module Shakebook.Feed (
, buildFeed
) where

import Data.Aeson
import Development.Shake
import RIO
import RIO.List.Partial
import Shakebook.Conventions
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import qualified RIO.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Atom.Feed as Atom
import Text.Atom.Feed.Export

-- Convert a Post to an Atom Entry
asAtomEntry :: Value -> Atom.Entry
asAtomEntry x = (Atom.nullEntry (viewUrl x) (Atom.TextString $ viewTitle x) (viewPostTimeRaw x)) {
                       Atom.entryContent = Just $ Atom.TextContent (viewContent x) }

-- Build an Atom Feed from a list of posts.
buildFeed :: Text -> Text -> [Value] -> FilePath -> Action ()
buildFeed title baseUrl xs out = do
  let fs = asAtomEntry <$> dateSortPosts xs
  let t = Atom.nullFeed baseUrl (Atom.TextString title) $ Atom.entryUpdated (head fs)
  let (Just a) = textFeed (t { Atom.feedEntries = fs })
  writeFile' out (T.unpack . TL.toStrict $ a)