sindre-0.4: A programming language for simple GUIs

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered



Portable Sindre gadgets and helper functions that can be used by any backend.



mkHorizontally :: MonadBackend m => Constructor mSource

A widget that arranges its children in a horizontal row.

mkVertically :: MonadBackend m => Constructor mSource

A widget that arranges its children in a vertical column.

changeField :: FieldDesc s im v -> (v -> ObjectM s im v) -> ObjectM s im vSource

changeField field m applies m to the current value of the field field, updates field with the value returned by m, and returns the new value.

changeField_ :: FieldDesc s im v -> (v -> ObjectM s im v) -> ObjectM s im ()Source

Like changeField, but without a return value.

changingField :: (MonadBackend im, Mold v) => FieldDesc s im v -> ObjectM s im a -> ObjectM s im aSource

changingFields fields m evaluates m, then emits field change events for those fields whose names are in fields that changed while evaluating m.

data Match Source

The result of using match to apply a user-provided pattern to a string.


match :: Text -> Text -> Maybe MatchSource

match pat s applies the pattern pat to s and returns a Match describing the kind of match if any, or Nothing otherwise. The pattern is interpreted as tokens delimited by whitespace, and each token must be present somewhere in s.

filterMatches :: (a -> Text) -> Text -> [a] -> [a]Source

filterMatches f pat l returns only those elements of l that match pat, using f to convert each element to a Text. The result will be ordered equivalently to l

sortMatches :: (a -> Text) -> Text -> [a] -> [a]Source

sortMatches f pat l returns only those elements of l that match pat, using f to convert each element to a Text. The result will be reordered such that exact matches come first, then prefixes, then infixes, although original order will be maintained within these three groups.