-- | Fast start


-- Create log config:


-- @

--myCfg = logCfg [(\"\", Info), (\"app\", Trace), (\"app.sub\", Debug)]

-- @


-- Create log and run log monad


-- @

--run ∷ IO ()

--run = runLog myCfg [handler text (file \"out.log\")] $ yourFunction

-- @


-- Function within log monad:


-- @

--yourFunction ∷ MonadLog m ⇒ m ()

--yourFunction = component \"app\" $ scope \"your\" $ do

--	sendLog Trace \"Hello from your function\"

-- @


-- Each component can have different level in config, subcomponents are specified with \'.\'

-- Components have independent scopes

-- Scopes can be nested and separated with \'/\':


-- @

--function2 ∷ MonadLog m ⇒ m ()

--function2 = component \"app.sub\" $ scope \"foo\" $ do

--	scope \"bar/baz\" $ do

--		sendLog Info \"Component app.sub and scope foo/bar/baz\"

--		sendLog Trace \"Invisible: app.sub configured with debug level\"

--	sendLog Info \"Same component and scope foo\"

--	component \"module\" $ sendLog Info \"Component module and root scope\"

-- @


-- You can update config with @updateLogConfig@ (or @modifyLogConfig@ within log monad) function

-- And change handlers with @updateLogHandlers@ (@modifyLogHandlers@)


-- There're also global logger @globalLog@, that can be used with @runGlobalLog@


-- @

--test ∷ IO ()

--test = do

--	updateLogHandlers globalLog ([handler text (file \"test.log\")]:)

--	runGlobalLog $ do

--		sendLog Info \"This will go to test.log too\"

--		modifyLogConfig (set (ix \"\") Debug)

--		sendLog Debug \"Now debug is logged too\"

-- @


module System.Log.Simple (
        module System.Log.Simple.Base,
        module System.Log.Simple.Monad,
        module System.Log.Simple.Text,
        module System.Log.Simple.Stream,
        module System.Log.Simple.File,

        runGlobalLog, runConsoleLog, runLogMsgs, runLogTexts
        ) where

import Prelude.Unicode

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import System.Log.Simple.Base (
        Level(..), Message, Converter, Consumer, LogHandler, handler,
        LogConfig(..), defCfg, logCfg, componentCfg, Log(..),
        newLog, rootLog, getLog, subLog,
        updateLogConfig, updateLogHandlers, writeLog, stopLog)
import System.Log.Simple.Monad (
        MonadLog(..), LogT(..), noLog, withLog, runLog, sendLog,
        component, scope_, scope, scopeM, scoper, scoperM, trace,
        modifyLogConfig, modifyLogHandlers)
import System.Log.Simple.Text
import System.Log.Simple.Stream
import System.Log.Simple.File
import System.Log.Simple.Chan

globalLog  Log
globalLog = unsafePerformIO $ newLog defCfg [handler text coloredConsole]

runGlobalLog  LogT m a  m a
runGlobalLog = withLog globalLog

runConsoleLog  (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)  LogConfig  LogT m a  m a
runConsoleLog cfg = runLog cfg [handler text coloredConsole]

runLogChan  (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)  (Chan w  LogHandler)  LogConfig  LogT m a  m (a, [w])
runLogChan c cfg act = do
        ch  liftIO newChan
        mch  liftIO newChan
        _  liftIO $ forkIO $ getChanContents ch >>= mapM_ (writeChan mch . Just)
        r  runLog cfg [c ch] act
        liftIO $ writeChan mch Nothing
        msgs  liftIO ((catMaybes  takeWhile isJust) <$> getChanContents mch)
        return (r, msgs)

runLogMsgs  (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)  LogConfig  LogT m a  m (a, [Message])
runLogMsgs = runLogChan chan

runLogTexts  (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)  Converter Text  LogConfig  LogT m a  m (a, [Text])
runLogTexts txt = runLogChan (handler txt  chan)