show-combinators- Combinators to write Show instances

Safe HaskellSafe




Combinators to write Show instances.

The following type illustrates the common use cases.

data MyType a
  = C a a                   -- a regular constructor
  | a :+: a                 -- an infix constructor
  | R { f1 :: a, f2 :: a }  -- a record

infixl 4 :+:

instance Show a => Show (MyType a) where
  showsPrec = flip precShows where
    precShows (C a b) = showCon "C" @| a @| b
    precShows (c :+: d) = showInfix' ":+:" 4 c d
    precShows (R {f1 = e, f2 = f}) =
      showRecord "R" ("f1" .=. e &| "f2" .=. f)


module Text.Show

type PrecShowS = Int -> ShowS Source #

Type of strings representing expressions, parameterized by the surrounding precedence level.

This is the return type of flip showsPrec.

Simple constructors and applications

showCon :: String -> PrecShowS Source #

Show a constructor.

Possible constructor names are:

  • regular constructors (e.g., "Left");
  • parenthesized infix constructors (e.g., "(:)");
  • smart constructors, for abstract types (e.g., "Map.fromList").

Example with smart constructor

instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (Map k v) where
  showsPrec = flip precShows where
    precShows m = showCon "Map.fromList" @| Map.toList m

-- Example output:
-- > Map.fromList [(33, True), (55, False)]

showApp :: PrecShowS -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS infixl 2 Source #

Show a function application.

(@|) :: Show a => PrecShowS -> a -> PrecShowS infixl 2 Source #

Show a function application.

This is an infix shorthand for showApp when the argument type is an instance of Show.

showF @| x = showApp showF (flip showsPrec x)

Infix constructors

showInfix :: String -> Int -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS Source #

Show an applied infix operator with a given precedence.

showInfix' :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> Int -> a -> b -> PrecShowS Source #

Show an applied infix operator with a given precedence.

This is a shorthand for showInfix when the arguments types are instances of Show.

showInfix' op prec x y =
  showInfix op prec (flip showsPrec x) (flip showsPrec y)

Combinators for associative operators

Use with care, see warning under showInfixl.

showInfixl :: String -> Int -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS Source #

Show an applied infix operator which is left associative (infixl). Use with care.


This combinator assumes that, if there is another infix operator to the left, it is either left associative with the same precedence, or it has a different precedence. An expression containing two operators at the same level with different associativities is ambiguous and will not be shown correctly with showInfixl and showInfixr.

By default, prefer showInfix and showInfix'.

showInfixl' :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> Int -> a -> b -> PrecShowS Source #

Show an applied infix operator which is left associative (infixl). Use with care, see showInfixl.

This is a shorthand for showInfixl when the arguments types are instances of Show.

By default, prefer showInfix and showInfix'.

showInfixr :: String -> Int -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS -> PrecShowS Source #

Show an applied infix operator which is right associative (infixr). Use with care.


This combinator assumes that, if there is another infix operator to the right, it is either right associative with the same precedence, or it has a different precedence. An expression containing two operators at the same level with different associativities is ambiguous and will not be shown correctly with showInfixl and showInfixr.

By default, prefer showInfix and showInfix'.

Example usage

showList :: Show a => [a] -> PrecShowS
showList [] = showCon "[]"
showList (x : xs) = showInfixr ":" 5 (flip showsPrec x) (showList xs)

-- Example output:
-- > 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : []

showInfixr' :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> Int -> a -> b -> PrecShowS Source #

Show an applied infix operator which is right associative (infixr). Use with care, see showInfixr.

This is a shorthand for showInfixr when the arguments types are instances of Show.

By default, prefer showInfix and showInfix'.


type ShowFields = ShowS Source #

Strings representing a set of record fields separated by commas. They can be constructed using (.=.) and (@|), or using showField and appendFields.

showRecord :: String -> ShowFields -> PrecShowS Source #

Show a record. The first argument is the constructor name. The second represents the set of record fields.

showField :: String -> PrecShowS -> ShowFields Source #

Show a single record field: a field name and a value separated by '='.

(.=.) :: Show a => String -> a -> ShowFields infixr 8 Source #

Show a single record field: a field name and a value separated by '='.

This is an infix shorthand for showField when the value type is an instance of Show.

field .=. x   =   showField field (flip showsPrec x)

noFields :: ShowFields Source #

Empty set of record fields.

appendFields :: ShowFields -> ShowFields -> ShowFields infixr 1 Source #

Separate two nonempty sets of record fields by a comma.

(&|) :: ShowFields -> ShowFields -> ShowFields infixr 1 Source #

An infix synonym of appendFields.