a)) 

Like batchLoad, but returns an Within of a Dir containing the HashMap

batchLoadWithin' Source #


:: MonadAction m 
=> Within b [FilePattern]

The directory and filepattern to search.

-> (Within b (Path Rel File) -> m a)

A newCache operation that loads the file and turns it into some a.

-> m (HashMap (Within b (Path Rel File)) a) 

Like batchLoadWithin', but returns a HashMap containing Within values instead of an Within of a Hashmap.