{-# language
  , FlexibleInstances
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , TypeApplications

module Shwifty.Class
  ( ToSwift(..)
  , ToSwiftData(..)
  ) where

import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM,foldr',foldl')
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Int (Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64)
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.List.NonEmpty ((<|), NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.UUID.Types (UUID)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Word (Word8,Word16,Word32,Word64)
import GHC.TypeLits
  ( Symbol, KnownSymbol, symbolVal
  , TypeError, ErrorMessage(..)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (stringE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import Prelude hiding (Enum(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Primitive as Prim

import Shwifty.Types

-- | The class for things which can be converted to
--   'SwiftData'.
--   Typically the instance will be generated by
--   'getShwifty'.
class ToSwiftData a where
  -- | Convert a type to 'SwiftData'
  toSwiftData :: Proxy a -> SwiftData

-- | The class for things which can be converted to
--   a Swift type ('Ty').
--   Typically the instance will be generated by
--   'getShwifty'.
class ToSwift a where
  -- | Convert a type to its Swift 'Ty'.
  toSwift :: Proxy a -> Ty

instance ToSwift () where
  toSwift = const Unit

instance ToSwift Bool where
  toSwift = const Bool

instance ToSwift UUID where
  toSwift = const (Concrete "UUID" [])

instance ToSwift UTCTime where
  toSwift = const (Concrete "Date" [])

instance forall a b. (ToSwift a, ToSwift b) => ToSwift (a -> b) where
  toSwift = const (App (toSwift (Proxy @a)) (toSwift (Proxy @b)))

instance forall a. ToSwift a => ToSwift (Maybe a) where
  toSwift = const (Optional (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

-- | /Note/: In Swift, the ordering of the type
--   variables is flipped - Shwifty has made the
--   design choice to flip them for you. If you
--   take issue with this, please open an issue
--   for discussion on GitHub.
instance forall a b. (ToSwift a, ToSwift b) => ToSwift (Either a b) where
  toSwift = const (Result (toSwift (Proxy @b)) (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

instance ToSwift Integer where
  toSwift = const

instance ToSwift Int   where toSwift = const I
instance ToSwift Int8  where toSwift = const I8
instance ToSwift Int16 where toSwift = const I16
instance ToSwift Int32 where toSwift = const I32
instance ToSwift Int64 where toSwift = const I64

instance ToSwift Word   where toSwift = const U
instance ToSwift Word8  where toSwift = const U8
instance ToSwift Word16 where toSwift = const U16
instance ToSwift Word32 where toSwift = const U32
instance ToSwift Word64 where toSwift = const U64

instance ToSwift Float  where toSwift = const F32
instance ToSwift Double where toSwift = const F64

instance ToSwift Char where toSwift = const Character

instance forall a. (ToSwift a) => ToSwift (Prim.Array a) where
  toSwift = const (Array (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

instance forall a. (ToSwift a) => ToSwift (Prim.SmallArray a) where
  toSwift = const (Array (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

instance ToSwift Prim.ByteArray where
  toSwift = const (Array U8)

instance forall a. (ToSwift a) => ToSwift (Prim.PrimArray a) where
  toSwift = const (Array (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

instance forall a. ToSwift a => ToSwift (Vector a) where
  toSwift = const (Array (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

instance {-# overlappable #-} forall a. ToSwift a => ToSwift [a] where
  toSwift = const (Array (toSwift (Proxy @a)))

instance {-# overlapping #-} ToSwift [Char] where toSwift = const Str

instance ToSwift TL.Text where toSwift = const Str
instance ToSwift TS.Text where toSwift = const Str

instance ToSwift BL.ByteString where toSwift = const (Array U8)
instance ToSwift BS.ByteString where toSwift = const (Array U8)

instance ToSwift (CI s) where toSwift = const Str

instance forall k v. (ToSwift k, ToSwift v) => ToSwift (M.Map k v) where toSwift = const (Dictionary (toSwift (Proxy @k)) (toSwift (Proxy @v)))

instance forall k v. (ToSwift k, ToSwift v) => ToSwift (HM.HashMap k v) where toSwift = const (Dictionary (toSwift (Proxy @k)) (toSwift (Proxy @v)))

instance forall a b. (ToSwift a, ToSwift b) => ToSwift ((,) a b) where
  toSwift = const (Tuple2 (toSwift (Proxy @a)) (toSwift (Proxy @b)))

instance forall a b c. (ToSwift a, ToSwift b, ToSwift c) => ToSwift ((,,) a b c) where
  toSwift = const (Tuple3 (toSwift (Proxy @a)) (toSwift (Proxy @b)) (toSwift (Proxy @c)))