simple-smt-0.5.5: A simple way to interact with an SMT solver process.

Safe HaskellSafe




A module for interacting with an SMT solver, using SmtLib-2 format.


Basic Solver Interface

data Solver Source

An interactive solver process.

newSolver Source


:: String


-> [String]


-> Maybe Logger

Optional logging here

-> IO Solver 

Start a new solver process.

command :: Solver -> SExpr -> IO SExpr Source

Send a command to the solver.

stop :: Solver -> IO ExitCode Source

Terminate the solver.

ackCommand :: Solver -> SExpr -> IO () Source

A command with no interesting result.

simpleCommand :: Solver -> [String] -> IO () Source

A command entirely made out of atoms, with no interesting result.

simpleCommandMaybe :: Solver -> [String] -> IO Bool Source

Run a command and return True if successful, and False if unsupported. This is useful for setting options that unsupported by some solvers, but used by others.


data SExpr Source

S-expressions. These are the basic format for SmtLib-2.


Atom String 
List [SExpr] 


showsSExpr :: SExpr -> ShowS Source

Show an s-expression.

readSExpr :: String -> Maybe (SExpr, String) Source

Parse an s-expression.

Logging and Debugging

data Logger Source

Log messages with minimal formatting. Mostly for debugging.




logMessage :: String -> IO ()

Log a message.

logTab :: IO ()

Increase indentation.

logUntab :: IO ()

Decrease indentation.

newLogger :: IO Logger Source

A simple stdout logger.

Common SmtLib-2 Commands

setLogic :: Solver -> String -> IO () Source

Set the solver's logic. Usually, this should be done first.

setLogicMaybe :: Solver -> String -> IO Bool Source

Set the solver's logic, returning False if the logic is unsupported.

setOption :: Solver -> String -> String -> IO () Source

Set a solver option.

setOptionMaybe :: Solver -> String -> String -> IO Bool Source

Set a solver option, returning False if the option is unsupported.

push :: Solver -> IO () Source

Checkpoint state. A special case of pushMany.

pushMany :: Solver -> Integer -> IO () Source

Push multiple scopes.

pop :: Solver -> IO () Source

Restore to last check-point. A sepcial case of popMany.

popMany :: Solver -> Integer -> IO () Source

Pop multiple scopes.

declare :: Solver -> String -> SExpr -> IO SExpr Source

Declare a constant. A common abbreviation for declareFun. For convenience, returns an the declared name as a constant expression.

declareFun :: Solver -> String -> [SExpr] -> SExpr -> IO SExpr Source

Declare a function or a constant. For convenience, returns an the declared name as a constant expression.

define Source


:: Solver 
-> String

New symbol

-> SExpr

Symbol type

-> SExpr

Symbol definition

-> IO SExpr 

Declare a constant. A common abbreviation for declareFun. For convenience, returns the defined name as a constant expression.

defineFun Source


:: Solver 
-> String

New symbol

-> [(String, SExpr)]

Parameters, with types

-> SExpr

Type of result

-> SExpr


-> IO SExpr 

Define a function or a constant. For convenience, returns an the defined name as a constant expression.

assert :: Solver -> SExpr -> IO () Source

Assume a fact.

check :: Solver -> IO Result Source

Check if the current set of assertion is consistent.

data Result Source

Results of checking for satisfiability.



The assertions are satisfiable


The assertions are unsatisfiable


The result is inconclusive


getExprs :: Solver -> [SExpr] -> IO [(SExpr, Value)] Source

Get the values of some s-expressions. Only valid after a Sat result.

getExpr :: Solver -> SExpr -> IO Value Source

Get the value of a single expression.

getConsts :: Solver -> [String] -> IO [(String, Value)] Source

Get the values of some constants in the current model. A special case of getExprs. Only valid after a Sat result.

getConst :: Solver -> String -> IO Value Source

Get the value of a single constant.

data Value Source

Common values returned by SMT solvers.


Bool !Bool

Boolean value

Int !Integer

Integral value

Real !Rational

Rational value

Bits !Int !Integer

Bit vector: width, value

Other !SExpr

Some other value


Convenienct Functoins for SmtLib-2 Epxressions

fam :: String -> [Integer] -> SExpr Source

A constant, corresponding to a family indexed by some integers.

fun :: String -> [SExpr] -> SExpr Source

An SMT function.

const :: String -> SExpr Source

An SMT constant. A special case of fun.


tInt :: SExpr Source

The type of integers.

tBool :: SExpr Source

The type of booleans.

tReal :: SExpr Source

The type of reals.

tArray Source


:: SExpr

Type of indexes

-> SExpr

Type of elements

-> SExpr 

The type of arrays.

tBits Source


:: Integer

Number of bits

-> SExpr 

The type of bit vectors.


int :: Integer -> SExpr Source

Integer literals.

real :: Rational -> SExpr Source

Real (well, reational) literals.

bool :: Bool -> SExpr Source

Boolean literals.

bvBin Source


:: Int

Width, in bits

-> Integer


-> SExpr 

A bit vector represented in binary.

  • If the value does not fit in the bits, then the bits will be increased.
  • The width should be strictly positive.

bvHex Source


:: Int

Width, in bits

-> Integer


-> SExpr 

A bit vector represented in hex.

  • If the value does not fit in the bits, the bits will be increased to the next multiple of 4 that will fit the value.
  • If the width is not a multiple of 4, it will be rounded up so that it is.
  • The width should be strictly positive.

value :: Value -> SExpr Source

Render a value as an expression. Bit-vectors are rendered in hex, if their width is a multiple of 4, and in binary otherwise.


not :: SExpr -> SExpr Source

Logical negation.

and :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


or :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


xor :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


implies :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source



ite :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

If-then-else. This is polymorphic and can be used to construct any term.

Relational Predicates

eq :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


gt :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


lt :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


geq :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


leq :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


bvULt :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Unsigned less-than on bit-vectors.

bvULeq :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Unsigned less-than-or-equal on bit-vectors.

bvSLt :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Signed less-than on bit-vectors.

bvSLeq :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Signed less-than-or-equal on bit-vectors.


add :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Addition. See also bvAdd

sub :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


neg :: SExpr -> SExpr Source

Arithmetic negation for integers and reals. See also bvNeg.

mul :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


abs :: SExpr -> SExpr Source

Absolute value.

div :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Integer division.

mod :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source


divisible :: SExpr -> Integer -> SExpr Source

Is the number divisible by the given constante.

realDiv :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Division of real numbers.

Bit Vectors

concat :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bit vector concatenation.

extract :: SExpr -> Integer -> Integer -> SExpr Source

Extract a sub-sequence of a bit vector.

bvNot :: SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bitwise negation.

bvNeg :: SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bit vector arithmetic negation.

bvAnd :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bitwise conjuction.

bvXOr :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bitwsie exclusive or.

bvOr :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bitwsie disjucntion.

bvAdd :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Addition of bit vectors.

bvSub :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Subtraction of bit vectors.

bvMul :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Multiplication of bit vectors.

bvUDiv :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bit vector unsigned division.

bvURem :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bit vector unsigned reminder.

bvSDiv :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bit vector signed division.

bvSRem :: SExpr -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Bit vector signed reminder.

bvShl Source


:: SExpr


-> SExpr

shift amount

-> SExpr 

Shift left.

bvLShr Source


:: SExpr


-> SExpr

shift amount

-> SExpr 

Logical shift right.

bvAShr Source


:: SExpr


-> SExpr

shift amount

-> SExpr 

Arithemti shift right (copies most significant bit).

signExtend :: Integer -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Extend to the signed equivalent bitvector by i bits

zeroExtend :: Integer -> SExpr -> SExpr Source

Extend with zeros to the unsigned equivalent bitvector by i bits


select Source


:: SExpr


-> SExpr


-> SExpr 

Get an elemeent of an array.

store Source


:: SExpr


-> SExpr


-> SExpr

new value

-> SExpr 

Update an array