{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-| The 'Async' effect allows you to fork new threads in monads other than just 'IO'.

module Control.Effects.Async where

import Import

import Control.Effects

import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async

import Control.Monad.Runnable

import Control.Effects.State

-- | The name of the effect

data Async

-- | The type that represents the forked computation in the monad @m@ that eventually computes

--   a value of type @a@. Depending on the monad, the computation may produce zero, one or even

--   multiple values of that type.

newtype AsyncThread m a = AsyncThread (Async.Async (m a))

    deriving (Functor, Eq, Ord)

instance Effect Async where

    data EffMethods Async m = AsyncMethods

        { _async :: forall a. m a -> m (AsyncThread m a)

        , _waitAsync :: forall a. AsyncThread m a -> m a }

    type CanLift Async t = RunnableTrans t

    mergeContext mm = AsyncMethods

        (\a -> mm >>= ($ a) . _async)

        (\a -> mm >>= ($ a) . _waitAsync)

    liftThrough (AsyncMethods f g) = AsyncMethods

        (\tma -> do

            st <- currentTransState

            !res <- lift (f (runTransformer tma st))

            return $ mapAsync (lift >=> restoreTransState) res


        (\a -> do

            st <- currentTransState

            res <- lift (g (mapAsync (`runTransformer` st) a))

            restoreTransState res



        mapAsync :: (m a -> n b) -> AsyncThread m a -> AsyncThread n b

        mapAsync f' (AsyncThread as) = AsyncThread (fmap f' as)

-- | The 'IO' implementation uses the @async@ library.

instance MonadEffect Async IO where

    effect = AsyncMethods

        (fmap (AsyncThread . fmap return) . Async.async)

        (\(AsyncThread as) -> join (Async.wait as))

-- | Fork a new thread to run the given computation. The monadic context is forked into the new

--   thread.


--   For example, if we use state, the current state value will be visible int he forked computation.

--   Depending on how we ultimately implement the state, modifying it may or may not be visible

--   from the main thread. If we use 'implementStateViaStateT' then setting the state in the forked

--   thread will just modify the thread-local value. On the other hand, if we use

--  'implementStateViaIORef' then both the main thread and the new thread will use the same reference

--   meaning they can interact through it.

async :: MonadEffect Async m => m a -> m (AsyncThread m a)

-- | Wait for the thread to finish and return it's result. The monadic context will also be merged.


--   Example:


-- @

--  'setState' \@Int 1

--  th <- 'async' $ do

--      'setState' \@Int 2

--  'waitAsync' th

--  print =<< 'getState' \@Int -- Outputs 2

-- @

waitAsync :: MonadEffect Async m => AsyncThread m a -> m a

AsyncMethods async waitAsync = effect

-- | This will discard the @'MonadEffect' 'Async' m@ constraint by forcing @m@ to be 'IO'.

--   The functions doesn't actually do anything, the real implementation is given by the

--   @'MonadEffect' 'Async' IO@ instance which uses the @async@ package.

implementAsyncViaIO :: IO a -> IO a

implementAsyncViaIO = id