{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, RankNTypes, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

-- | Add non-determinism to your monad. Uses the 'ListT' transformer under the hood.

module Control.Effects.List

    ( module Control.Effects.List

    , module ListT ) where

import Prelude hiding (splitAt, head)

import Import

import ListT hiding (take)

import Control.Effects

newtype NonDeterminism m = NonDeterminismMethods

    { _choose :: forall a. [a] -> m a }

instance Effect NonDeterminism where

    liftThrough (NonDeterminismMethods c) = NonDeterminismMethods (lift . c)

    mergeContext m = NonDeterminismMethods (\a -> do

        lm <- m

        _choose lm a)

-- | Get a value from the list. The choice of which value to take is non-deterministic

--   in a sense that the rest of the computation will be ran once for each of them.

choose :: forall a m. MonadEffect NonDeterminism m => [a] -> m a

NonDeterminismMethods choose = effect

instance Monad m => MonadEffect NonDeterminism (ListT m) where

    effect = NonDeterminismMethods fromFoldable

-- | Signals that this branch of execution failed to produce a result.

deadEnd :: MonadEffect NonDeterminism m => m a

deadEnd = choose []

-- | Execute all the effects and collect the result in a list.

--   Note that this forces all the results, no matter which elements of the result list you end

--   up actually using. For lazyer behavior use the other handlers.

evaluateToList :: Monad m => ListT m a -> m [a]

evaluateToList = toList

-- | Given a function, apply it to all the results.

traverseAllResults :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> ListT m a -> m ()

traverseAllResults = traverse_

-- | Given a folding function, fold over every result. If you want to terminate eary, use the

--   'foldWithEarlyTermination' instead.

foldAllResults :: Monad m => (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> ListT m a -> m r

foldAllResults = fold

-- | Same as 'foldAllResults' but the folding function has the ability to terminate early by

--   returning Nothing.

foldWithEarlyTermination :: Monad m => (r -> a -> m (Maybe r)) -> r -> ListT m a -> m r

foldWithEarlyTermination = foldMaybe

-- | Executes only the effects needed to produce the first n results.

evaluateNResults :: Monad m => Int -> ListT m a -> m [a]

evaluateNResults n = fmap fst . splitAt n

-- | Executes only the effects needed to produce a single result.

evaluateOneResult :: Monad m => ListT m a -> m (Maybe a)

evaluateOneResult = head

-- | Execute all the effects but discard their results.

evaluateAll :: Monad m => ListT m a -> m ()

evaluateAll = void . evaluateToList