singletons-2.2: A framework for generating singleton types

Copyright(C) 2014 Jan Stolarek
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerJan Stolarek (
Safe HaskellNone




Defines promoted functions and datatypes relating to List, including a promoted version of all the definitions in Data.List.

Because many of these definitions are produced by Template Haskell, it is not possible to create proper Haddock documentation. Please look up the corresponding operation in Data.List. Also, please excuse the apparent repeated variable names. This is due to an interaction between Template Haskell and Haddock.


Basic functions

type family (a :: [a]) :++ (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infixr 5 Source #


'[] :++ ys = ys 
((:) x xs) :++ ys = Apply (Apply (:$) x) (Apply (Apply (:++$) xs) ys) 

type family Head (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Head ((:) a _z_1627957326) = a 
Head '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.head: empty list" 

type family Last (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Last '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.last: empty list" 
Last '[x] = x 
Last ((:) _z_1627957316 ((:) x xs)) = Apply LastSym0 (Apply (Apply (:$) x) xs) 

type family Tail (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Tail ((:) _z_1627957307 t) = t 
Tail '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.tail: empty list" 

type family Init (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Init '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.init: empty list" 
Init ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Let1627957276Init'Sym2 x xs) x) xs 

type family Null (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Null '[] = TrueSym0 
Null ((:) _z_1627957205 _z_1627957208) = FalseSym0 

type family Length (a :: [a]) :: Nat where ... Source #


Length '[] = FromInteger 0 
Length ((:) _z_1627954120 xs) = Apply (Apply (:+$) (FromInteger 1)) (Apply LengthSym0 xs) 

List transformations

type family Map (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Map _z_1627796817 '[] = '[] 
Map f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply f x)) (Apply (Apply MapSym0 f) xs) 

type family Reverse (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Reverse l = Apply (Apply (Let1627957171RevSym1 l) l) '[] 

type family Intersperse (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Intersperse _z_1627957149 '[] = '[] 
Intersperse sep ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:$) x) (Apply (Apply PrependToAllSym0 sep) xs) 

type family Intercalate (a :: [a]) (a :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Intercalate xs xss = Apply ConcatSym0 (Apply (Apply IntersperseSym0 xs) xss) 

type family Transpose (a :: [[a]]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


Transpose '[] = '[] 
Transpose ((:) '[] xss) = Apply TransposeSym0 xss 
Transpose ((:) ((:) x xs) xss) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (:$) x) (Apply (Apply MapSym0 HeadSym0) xss))) (Apply TransposeSym0 (Apply (Apply (:$) xs) (Apply (Apply MapSym0 TailSym0) xss))) 

type family Subsequences (a :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


Subsequences xs = Apply (Apply (:$) '[]) (Apply NonEmptySubsequencesSym0 xs) 

type family Permutations (a :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


Permutations xs0 = Apply (Apply (:$) xs0) (Apply (Apply (Let1627956724PermsSym1 xs0) xs0) '[]) 

Reducing lists (folds)

type family Foldl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldl f z0 xs0 = Apply (Apply (Let1627619941LgoSym3 f z0 xs0) z0) xs0 

type family Foldl' (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldl' f z0 xs0 = Apply (Apply (Let1627956638LgoSym3 f z0 xs0) z0) xs0 

type family Foldl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldl1 f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 f) x) xs 
Foldl1 _z_1627956415 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldl1: empty list" 

type family Foldl1' (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldl1' f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply Foldl'Sym0 f) x) xs 
Foldl1' _z_1627956716 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldl1': empty list" 

type family Foldr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldr k z a_1627796838 = Apply (Let1627796843GoSym3 k z a_1627796838) a_1627796838 

type family Foldr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldr1 _z_1627956373 '[x] = x 
Foldr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_1627953856 wild_1627953858)) = Apply (Apply f x) (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 f) (Let1627956381XsSym4 f x wild_1627953856 wild_1627953858)) 
Foldr1 _z_1627956400 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldr1: empty list" 

Special folds

type family Concat (a :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Concat a_1627956357 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (:++$)) '[]) a_1627956357 

type family ConcatMap (a :: TyFun a [b] -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


ConcatMap f a_1627956353 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply (Apply (:.$) (:++$)) f)) '[]) a_1627956353 

type family And (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ... Source #


And '[] = TrueSym0 
And ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) x) (Apply AndSym0 xs) 

type family Or (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Or '[] = FalseSym0 
Or ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:||$) x) (Apply OrSym0 xs) 

type family Any_ (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Any_ _z_1627942726 '[] = FalseSym0 
Any_ p ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:||$) (Apply p x)) (Apply (Apply Any_Sym0 p) xs) 

type family All (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


All _z_1627956326 '[] = TrueSym0 
All p ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply p x)) (Apply (Apply AllSym0 p) xs) 

type family Sum (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Sum l = Apply (Apply (Let1627954153Sum'Sym1 l) l) (FromInteger 0) 

type family Product (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Product l = Apply (Apply (Let1627954129ProdSym1 l) l) (FromInteger 1) 

type family Maximum (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Maximum '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.maximum: empty list" 
Maximum ((:) wild_1627953936 wild_1627953938) = Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 MaxSym0) (Let1627956598XsSym2 wild_1627953936 wild_1627953938) 

type family Minimum (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Minimum '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.minimum: empty list" 
Minimum ((:) wild_1627953940 wild_1627953942) = Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 MinSym0) (Let1627956612XsSym2 wild_1627953940 wild_1627953942) 

any_ :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool Source #

Building lists


type family Scanl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Scanl f q ls = Apply (Apply (:$) q) (Case_1627956297 f q ls ls) 

type family Scanl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Scanl1 f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply ScanlSym0 f) x) xs 
Scanl1 _z_1627956314 '[] = '[] 

type family Scanr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Scanr _z_1627956247 q0 '[] = Apply (Apply (:$) q0) '[] 
Scanr f q0 ((:) x xs) = Case_1627956274 f q0 x xs (Let1627956255Scrutinee_1627953860Sym4 f q0 x xs) 

type family Scanr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Scanr1 _z_1627956178 '[] = '[] 
Scanr1 _z_1627956181 '[x] = Apply (Apply (:$) x) '[] 
Scanr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_1627953864 wild_1627953866)) = Case_1627956227 f x wild_1627953864 wild_1627953866 (Let1627956208Scrutinee_1627953862Sym4 f x wild_1627953864 wild_1627953866) 

Accumulating maps

type family MapAccumL (a :: TyFun acc (TyFun x (acc, y) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: acc) (a :: [x]) :: (acc, [y]) where ... Source #


MapAccumL _z_1627956012 s '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 s) '[] 
MapAccumL f s ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 (Let1627956020S''Sym4 f s x xs)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Let1627956020YSym4 f s x xs)) (Let1627956020YsSym4 f s x xs)) 

type family MapAccumR (a :: TyFun acc (TyFun x (acc, y) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: acc) (a :: [x]) :: (acc, [y]) where ... Source #


MapAccumR _z_1627955840 s '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 s) '[] 
MapAccumR f s ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 (Let1627955848S''Sym4 f s x xs)) (Apply (Apply (:$) (Let1627955848YSym4 f s x xs)) (Let1627955848YsSym4 f s x xs)) 

Infinite lists

type family Replicate (a :: Nat) (a :: a) :: [a] where ... Source #


Replicate n x = Case_1627954113 n x (Let1627954105Scrutinee_1627953948Sym2 n x) 


type family Unfoldr (a :: TyFun b (Maybe (a, b)) -> Type) (a :: b) :: [a] where ... Source #


Unfoldr f b = Case_1627955820 f b (Let1627955812Scrutinee_1627953868Sym2 f b) 


Extracting sublists

type family Take (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Take _z_1627954300 '[] = '[] 
Take n ((:) x xs) = Case_1627954319 n x xs (Let1627954306Scrutinee_1627953932Sym3 n x xs) 

type family Drop (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Drop _z_1627954269 '[] = '[] 
Drop n ((:) x xs) = Case_1627954288 n x xs (Let1627954275Scrutinee_1627953934Sym3 n x xs) 

type family SplitAt (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


SplitAt n xs = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 (Apply (Apply TakeSym0 n) xs)) (Apply (Apply DropSym0 n) xs) 

type family TakeWhile (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


TakeWhile _z_1627954673 '[] = '[] 
TakeWhile p ((:) x xs) = Case_1627954692 p x xs (Let1627954679Scrutinee_1627953922Sym3 p x xs) 

type family DropWhile (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


DropWhile _z_1627954629 '[] = '[] 
DropWhile p ((:) x xs') = Case_1627954661 p x xs' (Let1627954648Scrutinee_1627953924Sym3 p x xs') 

type family DropWhileEnd (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


DropWhileEnd p a_1627957220 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply (Apply Lambda_1627957224Sym0 p) a_1627957220)) '[]) a_1627957220 

type family Span (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


Span _z_1627954447 '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 (Let1627954450XsSym1 _z_1627954447)) (Let1627954450XsSym1 _z_1627954447) 
Span p ((:) x xs') = Case_1627954483 p x xs' (Let1627954470Scrutinee_1627953928Sym3 p x xs') 

type family Break (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


Break _z_1627954342 '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 (Let1627954345XsSym1 _z_1627954342)) (Let1627954345XsSym1 _z_1627954342) 
Break p ((:) x xs') = Case_1627954378 p x xs' (Let1627954365Scrutinee_1627953930Sym3 p x xs') 

type family StripPrefix (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: Maybe [a] where ... Source #


StripPrefix '[] ys = Apply JustSym0 ys 
StripPrefix arg_1628251755 arg_1628251757 = Case_1628252366 arg_1628251755 arg_1628251757 (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 arg_1628251755) arg_1628251757) 

type family Group (a :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


Group xs = Apply (Apply GroupBySym0 (:==$)) xs 

type family Inits (a :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


Inits xs = Apply (Apply (:$) '[]) (Case_1627955796 xs xs) 

type family Tails (a :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


Tails xs = Apply (Apply (:$) xs) (Case_1627955773 xs xs) 


type family IsPrefixOf (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


IsPrefixOf '[] '[] = TrueSym0 
IsPrefixOf '[] ((:) _z_1627955752 _z_1627955755) = TrueSym0 
IsPrefixOf ((:) _z_1627955758 _z_1627955761) '[] = FalseSym0 
IsPrefixOf ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply (Apply (:==$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply IsPrefixOfSym0 xs) ys) 

type family IsSuffixOf (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #

type family IsInfixOf (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


IsInfixOf needle haystack = Apply (Apply Any_Sym0 (Apply IsPrefixOfSym0 needle)) (Apply TailsSym0 haystack) 

Searching lists

Searching by equality

type family Elem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Elem _z_1627955689 '[] = FalseSym0 
Elem x ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:||$) (Apply (Apply (:==$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply ElemSym0 x) ys) 

type family NotElem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


NotElem _z_1627955674 '[] = TrueSym0 
NotElem x ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply (Apply (:/=$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply NotElemSym0 x) ys) 

type family Lookup (a :: a) (a :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ... Source #


Lookup _key '[] = NothingSym0 
Lookup key ((:) '(x, y) xys) = Case_1627954257 key x y xys (Let1627954238Scrutinee_1627953944Sym4 key x y xys) 

Searching with a predicate

type family Find (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Maybe a where ... Source #


Find p a_1627954733 = Apply (Apply (Apply (:.$) ListToMaybeSym0) (Apply FilterSym0 p)) a_1627954733 

type family Filter (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Filter _p '[] = '[] 
Filter p ((:) x xs) = Case_1627954721 p x xs (Let1627954708Scrutinee_1627953910Sym3 p x xs) 

type family Partition (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


Partition p xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply SelectSym0 p)) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 '[]) '[])) xs 

Indexing lists

type family (a :: [a]) :!! (a :: Nat) :: a where ... Source #


'[] :!! _z_1627954072 = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.!!: index too large" 
((:) x xs) :!! n = Case_1627954091 x xs n (Let1627954078Scrutinee_1627953950Sym3 x xs n) 

type family ElemIndex (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Maybe Nat where ... Source #


ElemIndex x a_1627955661 = Apply (Apply FindIndexSym0 (Apply (:==$) x)) a_1627955661 

type family ElemIndices (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #


ElemIndices x a_1627955635 = Apply (Apply FindIndicesSym0 (Apply (:==$) x)) a_1627955635 

type family FindIndex (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Maybe Nat where ... Source #


FindIndex p a_1627955648 = Apply (Apply (Apply (:.$) ListToMaybeSym0) (Apply FindIndicesSym0 p)) a_1627955648 

type family FindIndices (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #


FindIndices p xs = Apply (Apply MapSym0 SndSym0) (Apply (Apply FilterSym0 (Apply (Apply Lambda_1627955603Sym0 p) xs)) (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 xs) (Apply (Apply (Let1627955574BuildListSym2 p xs) (FromInteger 0)) xs))) 

Zipping and unzipping lists

type family Zip (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ... Source #


Zip ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 x) y)) (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 xs) ys) 
Zip '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip ((:) _z_1627955551 _z_1627955554) '[] = '[] 
Zip '[] ((:) _z_1627955557 _z_1627955560) = '[] 

type family Zip3 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ... Source #


Zip3 ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 as) bs) cs) 
Zip3 '[] '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip3 '[] '[] ((:) _z_1627955484 _z_1627955487) = '[] 
Zip3 '[] ((:) _z_1627955490 _z_1627955493) '[] = '[] 
Zip3 '[] ((:) _z_1627955496 _z_1627955499) ((:) _z_1627955502 _z_1627955505) = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_1627955508 _z_1627955511) '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_1627955514 _z_1627955517) '[] ((:) _z_1627955520 _z_1627955523) = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_1627955526 _z_1627955529) ((:) _z_1627955532 _z_1627955535) '[] = '[] 

type family Zip4 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) :: [(a, b, c, d)] where ... Source #


Zip4 a_1628252320 a_1628252322 a_1628252324 a_1628252326 = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith4Sym0 Tuple4Sym0) a_1628252320) a_1628252322) a_1628252324) a_1628252326 

type family Zip5 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) (a :: [e]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] where ... Source #


Zip5 a_1628252275 a_1628252277 a_1628252279 a_1628252281 a_1628252283 = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith5Sym0 Tuple5Sym0) a_1628252275) a_1628252277) a_1628252279) a_1628252281) a_1628252283 

type family Zip6 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) (a :: [e]) (a :: [f]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] where ... Source #


Zip6 a_1628252218 a_1628252220 a_1628252222 a_1628252224 a_1628252226 a_1628252228 = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith6Sym0 Tuple6Sym0) a_1628252218) a_1628252220) a_1628252222) a_1628252224) a_1628252226) a_1628252228 

type family Zip7 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) (a :: [e]) (a :: [f]) (a :: [g]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] where ... Source #


Zip7 a_1628252148 a_1628252150 a_1628252152 a_1628252154 a_1628252156 a_1628252158 a_1628252160 = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith7Sym0 Tuple7Sym0) a_1628252148) a_1628252150) a_1628252152) a_1628252154) a_1628252156) a_1628252158) a_1628252160 

type family ZipWith (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [c] where ... Source #


ZipWith f ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply f x) y)) (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWithSym0 f) xs) ys) 
ZipWith _z_1627955442 '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith _z_1627955445 ((:) _z_1627955448 _z_1627955451) '[] = '[] 
ZipWith _z_1627955454 '[] ((:) _z_1627955457 _z_1627955460) = '[] 

type family ZipWith3 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [d] where ... Source #


ZipWith3 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955347 '[] '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955350 '[] '[] ((:) _z_1627955353 _z_1627955356) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955359 '[] ((:) _z_1627955362 _z_1627955365) '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955368 '[] ((:) _z_1627955371 _z_1627955374) ((:) _z_1627955377 _z_1627955380) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955383 ((:) _z_1627955386 _z_1627955389) '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955392 ((:) _z_1627955395 _z_1627955398) '[] ((:) _z_1627955401 _z_1627955404) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_1627955407 ((:) _z_1627955410 _z_1627955413) ((:) _z_1627955416 _z_1627955419) '[] = '[] 

type family ZipWith4 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d e -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) :: [e] where ... Source #


ZipWith4 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) ((:) d ds) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c) d)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith4Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) ds) 
ZipWith4 _z_1628252133 _z_1628252136 _z_1628252139 _z_1628252142 _z_1628252145 = '[] 

type family ZipWith5 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e f -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) (a :: [e]) :: [f] where ... Source #


ZipWith5 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) ((:) d ds) ((:) e es) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c) d) e)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith5Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) ds) es) 
ZipWith5 _z_1628252076 _z_1628252079 _z_1628252082 _z_1628252085 _z_1628252088 _z_1628252091 = '[] 

type family ZipWith6 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f g -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) (a :: [e]) (a :: [f]) :: [g] where ... Source #


ZipWith6 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) ((:) d ds) ((:) e es) ((:) f fs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c) d) e) f)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith6Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) ds) es) fs) 
ZipWith6 _z_1628252005 _z_1628252008 _z_1628252011 _z_1628252014 _z_1628252017 _z_1628252020 _z_1628252023 = '[] 

type family ZipWith7 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c (TyFun d (TyFun e (TyFun f (TyFun g h -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) (a :: [d]) (a :: [e]) (a :: [f]) (a :: [g]) :: [h] where ... Source #


ZipWith7 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) ((:) d ds) ((:) e es) ((:) f fs) ((:) g gs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c) d) e) f) g)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith7Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) ds) es) fs) gs) 
ZipWith7 _z_1628251919 _z_1628251922 _z_1628251925 _z_1628251928 _z_1628251931 _z_1628251934 _z_1628251937 _z_1628251940 = '[] 

type family Unzip (a :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ... Source #


Unzip xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955293Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 '[]) '[])) xs 

type family Unzip3 (a :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ... Source #


Unzip3 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955261Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

type family Unzip4 (a :: [(a, b, c, d)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d]) where ... Source #


Unzip4 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955227Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple4Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

type family Unzip5 (a :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) where ... Source #


Unzip5 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955191Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple5Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

type family Unzip6 (a :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) where ... Source #


Unzip6 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955153Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple6Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[]) '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

type family Unzip7 (a :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) where ... Source #


Unzip7 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_1627955113Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple7Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[]) '[]) '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

Special lists

"Set" operations

type family Nub (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Nub l = Apply (Apply (Let1627955700Nub'Sym1 l) l) '[] 

type family Delete (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Delete a_1627955078 a_1627955080 = Apply (Apply (Apply DeleteBySym0 (:==$)) a_1627955078) a_1627955080 

type family (a :: [a]) :\\ (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infix 5 Source #


a_1627955093 :\\ a_1627955095 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 (Apply FlipSym0 DeleteSym0)) a_1627955093) a_1627955095 

type family Union (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Union a_1627955063 a_1627955065 = Apply (Apply (Apply UnionBySym0 (:==$)) a_1627955063) a_1627955065 

type family Intersect (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Intersect a_1627954866 a_1627954868 = Apply (Apply (Apply IntersectBySym0 (:==$)) a_1627954866) a_1627954868 

Ordered lists

type family Sort (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Sort a_1627954969 = Apply (Apply SortBySym0 CompareSym0) a_1627954969 

type family Insert (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Insert e ls = Apply (Apply (Apply InsertBySym0 CompareSym0) e) ls 

Generalized functions

The "By" operations

User-supplied equality (replacing an Eq context)

type family NubBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Bool -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


NubBy eq l = Apply (Apply (Let1627954007NubBy'Sym2 eq l) l) '[] 

type family DeleteBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Bool -> Type) -> Type) (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


DeleteBy _z_1627954991 _z_1627954994 '[] = '[] 
DeleteBy eq x ((:) y ys) = Case_1627955020 eq x y ys (Let1627955001Scrutinee_1627953894Sym4 eq x y ys) 

type family DeleteFirstsBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Bool -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


DeleteFirstsBy eq a_1627955038 a_1627955040 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 (Apply FlipSym0 (Apply DeleteBySym0 eq))) a_1627955038) a_1627955040 

type family UnionBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Bool -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


UnionBy eq xs ys = Apply (Apply (:++$) xs) (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 (Apply FlipSym0 (Apply DeleteBySym0 eq))) (Apply (Apply NubBySym0 eq) ys)) xs) 

type family GroupBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Bool -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #


GroupBy _z_1627954552 '[] = '[] 
GroupBy eq ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (:$) x) (Let1627954558YsSym3 eq x xs))) (Apply (Apply GroupBySym0 eq) (Let1627954558ZsSym3 eq x xs)) 

type family IntersectBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Bool -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


IntersectBy _z_1627954752 '[] '[] = '[] 
IntersectBy _z_1627954755 '[] ((:) _z_1627954758 _z_1627954761) = '[] 
IntersectBy _z_1627954764 ((:) _z_1627954767 _z_1627954770) '[] = '[] 
IntersectBy eq ((:) wild_1627953914 wild_1627953916) ((:) wild_1627953918 wild_1627953920) = Apply (Apply FilterSym0 (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Lambda_1627954829Sym0 eq) wild_1627953914) wild_1627953916) wild_1627953918) wild_1627953920)) (Let1627954778XsSym5 eq wild_1627953914 wild_1627953916 wild_1627953918 wild_1627953920) 

User-supplied comparison (replacing an Ord context)

type family SortBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


SortBy cmp a_1627954965 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply InsertBySym0 cmp)) '[]) a_1627954965 

type family InsertBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


InsertBy _z_1627954896 x '[] = Apply (Apply (:$) x) '[] 
InsertBy cmp x ((:) y ys') = Case_1627954942 cmp x y ys' (Let1627954923Scrutinee_1627953896Sym4 cmp x y ys') 

type family MaximumBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


MaximumBy _z_1627956427 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.maximumBy: empty list" 
MaximumBy cmp ((:) wild_1627953900 wild_1627953902) = Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 (Let1627956446MaxBySym3 cmp wild_1627953900 wild_1627953902)) (Let1627956433XsSym3 cmp wild_1627953900 wild_1627953902) 

type family MinimumBy (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


MinimumBy _z_1627956514 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.minimumBy: empty list" 
MinimumBy cmp ((:) wild_1627953906 wild_1627953908) = Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 (Let1627956533MinBySym3 cmp wild_1627953906 wild_1627953908)) (Let1627956520XsSym3 cmp wild_1627953906 wild_1627953908) 

The "generic" operations

type family GenericLength (a :: [a]) :: i where ... Source #


GenericLength '[] = FromInteger 0 
GenericLength ((:) _z_1627953967 xs) = Apply (Apply (:+$) (FromInteger 1)) (Apply GenericLengthSym0 xs) 

type family GenericTake (a :: i) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


GenericTake a_1628251829 a_1628251831 = Apply (Apply TakeSym0 a_1628251829) a_1628251831 

type family GenericDrop (a :: i) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


GenericDrop a_1628251814 a_1628251816 = Apply (Apply DropSym0 a_1628251814) a_1628251816 

type family GenericSplitAt (a :: i) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


GenericSplitAt a_1628251799 a_1628251801 = Apply (Apply SplitAtSym0 a_1628251799) a_1628251801 

type family GenericIndex (a :: [a]) (a :: i) :: a where ... Source #


GenericIndex a_1628251784 a_1628251786 = Apply (Apply (:!!$) a_1628251784) a_1628251786 

type family GenericReplicate (a :: i) (a :: a) :: [a] where ... Source #


GenericReplicate a_1628251769 a_1628251771 = Apply (Apply ReplicateSym0 a_1628251769) a_1628251771 

Defunctionalization symbols

type NilSym0 = '[] Source #

data (:$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a822083586 (TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> Type) -> *) ((:$) a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:$) a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply a822083586 (TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> Type) ((:$) a822083586) l0 Source # 
type Apply a822083586 (TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> Type) ((:$) a822083586) l0 = (:$$) a822083586 l0

data l :$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a822083586 -> TyFun [a822083586] [a822083586] -> *) ((:$$) a822083586) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:$$) a822083586) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a822083586] [a822083586] ((:$$) a822083586 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a822083586] [a822083586] ((:$$) a822083586 l1) l0 = (:$$$) a822083586 l1 l0

type (:$$$) t t = (:) t t Source #

type (:++$$$) t t = (:++) t t Source #

data l :++$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627796654] -> TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> *) ((:++$$) a1627796654) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:++$$) a1627796654) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796654] [a1627796654] ((:++$$) a1627796654 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796654] [a1627796654] ((:++$$) a1627796654 l1) l0 = (:++$$$) a1627796654 l1 l0

data (:++$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627796654] (TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> Type) -> *) ((:++$) a1627796654) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:++$) a1627796654) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796654] (TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> Type) ((:++$) a1627796654) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796654] (TyFun [a1627796654] [a1627796654] -> Type) ((:++$) a1627796654) l0 = (:++$$) a1627796654 l0

data HeadSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953409] a1627953409 -> *) (HeadSym0 a1627953409) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (HeadSym0 a1627953409) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953409] a1627953409 (HeadSym0 a1627953409) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953409] a1627953409 (HeadSym0 a1627953409) l0 = HeadSym1 a1627953409 l0

type HeadSym1 t = Head t Source #

data LastSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953408] a1627953408 -> *) (LastSym0 a1627953408) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LastSym0 a1627953408) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953408] a1627953408 (LastSym0 a1627953408) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953408] a1627953408 (LastSym0 a1627953408) l0 = LastSym1 a1627953408 l0

type LastSym1 t = Last t Source #

data TailSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953407] [a1627953407] -> *) (TailSym0 a1627953407) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TailSym0 a1627953407) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953407] [a1627953407] (TailSym0 a1627953407) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953407] [a1627953407] (TailSym0 a1627953407) l0 = TailSym1 a1627953407 l0

type TailSym1 t = Tail t Source #

data InitSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953406] [a1627953406] -> *) (InitSym0 a1627953406) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InitSym0 a1627953406) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953406] [a1627953406] (InitSym0 a1627953406) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953406] [a1627953406] (InitSym0 a1627953406) l0 = InitSym1 a1627953406 l0

type InitSym1 t = Init t Source #

data NullSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953405] Bool -> *) (NullSym0 a1627953405) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NullSym0 a1627953405) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953405] Bool (NullSym0 a1627953405) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953405] Bool (NullSym0 a1627953405) l0 = NullSym1 a1627953405 l0

type NullSym1 t = Null t Source #

data MapSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) (TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> Type) -> *) (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) (TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> Type) (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) (TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> Type) (MapSym0 a1627796655 b1627796656) l0 = MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656 l0

data MapSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796655 b1627796656 -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627796655] [b1627796656] -> *) (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796655] [b1627796656] (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796655] [b1627796656] (MapSym1 a1627796655 b1627796656 l1) l0 = MapSym2 a1627796655 b1627796656 l1 l0

type MapSym2 t t = Map t t Source #

data ReverseSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953404] [a1627953404] -> *) (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953404] [a1627953404] (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953404] [a1627953404] (ReverseSym0 a1627953404) l0 = ReverseSym1 a1627953404 l0

data IntersperseSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953403 (TyFun [a1627953403] [a1627953403] -> Type) -> *) (IntersperseSym0 a1627953403) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersperseSym0 a1627953403) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953403 (TyFun [a1627953403] [a1627953403] -> Type) (IntersperseSym0 a1627953403) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953403 (TyFun [a1627953403] [a1627953403] -> Type) (IntersperseSym0 a1627953403) l0 = IntersperseSym1 a1627953403 l0

data IntersperseSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953403 -> TyFun [a1627953403] [a1627953403] -> *) (IntersperseSym1 a1627953403) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersperseSym1 a1627953403) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953403] [a1627953403] (IntersperseSym1 a1627953403 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953403] [a1627953403] (IntersperseSym1 a1627953403 l1) l0 = IntersperseSym2 a1627953403 l1 l0

data IntercalateSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953402] (TyFun [[a1627953402]] [a1627953402] -> Type) -> *) (IntercalateSym0 a1627953402) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntercalateSym0 a1627953402) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953402] (TyFun [[a1627953402]] [a1627953402] -> Type) (IntercalateSym0 a1627953402) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953402] (TyFun [[a1627953402]] [a1627953402] -> Type) (IntercalateSym0 a1627953402) l0 = IntercalateSym1 a1627953402 l0

data IntercalateSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953402] -> TyFun [[a1627953402]] [a1627953402] -> *) (IntercalateSym1 a1627953402) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntercalateSym1 a1627953402) t -> () Source #

type Apply [[a1627953402]] [a1627953402] (IntercalateSym1 a1627953402 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [[a1627953402]] [a1627953402] (IntercalateSym1 a1627953402 l1) l0 = IntercalateSym2 a1627953402 l1 l0

data SubsequencesSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953401] [[a1627953401]] -> *) (SubsequencesSym0 a1627953401) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SubsequencesSym0 a1627953401) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953401] [[a1627953401]] (SubsequencesSym0 a1627953401) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953401] [[a1627953401]] (SubsequencesSym0 a1627953401) l0 = SubsequencesSym1 a1627953401 l0

data PermutationsSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953398] [[a1627953398]] -> *) (PermutationsSym0 a1627953398) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (PermutationsSym0 a1627953398) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953398] [[a1627953398]] (PermutationsSym0 a1627953398) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953398] [[a1627953398]] (PermutationsSym0 a1627953398) l0 = PermutationsSym1 a1627953398 l0

data FoldlSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldlSym0 a1627619912 b1627619913) l0 = FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913 l0

data FoldlSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) -> *) (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627619913 (TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> Type) (FoldlSym1 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1) l0 = FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1 l0

data FoldlSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627619913 (TyFun a1627619912 b1627619913 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627619913 -> TyFun [a1627619912] b1627619913 -> *) (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627619912] b1627619913 (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627619912] b1627619913 (FoldlSym2 a1627619912 b1627619913 l1 l2) l0 = FoldlSym3 b1627619913 a1627619912 l1 l2 l0

type FoldlSym3 t t t = Foldl t t t Source #

data Foldl'Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun a1627953396 b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Foldl'Sym0 a1627953396 b1627953397) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl'Sym0 a1627953396 b1627953397) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun a1627953396 b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) (Foldl'Sym0 a1627953396 b1627953397) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun a1627953396 b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) (Foldl'Sym0 a1627953396 b1627953397) l0 = Foldl'Sym1 a1627953396 b1627953397 l0

data Foldl'Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun a1627953396 b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> Type) -> *) (Foldl'Sym1 a1627953396 b1627953397) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl'Sym1 a1627953396 b1627953397) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627953397 (TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> Type) (Foldl'Sym1 a1627953396 b1627953397 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627953397 (TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> Type) (Foldl'Sym1 a1627953396 b1627953397 l1) l0 = Foldl'Sym2 a1627953396 b1627953397 l1 l0

data Foldl'Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953397 (TyFun a1627953396 b1627953397 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627953397 -> TyFun [a1627953396] b1627953397 -> *) (Foldl'Sym2 a1627953396 b1627953397) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl'Sym2 a1627953396 b1627953397) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953396] b1627953397 (Foldl'Sym2 a1627953396 b1627953397 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953396] b1627953397 (Foldl'Sym2 a1627953396 b1627953397 l1 l2) l0 = Foldl'Sym3 b1627953397 a1627953396 l1 l2 l0

type Foldl'Sym3 t t t = Foldl' t t t Source #

data Foldl1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> Type) -> *) (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> Type) (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> Type) (Foldl1Sym0 a1627953395) l0 = Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395 l0

data Foldl1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953395 (TyFun a1627953395 a1627953395 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953395] a1627953395 -> *) (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953395] a1627953395 (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953395] a1627953395 (Foldl1Sym1 a1627953395 l1) l0 = Foldl1Sym2 a1627953395 l1 l0

type Foldl1Sym2 t t = Foldl1 t t Source #

data Foldl1'Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953394 (TyFun a1627953394 a1627953394 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953394] a1627953394 -> Type) -> *) (Foldl1'Sym0 a1627953394) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1'Sym0 a1627953394) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953394 (TyFun a1627953394 a1627953394 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953394] a1627953394 -> Type) (Foldl1'Sym0 a1627953394) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953394 (TyFun a1627953394 a1627953394 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953394] a1627953394 -> Type) (Foldl1'Sym0 a1627953394) l0 = Foldl1'Sym1 a1627953394 l0

data Foldl1'Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953394 (TyFun a1627953394 a1627953394 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953394] a1627953394 -> *) (Foldl1'Sym1 a1627953394) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1'Sym1 a1627953394) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953394] a1627953394 (Foldl1'Sym1 a1627953394 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953394] a1627953394 (Foldl1'Sym1 a1627953394 l1) l0 = Foldl1'Sym2 a1627953394 l1 l0

type Foldl1'Sym2 t t = Foldl1' t t Source #

data FoldrSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldrSym0 a1627796657 b1627796658) l0 = FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658 l0

data FoldrSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) -> *) (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627796658 (TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> Type) (FoldrSym1 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1) l0 = FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l0

data FoldrSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627796657 (TyFun b1627796658 b1627796658 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627796658 -> TyFun [a1627796657] b1627796658 -> *) (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627796657] b1627796658 (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627796657] b1627796658 (FoldrSym2 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l2) l0 = FoldrSym3 a1627796657 b1627796658 l1 l2 l0

type FoldrSym3 t t t = Foldr t t t Source #

data Foldr1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> Type) -> *) (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> Type) (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> Type) (Foldr1Sym0 a1627953393) l0 = Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393 l0

data Foldr1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953393 (TyFun a1627953393 a1627953393 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953393] a1627953393 -> *) (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953393] a1627953393 (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953393] a1627953393 (Foldr1Sym1 a1627953393 l1) l0 = Foldr1Sym2 a1627953393 l1 l0

type Foldr1Sym2 t t = Foldr1 t t Source #

data ConcatSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [[a1627953392]] [a1627953392] -> *) (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) t -> () Source #

type Apply [[a1627953392]] [a1627953392] (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) l0 Source # 
type Apply [[a1627953392]] [a1627953392] (ConcatSym0 a1627953392) l0 = ConcatSym1 a1627953392 l0

data ConcatMapSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> Type) -> *) (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> Type) (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> Type) (ConcatMapSym0 a1627953390 b1627953391) l0 = ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391 l0

data ConcatMapSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953390 [b1627953391] -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953390] [b1627953391] -> *) (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953390] [b1627953391] (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953390] [b1627953391] (ConcatMapSym1 a1627953390 b1627953391 l1) l0 = ConcatMapSym2 a1627953390 b1627953391 l1 l0

type AndSym1 t = And t Source #

type OrSym1 t = Or t Source #

data Any_Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> Type) -> *) (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> Type) (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> Type) (Any_Sym0 a1627942712) l0 = Any_Sym1 a1627942712 l0

data Any_Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627942712 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627942712] Bool -> *) (Any_Sym1 a1627942712) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Any_Sym1 a1627942712) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627942712] Bool (Any_Sym1 a1627942712 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627942712] Bool (Any_Sym1 a1627942712 l1) l0 = Any_Sym2 a1627942712 l1 l0

type Any_Sym2 t t = Any_ t t Source #

data AllSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> Type) -> *) (AllSym0 a1627953389) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AllSym0 a1627953389) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> Type) (AllSym0 a1627953389) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> Type) (AllSym0 a1627953389) l0 = AllSym1 a1627953389 l0

data AllSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953389 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953389] Bool -> *) (AllSym1 a1627953389) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AllSym1 a1627953389) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953389] Bool (AllSym1 a1627953389 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953389] Bool (AllSym1 a1627953389 l1) l0 = AllSym2 a1627953389 l1 l0

type AllSym2 t t = All t t Source #

data ScanlSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanlSym0 a1627953388 b1627953387) l0 = ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387 l0

data ScanlSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) -> *) (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627953387 (TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> Type) (ScanlSym1 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1) l0 = ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1 l0

data ScanlSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953387 (TyFun a1627953388 b1627953387 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627953387 -> TyFun [a1627953388] [b1627953387] -> *) (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953388] [b1627953387] (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953388] [b1627953387] (ScanlSym2 a1627953388 b1627953387 l1 l2) l0 = ScanlSym3 b1627953387 a1627953388 l1 l2 l0

type ScanlSym3 t t t = Scanl t t t Source #

data Scanl1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> Type) -> *) (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> Type) (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> Type) (Scanl1Sym0 a1627953386) l0 = Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386 l0

data Scanl1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953386 (TyFun a1627953386 a1627953386 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953386] [a1627953386] -> *) (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953386] [a1627953386] (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953386] [a1627953386] (Scanl1Sym1 a1627953386 l1) l0 = Scanl1Sym2 a1627953386 l1 l0

type Scanl1Sym2 t t = Scanl1 t t Source #

data ScanrSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanrSym0 a1627953384 b1627953385) l0 = ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385 l0

data ScanrSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) -> *) (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627953385 (TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> Type) (ScanrSym1 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1) l0 = ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l0

data ScanrSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953384 (TyFun b1627953385 b1627953385 -> Type) -> Type) -> b1627953385 -> TyFun [a1627953384] [b1627953385] -> *) (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953384] [b1627953385] (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953384] [b1627953385] (ScanrSym2 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l2) l0 = ScanrSym3 a1627953384 b1627953385 l1 l2 l0

type ScanrSym3 t t t = Scanr t t t Source #

data Scanr1Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> Type) -> *) (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> Type) (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> Type) (Scanr1Sym0 a1627953383) l0 = Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383 l0

data Scanr1Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953383 (TyFun a1627953383 a1627953383 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953383] [a1627953383] -> *) (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953383] [a1627953383] (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953383] [a1627953383] (Scanr1Sym1 a1627953383 l1) l0 = Scanr1Sym2 a1627953383 l1 l0

type Scanr1Sym2 t t = Scanr1 t t Source #

data MapAccumLSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun x1627953381 (acc1627953380, y1627953382) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (MapAccumLSym0 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapAccumLSym0 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun x1627953381 (acc1627953380, y1627953382) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> Type) -> Type) (MapAccumLSym0 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun x1627953381 (acc1627953380, y1627953382) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> Type) -> Type) (MapAccumLSym0 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) l0 = MapAccumLSym1 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382 l0

data MapAccumLSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun x1627953381 (acc1627953380, y1627953382) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> Type) -> *) (MapAccumLSym1 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapAccumLSym1 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) t -> () Source #

type Apply acc1627953380 (TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> Type) (MapAccumLSym1 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply acc1627953380 (TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> Type) (MapAccumLSym1 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382 l1) l0 = MapAccumLSym2 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382 l1 l0

data MapAccumLSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun acc1627953380 (TyFun x1627953381 (acc1627953380, y1627953382) -> Type) -> Type) -> acc1627953380 -> TyFun [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) -> *) (MapAccumLSym2 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapAccumLSym2 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382) t -> () Source #

type Apply [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) (MapAccumLSym2 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [x1627953381] (acc1627953380, [y1627953382]) (MapAccumLSym2 x1627953381 acc1627953380 y1627953382 l1 l2) l0 = MapAccumLSym3 acc1627953380 x1627953381 y1627953382 l1 l2 l0

type MapAccumLSym3 t t t = MapAccumL t t t Source #

data MapAccumRSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun x1627953378 (acc1627953377, y1627953379) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (MapAccumRSym0 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapAccumRSym0 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun x1627953378 (acc1627953377, y1627953379) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> Type) -> Type) (MapAccumRSym0 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun x1627953378 (acc1627953377, y1627953379) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> Type) -> Type) (MapAccumRSym0 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) l0 = MapAccumRSym1 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379 l0

data MapAccumRSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun x1627953378 (acc1627953377, y1627953379) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> Type) -> *) (MapAccumRSym1 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapAccumRSym1 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) t -> () Source #

type Apply acc1627953377 (TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> Type) (MapAccumRSym1 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply acc1627953377 (TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> Type) (MapAccumRSym1 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379 l1) l0 = MapAccumRSym2 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379 l1 l0

data MapAccumRSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun acc1627953377 (TyFun x1627953378 (acc1627953377, y1627953379) -> Type) -> Type) -> acc1627953377 -> TyFun [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) -> *) (MapAccumRSym2 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapAccumRSym2 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379) t -> () Source #

type Apply [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) (MapAccumRSym2 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [x1627953378] (acc1627953377, [y1627953379]) (MapAccumRSym2 x1627953378 acc1627953377 y1627953379 l1 l2) l0 = MapAccumRSym3 acc1627953377 x1627953378 y1627953379 l1 l2 l0

type MapAccumRSym3 t t t = MapAccumR t t t Source #

data UnfoldrSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b1627953375 (Maybe (a1627953376, b1627953375)) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953375 [a1627953376] -> Type) -> *) (UnfoldrSym0 b1627953375 a1627953376) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnfoldrSym0 b1627953375 a1627953376) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b1627953375 (Maybe (a1627953376, b1627953375)) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953375 [a1627953376] -> Type) (UnfoldrSym0 b1627953375 a1627953376) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b1627953375 (Maybe (a1627953376, b1627953375)) -> Type) (TyFun b1627953375 [a1627953376] -> Type) (UnfoldrSym0 b1627953375 a1627953376) l0 = UnfoldrSym1 a1627953376 b1627953375 l0

data UnfoldrSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b1627953375 (Maybe (a1627953376, b1627953375)) -> Type) -> TyFun b1627953375 [a1627953376] -> *) (UnfoldrSym1 a1627953376 b1627953375) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnfoldrSym1 a1627953376 b1627953375) t -> () Source #

type Apply b1627953375 [a1627953376] (UnfoldrSym1 a1627953376 b1627953375 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply b1627953375 [a1627953376] (UnfoldrSym1 a1627953376 b1627953375 l1) l0 = UnfoldrSym2 b1627953375 a1627953376 l1 l0

type UnfoldrSym2 t t = Unfoldr t t Source #

data InitsSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953374] [[a1627953374]] -> *) (InitsSym0 a1627953374) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InitsSym0 a1627953374) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953374] [[a1627953374]] (InitsSym0 a1627953374) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953374] [[a1627953374]] (InitsSym0 a1627953374) l0 = InitsSym1 a1627953374 l0

type InitsSym1 t = Inits t Source #

data TailsSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953373] [[a1627953373]] -> *) (TailsSym0 a1627953373) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TailsSym0 a1627953373) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953373] [[a1627953373]] (TailsSym0 a1627953373) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953373] [[a1627953373]] (TailsSym0 a1627953373) l0 = TailsSym1 a1627953373 l0

type TailsSym1 t = Tails t Source #

data IsPrefixOfSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953372] (TyFun [a1627953372] Bool -> Type) -> *) (IsPrefixOfSym0 a1627953372) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IsPrefixOfSym0 a1627953372) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953372] (TyFun [a1627953372] Bool -> Type) (IsPrefixOfSym0 a1627953372) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953372] (TyFun [a1627953372] Bool -> Type) (IsPrefixOfSym0 a1627953372) l0 = IsPrefixOfSym1 a1627953372 l0

data IsPrefixOfSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953372] -> TyFun [a1627953372] Bool -> *) (IsPrefixOfSym1 a1627953372) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IsPrefixOfSym1 a1627953372) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953372] Bool (IsPrefixOfSym1 a1627953372 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953372] Bool (IsPrefixOfSym1 a1627953372 l1) l0 = IsPrefixOfSym2 a1627953372 l1 l0

data IsSuffixOfSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953371] (TyFun [a1627953371] Bool -> Type) -> *) (IsSuffixOfSym0 a1627953371) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IsSuffixOfSym0 a1627953371) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953371] (TyFun [a1627953371] Bool -> Type) (IsSuffixOfSym0 a1627953371) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953371] (TyFun [a1627953371] Bool -> Type) (IsSuffixOfSym0 a1627953371) l0 = IsSuffixOfSym1 a1627953371 l0

data IsSuffixOfSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953371] -> TyFun [a1627953371] Bool -> *) (IsSuffixOfSym1 a1627953371) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IsSuffixOfSym1 a1627953371) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953371] Bool (IsSuffixOfSym1 a1627953371 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953371] Bool (IsSuffixOfSym1 a1627953371 l1) l0 = IsSuffixOfSym2 a1627953371 l1 l0

data IsInfixOfSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953370] (TyFun [a1627953370] Bool -> Type) -> *) (IsInfixOfSym0 a1627953370) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IsInfixOfSym0 a1627953370) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953370] (TyFun [a1627953370] Bool -> Type) (IsInfixOfSym0 a1627953370) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953370] (TyFun [a1627953370] Bool -> Type) (IsInfixOfSym0 a1627953370) l0 = IsInfixOfSym1 a1627953370 l0

data IsInfixOfSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953370] -> TyFun [a1627953370] Bool -> *) (IsInfixOfSym1 a1627953370) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IsInfixOfSym1 a1627953370) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953370] Bool (IsInfixOfSym1 a1627953370 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953370] Bool (IsInfixOfSym1 a1627953370 l1) l0 = IsInfixOfSym2 a1627953370 l1 l0

data ElemSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953369 (TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> Type) -> *) (ElemSym0 a1627953369) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemSym0 a1627953369) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953369 (TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> Type) (ElemSym0 a1627953369) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953369 (TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> Type) (ElemSym0 a1627953369) l0 = ElemSym1 a1627953369 l0

data ElemSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953369 -> TyFun [a1627953369] Bool -> *) (ElemSym1 a1627953369) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemSym1 a1627953369) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953369] Bool (ElemSym1 a1627953369 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953369] Bool (ElemSym1 a1627953369 l1) l0 = ElemSym2 a1627953369 l1 l0

type ElemSym2 t t = Elem t t Source #

data NotElemSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953368 (TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> Type) -> *) (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953368 (TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> Type) (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953368 (TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> Type) (NotElemSym0 a1627953368) l0 = NotElemSym1 a1627953368 l0

data NotElemSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953368 -> TyFun [a1627953368] Bool -> *) (NotElemSym1 a1627953368) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NotElemSym1 a1627953368) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953368] Bool (NotElemSym1 a1627953368 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953368] Bool (NotElemSym1 a1627953368 l1) l0 = NotElemSym2 a1627953368 l1 l0

type NotElemSym2 t t = NotElem t t Source #

data ZipSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953366] (TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> Type) -> *) (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953366] (TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> Type) (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953366] (TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> Type) (ZipSym0 a1627953366 b1627953367) l0 = ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366 l0

data ZipSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953366] -> TyFun [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] -> *) (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953367] [(a1627953366, b1627953367)] (ZipSym1 b1627953367 a1627953366 l1) l0 = ZipSym2 a1627953366 b1627953367 l1 l0

type ZipSym2 t t = Zip t t Source #

data Zip3Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953363] (TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953363] (TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953363] (TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip3Sym0 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365) l0 = Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363 l0

data Zip3Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953363] -> TyFun [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953364] (TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> Type) (Zip3Sym1 b1627953364 c1627953365 a1627953363 l1) l0 = Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363 l1 l0

data Zip3Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953363] -> [b1627953364] -> TyFun [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] -> *) (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1627953365] [(a1627953363, b1627953364, c1627953365)] (Zip3Sym2 c1627953365 b1627953364 a1627953363 l1 l2) l0 = Zip3Sym3 a1627953363 b1627953364 c1627953365 l1 l2 l0

type Zip3Sym3 t t t = Zip3 t t t Source #

data ZipWithSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWithSym0 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) l0 = ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l0

data ZipWithSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953360] (TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> Type) (ZipWithSym1 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1) l0 = ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l0

data ZipWithSym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953360 (TyFun b1627953361 c1627953362 -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953360] -> TyFun [b1627953361] [c1627953362] -> *) (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953361] [c1627953362] (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953361] [c1627953362] (ZipWithSym2 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWithSym3 a1627953360 b1627953361 c1627953362 l1 l2 l0

type ZipWithSym3 t t t = ZipWith t t t Source #

data ZipWith3Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym0 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) l0 = ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l0

data ZipWith3Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953356] (TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym1 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1) l0 = ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l0

data ZipWith3Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953356] -> TyFun [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1627953357] (TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym2 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l0

data ZipWith3Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953356 (TyFun b1627953357 (TyFun c1627953358 d1627953359 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953356] -> [b1627953357] -> TyFun [c1627953358] [d1627953359] -> *) (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1627953358] [d1627953359] (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1627953358] [d1627953359] (ZipWith3Sym3 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l3) l0 = ZipWith3Sym4 a1627953356 b1627953357 c1627953358 d1627953359 l1 l2 l3 l0

type ZipWith3Sym4 t t t t = ZipWith3 t t t t Source #

data UnzipSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953354, b1627953355)] ([a1627953354], [b1627953355]) -> *) (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953354, b1627953355)] ([a1627953354], [b1627953355]) (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953354, b1627953355)] ([a1627953354], [b1627953355]) (UnzipSym0 a1627953354 b1627953355) l0 = UnzipSym1 a1627953354 b1627953355 l0

type UnzipSym1 t = Unzip t Source #

data Unzip3Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953351, b1627953352, c1627953353)] ([a1627953351], [b1627953352], [c1627953353]) -> *) (Unzip3Sym0 a1627953351 b1627953352 c1627953353) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Unzip3Sym0 a1627953351 b1627953352 c1627953353) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953351, b1627953352, c1627953353)] ([a1627953351], [b1627953352], [c1627953353]) (Unzip3Sym0 a1627953351 b1627953352 c1627953353) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953351, b1627953352, c1627953353)] ([a1627953351], [b1627953352], [c1627953353]) (Unzip3Sym0 a1627953351 b1627953352 c1627953353) l0 = Unzip3Sym1 a1627953351 b1627953352 c1627953353 l0

data Unzip4Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953347, b1627953348, c1627953349, d1627953350)] ([a1627953347], [b1627953348], [c1627953349], [d1627953350]) -> *) (Unzip4Sym0 a1627953347 b1627953348 c1627953349 d1627953350) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Unzip4Sym0 a1627953347 b1627953348 c1627953349 d1627953350) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953347, b1627953348, c1627953349, d1627953350)] ([a1627953347], [b1627953348], [c1627953349], [d1627953350]) (Unzip4Sym0 a1627953347 b1627953348 c1627953349 d1627953350) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953347, b1627953348, c1627953349, d1627953350)] ([a1627953347], [b1627953348], [c1627953349], [d1627953350]) (Unzip4Sym0 a1627953347 b1627953348 c1627953349 d1627953350) l0 = Unzip4Sym1 a1627953347 b1627953348 c1627953349 d1627953350 l0

data Unzip5Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953342, b1627953343, c1627953344, d1627953345, e1627953346)] ([a1627953342], [b1627953343], [c1627953344], [d1627953345], [e1627953346]) -> *) (Unzip5Sym0 a1627953342 b1627953343 c1627953344 d1627953345 e1627953346) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Unzip5Sym0 a1627953342 b1627953343 c1627953344 d1627953345 e1627953346) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953342, b1627953343, c1627953344, d1627953345, e1627953346)] ([a1627953342], [b1627953343], [c1627953344], [d1627953345], [e1627953346]) (Unzip5Sym0 a1627953342 b1627953343 c1627953344 d1627953345 e1627953346) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953342, b1627953343, c1627953344, d1627953345, e1627953346)] ([a1627953342], [b1627953343], [c1627953344], [d1627953345], [e1627953346]) (Unzip5Sym0 a1627953342 b1627953343 c1627953344 d1627953345 e1627953346) l0 = Unzip5Sym1 a1627953342 b1627953343 c1627953344 d1627953345 e1627953346 l0

data Unzip6Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953336, b1627953337, c1627953338, d1627953339, e1627953340, f1627953341)] ([a1627953336], [b1627953337], [c1627953338], [d1627953339], [e1627953340], [f1627953341]) -> *) (Unzip6Sym0 a1627953336 b1627953337 c1627953338 d1627953339 e1627953340 f1627953341) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Unzip6Sym0 a1627953336 b1627953337 c1627953338 d1627953339 e1627953340 f1627953341) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953336, b1627953337, c1627953338, d1627953339, e1627953340, f1627953341)] ([a1627953336], [b1627953337], [c1627953338], [d1627953339], [e1627953340], [f1627953341]) (Unzip6Sym0 a1627953336 b1627953337 c1627953338 d1627953339 e1627953340 f1627953341) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953336, b1627953337, c1627953338, d1627953339, e1627953340, f1627953341)] ([a1627953336], [b1627953337], [c1627953338], [d1627953339], [e1627953340], [f1627953341]) (Unzip6Sym0 a1627953336 b1627953337 c1627953338 d1627953339 e1627953340 f1627953341) l0 = Unzip6Sym1 a1627953336 b1627953337 c1627953338 d1627953339 e1627953340 f1627953341 l0

data Unzip7Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a1627953329, b1627953330, c1627953331, d1627953332, e1627953333, f1627953334, g1627953335)] ([a1627953329], [b1627953330], [c1627953331], [d1627953332], [e1627953333], [f1627953334], [g1627953335]) -> *) (Unzip7Sym0 a1627953329 b1627953330 c1627953331 d1627953332 e1627953333 f1627953334 g1627953335) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Unzip7Sym0 a1627953329 b1627953330 c1627953331 d1627953332 e1627953333 f1627953334 g1627953335) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953329, b1627953330, c1627953331, d1627953332, e1627953333, f1627953334, g1627953335)] ([a1627953329], [b1627953330], [c1627953331], [d1627953332], [e1627953333], [f1627953334], [g1627953335]) (Unzip7Sym0 a1627953329 b1627953330 c1627953331 d1627953332 e1627953333 f1627953334 g1627953335) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953329, b1627953330, c1627953331, d1627953332, e1627953333, f1627953334, g1627953335)] ([a1627953329], [b1627953330], [c1627953331], [d1627953332], [e1627953333], [f1627953334], [g1627953335]) (Unzip7Sym0 a1627953329 b1627953330 c1627953331 d1627953332 e1627953333 f1627953334 g1627953335) l0 = Unzip7Sym1 a1627953329 b1627953330 c1627953331 d1627953332 e1627953333 f1627953334 g1627953335 l0

data DeleteSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953328 (TyFun [a1627953328] [a1627953328] -> Type) -> *) (DeleteSym0 a1627953328) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteSym0 a1627953328) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953328 (TyFun [a1627953328] [a1627953328] -> Type) (DeleteSym0 a1627953328) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953328 (TyFun [a1627953328] [a1627953328] -> Type) (DeleteSym0 a1627953328) l0 = DeleteSym1 a1627953328 l0

data DeleteSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953328 -> TyFun [a1627953328] [a1627953328] -> *) (DeleteSym1 a1627953328) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteSym1 a1627953328) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953328] [a1627953328] (DeleteSym1 a1627953328 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953328] [a1627953328] (DeleteSym1 a1627953328 l1) l0 = DeleteSym2 a1627953328 l1 l0

type DeleteSym2 t t = Delete t t Source #

data (:\\$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953327] (TyFun [a1627953327] [a1627953327] -> Type) -> *) ((:\\$) a1627953327) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:\\$) a1627953327) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953327] (TyFun [a1627953327] [a1627953327] -> Type) ((:\\$) a1627953327) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953327] (TyFun [a1627953327] [a1627953327] -> Type) ((:\\$) a1627953327) l0 = (:\\$$) a1627953327 l0

data l :\\$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953327] -> TyFun [a1627953327] [a1627953327] -> *) ((:\\$$) a1627953327) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:\\$$) a1627953327) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953327] [a1627953327] ((:\\$$) a1627953327 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953327] [a1627953327] ((:\\$$) a1627953327 l1) l0 = (:\\$$$) a1627953327 l1 l0

type (:\\$$$) t t = (:\\) t t Source #

data IntersectSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953314] (TyFun [a1627953314] [a1627953314] -> Type) -> *) (IntersectSym0 a1627953314) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersectSym0 a1627953314) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953314] (TyFun [a1627953314] [a1627953314] -> Type) (IntersectSym0 a1627953314) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953314] (TyFun [a1627953314] [a1627953314] -> Type) (IntersectSym0 a1627953314) l0 = IntersectSym1 a1627953314 l0

data IntersectSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953314] -> TyFun [a1627953314] [a1627953314] -> *) (IntersectSym1 a1627953314) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersectSym1 a1627953314) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953314] [a1627953314] (IntersectSym1 a1627953314 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953314] [a1627953314] (IntersectSym1 a1627953314 l1) l0 = IntersectSym2 a1627953314 l1 l0

data InsertSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953301 (TyFun [a1627953301] [a1627953301] -> Type) -> *) (InsertSym0 a1627953301) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InsertSym0 a1627953301) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953301 (TyFun [a1627953301] [a1627953301] -> Type) (InsertSym0 a1627953301) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953301 (TyFun [a1627953301] [a1627953301] -> Type) (InsertSym0 a1627953301) l0 = InsertSym1 a1627953301 l0

data InsertSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953301 -> TyFun [a1627953301] [a1627953301] -> *) (InsertSym1 a1627953301) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InsertSym1 a1627953301) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953301] [a1627953301] (InsertSym1 a1627953301 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953301] [a1627953301] (InsertSym1 a1627953301 l1) l0 = InsertSym2 a1627953301 l1 l0

type InsertSym2 t t = Insert t t Source #

data SortSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953300] [a1627953300] -> *) (SortSym0 a1627953300) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SortSym0 a1627953300) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953300] [a1627953300] (SortSym0 a1627953300) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953300] [a1627953300] (SortSym0 a1627953300) l0 = SortSym1 a1627953300 l0

type SortSym1 t = Sort t Source #

data DeleteBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun a1627953326 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (DeleteBySym0 a1627953326) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteBySym0 a1627953326) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun a1627953326 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> Type) -> Type) (DeleteBySym0 a1627953326) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun a1627953326 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> Type) -> Type) (DeleteBySym0 a1627953326) l0 = DeleteBySym1 a1627953326 l0

data DeleteBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun a1627953326 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> Type) -> *) (DeleteBySym1 a1627953326) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteBySym1 a1627953326) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953326 (TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> Type) (DeleteBySym1 a1627953326 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953326 (TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> Type) (DeleteBySym1 a1627953326 l1) l0 = DeleteBySym2 a1627953326 l1 l0

data DeleteBySym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953326 (TyFun a1627953326 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> a1627953326 -> TyFun [a1627953326] [a1627953326] -> *) (DeleteBySym2 a1627953326) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteBySym2 a1627953326) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953326] [a1627953326] (DeleteBySym2 a1627953326 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953326] [a1627953326] (DeleteBySym2 a1627953326 l1 l2) l0 = DeleteBySym3 a1627953326 l1 l2 l0

type DeleteBySym3 t t t = DeleteBy t t t Source #

data DeleteFirstsBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953325 (TyFun a1627953325 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953325] (TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (DeleteFirstsBySym0 a1627953325) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteFirstsBySym0 a1627953325) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953325 (TyFun a1627953325 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953325] (TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> Type) -> Type) (DeleteFirstsBySym0 a1627953325) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953325 (TyFun a1627953325 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953325] (TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> Type) -> Type) (DeleteFirstsBySym0 a1627953325) l0 = DeleteFirstsBySym1 a1627953325 l0

data DeleteFirstsBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953325 (TyFun a1627953325 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953325] (TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> Type) -> *) (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a1627953325) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a1627953325) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953325] (TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> Type) (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a1627953325 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953325] (TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> Type) (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a1627953325 l1) l0 = DeleteFirstsBySym2 a1627953325 l1 l0

data DeleteFirstsBySym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953325 (TyFun a1627953325 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953325] -> TyFun [a1627953325] [a1627953325] -> *) (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a1627953325) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a1627953325) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953325] [a1627953325] (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a1627953325 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953325] [a1627953325] (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a1627953325 l1 l2) l0 = DeleteFirstsBySym3 a1627953325 l1 l2 l0

data IntersectBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953313 (TyFun a1627953313 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953313] (TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (IntersectBySym0 a1627953313) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersectBySym0 a1627953313) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953313 (TyFun a1627953313 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953313] (TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> Type) -> Type) (IntersectBySym0 a1627953313) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953313 (TyFun a1627953313 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953313] (TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> Type) -> Type) (IntersectBySym0 a1627953313) l0 = IntersectBySym1 a1627953313 l0

data IntersectBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953313 (TyFun a1627953313 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953313] (TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> Type) -> *) (IntersectBySym1 a1627953313) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersectBySym1 a1627953313) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953313] (TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> Type) (IntersectBySym1 a1627953313 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953313] (TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> Type) (IntersectBySym1 a1627953313 l1) l0 = IntersectBySym2 a1627953313 l1 l0

data IntersectBySym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953313 (TyFun a1627953313 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1627953313] -> TyFun [a1627953313] [a1627953313] -> *) (IntersectBySym2 a1627953313) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IntersectBySym2 a1627953313) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953313] [a1627953313] (IntersectBySym2 a1627953313 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953313] [a1627953313] (IntersectBySym2 a1627953313 l1 l2) l0 = IntersectBySym3 a1627953313 l1 l2 l0

data SortBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953324 (TyFun a1627953324 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953324] [a1627953324] -> Type) -> *) (SortBySym0 a1627953324) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SortBySym0 a1627953324) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953324 (TyFun a1627953324 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953324] [a1627953324] -> Type) (SortBySym0 a1627953324) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953324 (TyFun a1627953324 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953324] [a1627953324] -> Type) (SortBySym0 a1627953324) l0 = SortBySym1 a1627953324 l0

data SortBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953324 (TyFun a1627953324 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953324] [a1627953324] -> *) (SortBySym1 a1627953324) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SortBySym1 a1627953324) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953324] [a1627953324] (SortBySym1 a1627953324 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953324] [a1627953324] (SortBySym1 a1627953324 l1) l0 = SortBySym2 a1627953324 l1 l0

type SortBySym2 t t = SortBy t t Source #

data InsertBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun a1627953323 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (InsertBySym0 a1627953323) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InsertBySym0 a1627953323) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun a1627953323 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> Type) -> Type) (InsertBySym0 a1627953323) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun a1627953323 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> Type) -> Type) (InsertBySym0 a1627953323) l0 = InsertBySym1 a1627953323 l0

data InsertBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun a1627953323 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> Type) -> *) (InsertBySym1 a1627953323) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InsertBySym1 a1627953323) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953323 (TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> Type) (InsertBySym1 a1627953323 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953323 (TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> Type) (InsertBySym1 a1627953323 l1) l0 = InsertBySym2 a1627953323 l1 l0

data InsertBySym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953323 (TyFun a1627953323 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> a1627953323 -> TyFun [a1627953323] [a1627953323] -> *) (InsertBySym2 a1627953323) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InsertBySym2 a1627953323) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953323] [a1627953323] (InsertBySym2 a1627953323 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953323] [a1627953323] (InsertBySym2 a1627953323 l1 l2) l0 = InsertBySym3 a1627953323 l1 l2 l0

type InsertBySym3 t t t = InsertBy t t t Source #

data MaximumBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953322 (TyFun a1627953322 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953322] a1627953322 -> Type) -> *) (MaximumBySym0 a1627953322) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MaximumBySym0 a1627953322) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953322 (TyFun a1627953322 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953322] a1627953322 -> Type) (MaximumBySym0 a1627953322) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953322 (TyFun a1627953322 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953322] a1627953322 -> Type) (MaximumBySym0 a1627953322) l0 = MaximumBySym1 a1627953322 l0

data MaximumBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953322 (TyFun a1627953322 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953322] a1627953322 -> *) (MaximumBySym1 a1627953322) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MaximumBySym1 a1627953322) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953322] a1627953322 (MaximumBySym1 a1627953322 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953322] a1627953322 (MaximumBySym1 a1627953322 l1) l0 = MaximumBySym2 a1627953322 l1 l0

data MinimumBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953321 (TyFun a1627953321 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953321] a1627953321 -> Type) -> *) (MinimumBySym0 a1627953321) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MinimumBySym0 a1627953321) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953321 (TyFun a1627953321 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953321] a1627953321 -> Type) (MinimumBySym0 a1627953321) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953321 (TyFun a1627953321 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953321] a1627953321 -> Type) (MinimumBySym0 a1627953321) l0 = MinimumBySym1 a1627953321 l0

data MinimumBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953321 (TyFun a1627953321 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953321] a1627953321 -> *) (MinimumBySym1 a1627953321) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MinimumBySym1 a1627953321) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953321] a1627953321 (MinimumBySym1 a1627953321 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953321] a1627953321 (MinimumBySym1 a1627953321 l1) l0 = MinimumBySym2 a1627953321 l1 l0

data LengthSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953292] Nat -> *) (LengthSym0 a1627953292) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LengthSym0 a1627953292) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953292] Nat (LengthSym0 a1627953292) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953292] Nat (LengthSym0 a1627953292) l0 = LengthSym1 a1627953292 l0

data SumSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953294] a1627953294 -> *) (SumSym0 a1627953294) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SumSym0 a1627953294) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953294] a1627953294 (SumSym0 a1627953294) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953294] a1627953294 (SumSym0 a1627953294) l0 = SumSym1 a1627953294 l0

type SumSym1 t = Sum t Source #

data ProductSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953293] a1627953293 -> *) (ProductSym0 a1627953293) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ProductSym0 a1627953293) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953293] a1627953293 (ProductSym0 a1627953293) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953293] a1627953293 (ProductSym0 a1627953293) l0 = ProductSym1 a1627953293 l0

data ReplicateSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun a1627953291 [a1627953291] -> Type) -> *) (ReplicateSym0 a1627953291) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReplicateSym0 a1627953291) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun a1627953291 [a1627953291] -> Type) (ReplicateSym0 a1627953291) l0 Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun a1627953291 [a1627953291] -> Type) (ReplicateSym0 a1627953291) l0 = ReplicateSym1 a1627953291 l0

data ReplicateSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun a1627953291 [a1627953291] -> *) (ReplicateSym1 a1627953291) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReplicateSym1 a1627953291) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953291 [a1627953291] (ReplicateSym1 a1627953291 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953291 [a1627953291] (ReplicateSym1 a1627953291 l1) l0 = ReplicateSym2 a1627953291 l1 l0

data TransposeSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [[a1627953290]] [[a1627953290]] -> *) (TransposeSym0 a1627953290) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TransposeSym0 a1627953290) t -> () Source #

type Apply [[a1627953290]] [[a1627953290]] (TransposeSym0 a1627953290) l0 Source # 
type Apply [[a1627953290]] [[a1627953290]] (TransposeSym0 a1627953290) l0 = TransposeSym1 a1627953290 l0

data TakeSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun [a1627953307] [a1627953307] -> Type) -> *) (TakeSym0 a1627953307) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeSym0 a1627953307) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun [a1627953307] [a1627953307] -> Type) (TakeSym0 a1627953307) l0 Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun [a1627953307] [a1627953307] -> Type) (TakeSym0 a1627953307) l0 = TakeSym1 a1627953307 l0

data TakeSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun [a1627953307] [a1627953307] -> *) (TakeSym1 a1627953307) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeSym1 a1627953307) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953307] [a1627953307] (TakeSym1 a1627953307 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953307] [a1627953307] (TakeSym1 a1627953307 l1) l0 = TakeSym2 a1627953307 l1 l0

type TakeSym2 t t = Take t t Source #

data DropSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun [a1627953306] [a1627953306] -> Type) -> *) (DropSym0 a1627953306) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropSym0 a1627953306) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun [a1627953306] [a1627953306] -> Type) (DropSym0 a1627953306) l0 Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun [a1627953306] [a1627953306] -> Type) (DropSym0 a1627953306) l0 = DropSym1 a1627953306 l0

data DropSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun [a1627953306] [a1627953306] -> *) (DropSym1 a1627953306) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropSym1 a1627953306) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953306] [a1627953306] (DropSym1 a1627953306 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953306] [a1627953306] (DropSym1 a1627953306 l1) l0 = DropSym2 a1627953306 l1 l0

type DropSym2 t t = Drop t t Source #

data SplitAtSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun [a1627953305] ([a1627953305], [a1627953305]) -> Type) -> *) (SplitAtSym0 a1627953305) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SplitAtSym0 a1627953305) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun [a1627953305] ([a1627953305], [a1627953305]) -> Type) (SplitAtSym0 a1627953305) l0 Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun [a1627953305] ([a1627953305], [a1627953305]) -> Type) (SplitAtSym0 a1627953305) l0 = SplitAtSym1 a1627953305 l0

data SplitAtSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun [a1627953305] ([a1627953305], [a1627953305]) -> *) (SplitAtSym1 a1627953305) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SplitAtSym1 a1627953305) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953305] ([a1627953305], [a1627953305]) (SplitAtSym1 a1627953305 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953305] ([a1627953305], [a1627953305]) (SplitAtSym1 a1627953305 l1) l0 = SplitAtSym2 a1627953305 l1 l0

type SplitAtSym2 t t = SplitAt t t Source #

data TakeWhileSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953312 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953312] [a1627953312] -> Type) -> *) (TakeWhileSym0 a1627953312) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeWhileSym0 a1627953312) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953312 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953312] [a1627953312] -> Type) (TakeWhileSym0 a1627953312) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953312 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953312] [a1627953312] -> Type) (TakeWhileSym0 a1627953312) l0 = TakeWhileSym1 a1627953312 l0

data TakeWhileSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953312 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953312] [a1627953312] -> *) (TakeWhileSym1 a1627953312) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeWhileSym1 a1627953312) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953312] [a1627953312] (TakeWhileSym1 a1627953312 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953312] [a1627953312] (TakeWhileSym1 a1627953312 l1) l0 = TakeWhileSym2 a1627953312 l1 l0

data DropWhileSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953311 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953311] [a1627953311] -> Type) -> *) (DropWhileSym0 a1627953311) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropWhileSym0 a1627953311) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953311 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953311] [a1627953311] -> Type) (DropWhileSym0 a1627953311) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953311 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953311] [a1627953311] -> Type) (DropWhileSym0 a1627953311) l0 = DropWhileSym1 a1627953311 l0

data DropWhileSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953311 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953311] [a1627953311] -> *) (DropWhileSym1 a1627953311) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropWhileSym1 a1627953311) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953311] [a1627953311] (DropWhileSym1 a1627953311 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953311] [a1627953311] (DropWhileSym1 a1627953311 l1) l0 = DropWhileSym2 a1627953311 l1 l0

data DropWhileEndSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953310 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953310] [a1627953310] -> Type) -> *) (DropWhileEndSym0 a1627953310) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropWhileEndSym0 a1627953310) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953310 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953310] [a1627953310] -> Type) (DropWhileEndSym0 a1627953310) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953310 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953310] [a1627953310] -> Type) (DropWhileEndSym0 a1627953310) l0 = DropWhileEndSym1 a1627953310 l0

data DropWhileEndSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953310 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953310] [a1627953310] -> *) (DropWhileEndSym1 a1627953310) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropWhileEndSym1 a1627953310) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953310] [a1627953310] (DropWhileEndSym1 a1627953310 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953310] [a1627953310] (DropWhileEndSym1 a1627953310 l1) l0 = DropWhileEndSym2 a1627953310 l1 l0

data SpanSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953309 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953309] ([a1627953309], [a1627953309]) -> Type) -> *) (SpanSym0 a1627953309) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SpanSym0 a1627953309) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953309 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953309] ([a1627953309], [a1627953309]) -> Type) (SpanSym0 a1627953309) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953309 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953309] ([a1627953309], [a1627953309]) -> Type) (SpanSym0 a1627953309) l0 = SpanSym1 a1627953309 l0

data SpanSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953309 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953309] ([a1627953309], [a1627953309]) -> *) (SpanSym1 a1627953309) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SpanSym1 a1627953309) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953309] ([a1627953309], [a1627953309]) (SpanSym1 a1627953309 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953309] ([a1627953309], [a1627953309]) (SpanSym1 a1627953309 l1) l0 = SpanSym2 a1627953309 l1 l0

type SpanSym2 t t = Span t t Source #

data BreakSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953308 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953308] ([a1627953308], [a1627953308]) -> Type) -> *) (BreakSym0 a1627953308) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (BreakSym0 a1627953308) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953308 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953308] ([a1627953308], [a1627953308]) -> Type) (BreakSym0 a1627953308) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953308 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953308] ([a1627953308], [a1627953308]) -> Type) (BreakSym0 a1627953308) l0 = BreakSym1 a1627953308 l0

data BreakSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953308 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953308] ([a1627953308], [a1627953308]) -> *) (BreakSym1 a1627953308) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (BreakSym1 a1627953308) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953308] ([a1627953308], [a1627953308]) (BreakSym1 a1627953308 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953308] ([a1627953308], [a1627953308]) (BreakSym1 a1627953308 l1) l0 = BreakSym2 a1627953308 l1 l0

type BreakSym2 t t = Break t t Source #

data StripPrefixSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1628251687] (TyFun [a1628251687] (Maybe [a1628251687]) -> Type) -> *) (StripPrefixSym0 a1628251687) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (StripPrefixSym0 a1628251687) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251687] (TyFun [a1628251687] (Maybe [a1628251687]) -> Type) (StripPrefixSym0 a1628251687) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251687] (TyFun [a1628251687] (Maybe [a1628251687]) -> Type) (StripPrefixSym0 a1628251687) l0 = StripPrefixSym1 a1628251687 l0

data StripPrefixSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251687] -> TyFun [a1628251687] (Maybe [a1628251687]) -> *) (StripPrefixSym1 a1628251687) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (StripPrefixSym1 a1628251687) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251687] (Maybe [a1628251687]) (StripPrefixSym1 a1628251687 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251687] (Maybe [a1628251687]) (StripPrefixSym1 a1628251687 l1) l0 = StripPrefixSym2 a1628251687 l1 l0

data MaximumSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953303] a1627953303 -> *) (MaximumSym0 a1627953303) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MaximumSym0 a1627953303) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953303] a1627953303 (MaximumSym0 a1627953303) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953303] a1627953303 (MaximumSym0 a1627953303) l0 = MaximumSym1 a1627953303 l0

data MinimumSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953302] a1627953302 -> *) (MinimumSym0 a1627953302) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MinimumSym0 a1627953302) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953302] a1627953302 (MinimumSym0 a1627953302) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953302] a1627953302 (MinimumSym0 a1627953302) l0 = MinimumSym1 a1627953302 l0

data GroupSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953304] [[a1627953304]] -> *) (GroupSym0 a1627953304) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (GroupSym0 a1627953304) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953304] [[a1627953304]] (GroupSym0 a1627953304) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953304] [[a1627953304]] (GroupSym0 a1627953304) l0 = GroupSym1 a1627953304 l0

type GroupSym1 t = Group t Source #

data GroupBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953299 (TyFun a1627953299 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953299] [[a1627953299]] -> Type) -> *) (GroupBySym0 a1627953299) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (GroupBySym0 a1627953299) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953299 (TyFun a1627953299 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953299] [[a1627953299]] -> Type) (GroupBySym0 a1627953299) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953299 (TyFun a1627953299 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953299] [[a1627953299]] -> Type) (GroupBySym0 a1627953299) l0 = GroupBySym1 a1627953299 l0

data GroupBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953299 (TyFun a1627953299 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953299] [[a1627953299]] -> *) (GroupBySym1 a1627953299) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (GroupBySym1 a1627953299) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953299] [[a1627953299]] (GroupBySym1 a1627953299 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953299] [[a1627953299]] (GroupBySym1 a1627953299 l1) l0 = GroupBySym2 a1627953299 l1 l0

type GroupBySym2 t t = GroupBy t t Source #

data LookupSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953297 (TyFun [(a1627953297, b1627953298)] (Maybe b1627953298) -> Type) -> *) (LookupSym0 a1627953297 b1627953298) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LookupSym0 a1627953297 b1627953298) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953297 (TyFun [(a1627953297, b1627953298)] (Maybe b1627953298) -> Type) (LookupSym0 a1627953297 b1627953298) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953297 (TyFun [(a1627953297, b1627953298)] (Maybe b1627953298) -> Type) (LookupSym0 a1627953297 b1627953298) l0 = LookupSym1 b1627953298 a1627953297 l0

data LookupSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953297 -> TyFun [(a1627953297, b1627953298)] (Maybe b1627953298) -> *) (LookupSym1 b1627953298 a1627953297) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LookupSym1 b1627953298 a1627953297) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a1627953297, b1627953298)] (Maybe b1627953298) (LookupSym1 b1627953298 a1627953297 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [(a1627953297, b1627953298)] (Maybe b1627953298) (LookupSym1 b1627953298 a1627953297 l1) l0 = LookupSym2 a1627953297 b1627953298 l1 l0

type LookupSym2 t t = Lookup t t Source #

data FindSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953319 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953319] (Maybe a1627953319) -> Type) -> *) (FindSym0 a1627953319) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FindSym0 a1627953319) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953319 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953319] (Maybe a1627953319) -> Type) (FindSym0 a1627953319) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953319 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953319] (Maybe a1627953319) -> Type) (FindSym0 a1627953319) l0 = FindSym1 a1627953319 l0

data FindSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953319 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953319] (Maybe a1627953319) -> *) (FindSym1 a1627953319) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FindSym1 a1627953319) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953319] (Maybe a1627953319) (FindSym1 a1627953319 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953319] (Maybe a1627953319) (FindSym1 a1627953319 l1) l0 = FindSym2 a1627953319 l1 l0

type FindSym2 t t = Find t t Source #

data FilterSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953320 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953320] [a1627953320] -> Type) -> *) (FilterSym0 a1627953320) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FilterSym0 a1627953320) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953320 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953320] [a1627953320] -> Type) (FilterSym0 a1627953320) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953320 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953320] [a1627953320] -> Type) (FilterSym0 a1627953320) l0 = FilterSym1 a1627953320 l0

data FilterSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953320 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953320] [a1627953320] -> *) (FilterSym1 a1627953320) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FilterSym1 a1627953320) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953320] [a1627953320] (FilterSym1 a1627953320 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953320] [a1627953320] (FilterSym1 a1627953320 l1) l0 = FilterSym2 a1627953320 l1 l0

type FilterSym2 t t = Filter t t Source #

data PartitionSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953296 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953296] ([a1627953296], [a1627953296]) -> Type) -> *) (PartitionSym0 a1627953296) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (PartitionSym0 a1627953296) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953296 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953296] ([a1627953296], [a1627953296]) -> Type) (PartitionSym0 a1627953296) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953296 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953296] ([a1627953296], [a1627953296]) -> Type) (PartitionSym0 a1627953296) l0 = PartitionSym1 a1627953296 l0

data PartitionSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953296 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953296] ([a1627953296], [a1627953296]) -> *) (PartitionSym1 a1627953296) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (PartitionSym1 a1627953296) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953296] ([a1627953296], [a1627953296]) (PartitionSym1 a1627953296 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953296] ([a1627953296], [a1627953296]) (PartitionSym1 a1627953296 l1) l0 = PartitionSym2 a1627953296 l1 l0

data (:!!$) l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953289] (TyFun Nat a1627953289 -> Type) -> *) ((:!!$) a1627953289) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:!!$) a1627953289) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953289] (TyFun Nat a1627953289 -> Type) ((:!!$) a1627953289) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953289] (TyFun Nat a1627953289 -> Type) ((:!!$) a1627953289) l0 = (:!!$$) a1627953289 l0

data l :!!$$ l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953289] -> TyFun Nat a1627953289 -> *) ((:!!$$) a1627953289) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:!!$$) a1627953289) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat a1627953289 ((:!!$$) a1627953289 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply Nat a1627953289 ((:!!$$) a1627953289 l1) l0 = (:!!$$$) a1627953289 l1 l0

type (:!!$$$) t t = (:!!) t t Source #

data ElemIndexSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953318 (TyFun [a1627953318] (Maybe Nat) -> Type) -> *) (ElemIndexSym0 a1627953318) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemIndexSym0 a1627953318) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953318 (TyFun [a1627953318] (Maybe Nat) -> Type) (ElemIndexSym0 a1627953318) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953318 (TyFun [a1627953318] (Maybe Nat) -> Type) (ElemIndexSym0 a1627953318) l0 = ElemIndexSym1 a1627953318 l0

data ElemIndexSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953318 -> TyFun [a1627953318] (Maybe Nat) -> *) (ElemIndexSym1 a1627953318) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemIndexSym1 a1627953318) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953318] (Maybe Nat) (ElemIndexSym1 a1627953318 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953318] (Maybe Nat) (ElemIndexSym1 a1627953318 l1) l0 = ElemIndexSym2 a1627953318 l1 l0

data ElemIndicesSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a1627953317 (TyFun [a1627953317] [Nat] -> Type) -> *) (ElemIndicesSym0 a1627953317) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemIndicesSym0 a1627953317) t -> () Source #

type Apply a1627953317 (TyFun [a1627953317] [Nat] -> Type) (ElemIndicesSym0 a1627953317) l0 Source # 
type Apply a1627953317 (TyFun [a1627953317] [Nat] -> Type) (ElemIndicesSym0 a1627953317) l0 = ElemIndicesSym1 a1627953317 l0

data ElemIndicesSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a1627953317 -> TyFun [a1627953317] [Nat] -> *) (ElemIndicesSym1 a1627953317) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemIndicesSym1 a1627953317) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953317] [Nat] (ElemIndicesSym1 a1627953317 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953317] [Nat] (ElemIndicesSym1 a1627953317 l1) l0 = ElemIndicesSym2 a1627953317 l1 l0

data FindIndexSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953316 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953316] (Maybe Nat) -> Type) -> *) (FindIndexSym0 a1627953316) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FindIndexSym0 a1627953316) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953316 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953316] (Maybe Nat) -> Type) (FindIndexSym0 a1627953316) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953316 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953316] (Maybe Nat) -> Type) (FindIndexSym0 a1627953316) l0 = FindIndexSym1 a1627953316 l0

data FindIndexSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953316 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953316] (Maybe Nat) -> *) (FindIndexSym1 a1627953316) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FindIndexSym1 a1627953316) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953316] (Maybe Nat) (FindIndexSym1 a1627953316 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953316] (Maybe Nat) (FindIndexSym1 a1627953316 l1) l0 = FindIndexSym2 a1627953316 l1 l0

data FindIndicesSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953315 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953315] [Nat] -> Type) -> *) (FindIndicesSym0 a1627953315) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FindIndicesSym0 a1627953315) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953315 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953315] [Nat] -> Type) (FindIndicesSym0 a1627953315) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953315 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953315] [Nat] -> Type) (FindIndicesSym0 a1627953315) l0 = FindIndicesSym1 a1627953315 l0

data FindIndicesSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953315 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953315] [Nat] -> *) (FindIndicesSym1 a1627953315) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FindIndicesSym1 a1627953315) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953315] [Nat] (FindIndicesSym1 a1627953315 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953315] [Nat] (FindIndicesSym1 a1627953315 l1) l0 = FindIndicesSym2 a1627953315 l1 l0

data Zip4Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1628251683] (TyFun [b1628251684] (TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip4Sym0 a1628251683 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip4Sym0 a1628251683 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251683] (TyFun [b1628251684] (TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip4Sym0 a1628251683 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251683] (TyFun [b1628251684] (TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip4Sym0 a1628251683 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686) l0 = Zip4Sym1 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686 a1628251683 l0

data Zip4Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251683] -> TyFun [b1628251684] (TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip4Sym1 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686 a1628251683) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip4Sym1 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686 a1628251683) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251684] (TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip4Sym1 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686 a1628251683 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251684] (TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip4Sym1 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686 a1628251683 l1) l0 = Zip4Sym2 c1628251685 d1628251686 b1628251684 a1628251683 l1 l0

data Zip4Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251683] -> [b1628251684] -> TyFun [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip4Sym2 c1628251685 d1628251686 b1628251684 a1628251683) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip4Sym2 c1628251685 d1628251686 b1628251684 a1628251683) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) (Zip4Sym2 c1628251685 d1628251686 b1628251684 a1628251683 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251685] (TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> Type) (Zip4Sym2 c1628251685 d1628251686 b1628251684 a1628251683 l1 l2) l0 = Zip4Sym3 d1628251686 c1628251685 b1628251684 a1628251683 l1 l2 l0

data Zip4Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251683] -> [b1628251684] -> [c1628251685] -> TyFun [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] -> *) (Zip4Sym3 d1628251686 c1628251685 b1628251684 a1628251683) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip4Sym3 d1628251686 c1628251685 b1628251684 a1628251683) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] (Zip4Sym3 d1628251686 c1628251685 b1628251684 a1628251683 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251686] [(a1628251683, b1628251684, c1628251685, d1628251686)] (Zip4Sym3 d1628251686 c1628251685 b1628251684 a1628251683 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Zip4Sym4 a1628251683 b1628251684 c1628251685 d1628251686 l1 l2 l3 l0

type Zip4Sym4 t t t t = Zip4 t t t t Source #

data Zip5Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1628251678] (TyFun [b1628251679] (TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip5Sym0 a1628251678 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip5Sym0 a1628251678 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251678] (TyFun [b1628251679] (TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip5Sym0 a1628251678 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251678] (TyFun [b1628251679] (TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip5Sym0 a1628251678 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682) l0 = Zip5Sym1 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 a1628251678 l0

data Zip5Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251678] -> TyFun [b1628251679] (TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip5Sym1 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 a1628251678) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip5Sym1 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 a1628251678) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251679] (TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip5Sym1 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 a1628251678 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251679] (TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip5Sym1 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 a1628251678 l1) l0 = Zip5Sym2 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l0

data Zip5Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251678] -> [b1628251679] -> TyFun [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip5Sym2 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 b1628251679 a1628251678) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip5Sym2 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 b1628251679 a1628251678) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip5Sym2 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251680] (TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip5Sym2 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2) l0 = Zip5Sym3 d1628251681 e1628251682 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2 l0

data Zip5Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251678] -> [b1628251679] -> [c1628251680] -> TyFun [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip5Sym3 d1628251681 e1628251682 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip5Sym3 d1628251681 e1628251682 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) (Zip5Sym3 d1628251681 e1628251682 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251681] (TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> Type) (Zip5Sym3 d1628251681 e1628251682 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Zip5Sym4 e1628251682 d1628251681 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2 l3 l0

data Zip5Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251678] -> [b1628251679] -> [c1628251680] -> [d1628251681] -> TyFun [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] -> *) (Zip5Sym4 e1628251682 d1628251681 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip5Sym4 e1628251682 d1628251681 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678) t -> () Source #

type Apply [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] (Zip5Sym4 e1628251682 d1628251681 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [e1628251682] [(a1628251678, b1628251679, c1628251680, d1628251681, e1628251682)] (Zip5Sym4 e1628251682 d1628251681 c1628251680 b1628251679 a1628251678 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = Zip5Sym5 a1628251678 b1628251679 c1628251680 d1628251681 e1628251682 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

type Zip5Sym5 t t t t t = Zip5 t t t t t Source #

data Zip6Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1628251672] (TyFun [b1628251673] (TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip6Sym0 a1628251672 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip6Sym0 a1628251672 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251672] (TyFun [b1628251673] (TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym0 a1628251672 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251672] (TyFun [b1628251673] (TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym0 a1628251672 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677) l0 = Zip6Sym1 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 a1628251672 l0

data Zip6Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251672] -> TyFun [b1628251673] (TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip6Sym1 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 a1628251672) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip6Sym1 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 a1628251672) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251673] (TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym1 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 a1628251672 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251673] (TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym1 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 a1628251672 l1) l0 = Zip6Sym2 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l0

data Zip6Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251672] -> [b1628251673] -> TyFun [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip6Sym2 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 b1628251673 a1628251672) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip6Sym2 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 b1628251673 a1628251672) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym2 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251674] (TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym2 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2) l0 = Zip6Sym3 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l0

data Zip6Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251672] -> [b1628251673] -> [c1628251674] -> TyFun [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip6Sym3 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip6Sym3 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym3 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251675] (TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip6Sym3 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Zip6Sym4 e1628251676 f1628251677 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3 l0

data Zip6Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251672] -> [b1628251673] -> [c1628251674] -> [d1628251675] -> TyFun [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip6Sym4 e1628251676 f1628251677 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip6Sym4 e1628251676 f1628251677 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672) t -> () Source #

type Apply [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) (Zip6Sym4 e1628251676 f1628251677 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [e1628251676] (TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> Type) (Zip6Sym4 e1628251676 f1628251677 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = Zip6Sym5 f1628251677 e1628251676 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data Zip6Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251672] -> [b1628251673] -> [c1628251674] -> [d1628251675] -> [e1628251676] -> TyFun [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] -> *) (Zip6Sym5 f1628251677 e1628251676 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip6Sym5 f1628251677 e1628251676 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672) t -> () Source #

type Apply [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] (Zip6Sym5 f1628251677 e1628251676 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply [f1628251677] [(a1628251672, b1628251673, c1628251674, d1628251675, e1628251676, f1628251677)] (Zip6Sym5 f1628251677 e1628251676 d1628251675 c1628251674 b1628251673 a1628251672 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = Zip6Sym6 a1628251672 b1628251673 c1628251674 d1628251675 e1628251676 f1628251677 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

type Zip6Sym6 t t t t t t = Zip6 t t t t t t Source #

data Zip7Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1628251665] (TyFun [b1628251666] (TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip7Sym0 a1628251665 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym0 a1628251665 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251665] (TyFun [b1628251666] (TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym0 a1628251665 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251665] (TyFun [b1628251666] (TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym0 a1628251665 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671) l0 = Zip7Sym1 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 a1628251665 l0

data Zip7Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251665] -> TyFun [b1628251666] (TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip7Sym1 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 a1628251665) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym1 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 a1628251665) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251666] (TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym1 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 a1628251665 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251666] (TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym1 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 a1628251665 l1) l0 = Zip7Sym2 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l0

data Zip7Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251665] -> [b1628251666] -> TyFun [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip7Sym2 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 b1628251666 a1628251665) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym2 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 b1628251666 a1628251665) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym2 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251667] (TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym2 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2) l0 = Zip7Sym3 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l0

data Zip7Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251665] -> [b1628251666] -> [c1628251667] -> TyFun [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip7Sym3 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym3 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym3 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251668] (TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym3 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3) l0 = Zip7Sym4 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l0

data Zip7Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251665] -> [b1628251666] -> [c1628251667] -> [d1628251668] -> TyFun [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip7Sym4 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym4 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) t -> () Source #

type Apply [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym4 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [e1628251669] (TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip7Sym4 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = Zip7Sym5 f1628251670 g1628251671 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data Zip7Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251665] -> [b1628251666] -> [c1628251667] -> [d1628251668] -> [e1628251669] -> TyFun [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip7Sym5 f1628251670 g1628251671 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym5 f1628251670 g1628251671 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) t -> () Source #

type Apply [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) (Zip7Sym5 f1628251670 g1628251671 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply [f1628251670] (TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> Type) (Zip7Sym5 f1628251670 g1628251671 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = Zip7Sym6 g1628251671 f1628251670 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

data Zip7Sym6 l l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1628251665] -> [b1628251666] -> [c1628251667] -> [d1628251668] -> [e1628251669] -> [f1628251670] -> TyFun [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] -> *) (Zip7Sym6 g1628251671 f1628251670 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip7Sym6 g1628251671 f1628251670 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665) t -> () Source #

type Apply [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] (Zip7Sym6 g1628251671 f1628251670 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 Source # 
type Apply [g1628251671] [(a1628251665, b1628251666, c1628251667, d1628251668, e1628251669, f1628251670, g1628251671)] (Zip7Sym6 g1628251671 f1628251670 e1628251669 d1628251668 c1628251667 b1628251666 a1628251665 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 = Zip7Sym7 a1628251665 b1628251666 c1628251667 d1628251668 e1628251669 f1628251670 g1628251671 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l0

type Zip7Sym7 t t t t t t t = Zip7 t t t t t t t Source #

data ZipWith4Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251660] (TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith4Sym0 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith4Sym0 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251660] (TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym0 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251660] (TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym0 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) l0 = ZipWith4Sym1 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l0

data ZipWith4Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1628251660] (TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith4Sym1 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith4Sym1 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251660] (TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym1 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251660] (TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym1 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1) l0 = ZipWith4Sym2 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l0

data ZipWith4Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251660] -> TyFun [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith4Sym2 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith4Sym2 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym2 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251661] (TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym2 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWith4Sym3 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l0

data ZipWith4Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251660] -> [b1628251661] -> TyFun [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith4Sym3 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith4Sym3 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym3 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251662] (TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> Type) (ZipWith4Sym3 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l3) l0 = ZipWith4Sym4 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l3 l0

data ZipWith4Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251660 (TyFun b1628251661 (TyFun c1628251662 (TyFun d1628251663 e1628251664 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251660] -> [b1628251661] -> [c1628251662] -> TyFun [d1628251663] [e1628251664] -> *) (ZipWith4Sym4 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith4Sym4 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251663] [e1628251664] (ZipWith4Sym4 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251663] [e1628251664] (ZipWith4Sym4 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = ZipWith4Sym5 a1628251660 b1628251661 c1628251662 d1628251663 e1628251664 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

type ZipWith4Sym5 t t t t t = ZipWith4 t t t t t Source #

data ZipWith5Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251654] (TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith5Sym0 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith5Sym0 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251654] (TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym0 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251654] (TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym0 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) l0 = ZipWith5Sym1 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l0

data ZipWith5Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1628251654] (TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith5Sym1 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith5Sym1 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251654] (TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym1 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251654] (TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym1 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1) l0 = ZipWith5Sym2 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l0

data ZipWith5Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251654] -> TyFun [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith5Sym2 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith5Sym2 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym2 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251655] (TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym2 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWith5Sym3 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l0

data ZipWith5Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251654] -> [b1628251655] -> TyFun [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith5Sym3 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith5Sym3 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym3 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251656] (TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym3 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3) l0 = ZipWith5Sym4 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l0

data ZipWith5Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251654] -> [b1628251655] -> [c1628251656] -> TyFun [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith5Sym4 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith5Sym4 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym4 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251657] (TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> Type) (ZipWith5Sym4 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = ZipWith5Sym5 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data ZipWith5Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251654 (TyFun b1628251655 (TyFun c1628251656 (TyFun d1628251657 (TyFun e1628251658 f1628251659 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251654] -> [b1628251655] -> [c1628251656] -> [d1628251657] -> TyFun [e1628251658] [f1628251659] -> *) (ZipWith5Sym5 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith5Sym5 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659) t -> () Source #

type Apply [e1628251658] [f1628251659] (ZipWith5Sym5 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply [e1628251658] [f1628251659] (ZipWith5Sym5 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = ZipWith5Sym6 a1628251654 b1628251655 c1628251656 d1628251657 e1628251658 f1628251659 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

type ZipWith5Sym6 t t t t t t = ZipWith5 t t t t t t Source #

data ZipWith6Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251647] (TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith6Sym0 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym0 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251647] (TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym0 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251647] (TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym0 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) l0 = ZipWith6Sym1 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l0

data ZipWith6Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1628251647] (TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith6Sym1 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym1 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251647] (TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym1 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251647] (TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym1 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1) l0 = ZipWith6Sym2 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l0

data ZipWith6Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251647] -> TyFun [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith6Sym2 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym2 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym2 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251648] (TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym2 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWith6Sym3 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l0

data ZipWith6Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251647] -> [b1628251648] -> TyFun [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith6Sym3 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym3 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym3 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251649] (TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym3 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3) l0 = ZipWith6Sym4 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l0

data ZipWith6Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251647] -> [b1628251648] -> [c1628251649] -> TyFun [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith6Sym4 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym4 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym4 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251650] (TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym4 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = ZipWith6Sym5 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data ZipWith6Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251647] -> [b1628251648] -> [c1628251649] -> [d1628251650] -> TyFun [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith6Sym5 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym5 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym5 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply [e1628251651] (TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> Type) (ZipWith6Sym5 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = ZipWith6Sym6 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

data ZipWith6Sym6 l l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251647 (TyFun b1628251648 (TyFun c1628251649 (TyFun d1628251650 (TyFun e1628251651 (TyFun f1628251652 g1628251653 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251647] -> [b1628251648] -> [c1628251649] -> [d1628251650] -> [e1628251651] -> TyFun [f1628251652] [g1628251653] -> *) (ZipWith6Sym6 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith6Sym6 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653) t -> () Source #

type Apply [f1628251652] [g1628251653] (ZipWith6Sym6 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 Source # 
type Apply [f1628251652] [g1628251653] (ZipWith6Sym6 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 = ZipWith6Sym7 a1628251647 b1628251648 c1628251649 d1628251650 e1628251651 f1628251652 g1628251653 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l0

type ZipWith6Sym7 t t t t t t t = ZipWith6 t t t t t t t Source #

data ZipWith7Sym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251639] (TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym0 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym0 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251639] (TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym0 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1628251639] (TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym0 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) l0 = ZipWith7Sym1 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l0

data ZipWith7Sym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1628251639] (TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym1 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym1 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1628251639] (TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym1 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1628251639] (TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym1 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1) l0 = ZipWith7Sym2 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l0

data ZipWith7Sym2 l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251639] -> TyFun [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym2 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym2 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym2 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2) l0 Source # 
type Apply [b1628251640] (TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym2 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2) l0 = ZipWith7Sym3 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l0

data ZipWith7Sym3 l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251639] -> [b1628251640] -> TyFun [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym3 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym3 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym3 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3) l0 Source # 
type Apply [c1628251641] (TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym3 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3) l0 = ZipWith7Sym4 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l0

data ZipWith7Sym4 l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251639] -> [b1628251640] -> [c1628251641] -> TyFun [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym4 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym4 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym4 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 Source # 
type Apply [d1628251642] (TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym4 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4) l0 = ZipWith7Sym5 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l0

data ZipWith7Sym5 l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251639] -> [b1628251640] -> [c1628251641] -> [d1628251642] -> TyFun [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym5 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym5 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym5 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 Source # 
type Apply [e1628251643] (TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym5 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l0 = ZipWith7Sym6 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l0

data ZipWith7Sym6 l l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251639] -> [b1628251640] -> [c1628251641] -> [d1628251642] -> [e1628251643] -> TyFun [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith7Sym6 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym6 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym6 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 Source # 
type Apply [f1628251644] (TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> Type) (ZipWith7Sym6 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l0 = ZipWith7Sym7 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l0

data ZipWith7Sym7 l l l l l l l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1628251639 (TyFun b1628251640 (TyFun c1628251641 (TyFun d1628251642 (TyFun e1628251643 (TyFun f1628251644 (TyFun g1628251645 h1628251646 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a1628251639] -> [b1628251640] -> [c1628251641] -> [d1628251642] -> [e1628251643] -> [f1628251644] -> TyFun [g1628251645] [h1628251646] -> *) (ZipWith7Sym7 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith7Sym7 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646) t -> () Source #

type Apply [g1628251645] [h1628251646] (ZipWith7Sym7 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7) l0 Source # 
type Apply [g1628251645] [h1628251646] (ZipWith7Sym7 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7) l0 = ZipWith7Sym8 a1628251639 b1628251640 c1628251641 d1628251642 e1628251643 f1628251644 g1628251645 h1628251646 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l0

type ZipWith7Sym8 t t t t t t t t = ZipWith7 t t t t t t t t Source #

data NubSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953288] [a1627953288] -> *) (NubSym0 a1627953288) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NubSym0 a1627953288) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953288] [a1627953288] (NubSym0 a1627953288) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953288] [a1627953288] (NubSym0 a1627953288) l0 = NubSym1 a1627953288 l0

type NubSym1 t = Nub t Source #

data NubBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953287 (TyFun a1627953287 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953287] [a1627953287] -> Type) -> *) (NubBySym0 a1627953287) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NubBySym0 a1627953287) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953287 (TyFun a1627953287 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953287] [a1627953287] -> Type) (NubBySym0 a1627953287) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953287 (TyFun a1627953287 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953287] [a1627953287] -> Type) (NubBySym0 a1627953287) l0 = NubBySym1 a1627953287 l0

data NubBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953287 (TyFun a1627953287 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953287] [a1627953287] -> *) (NubBySym1 a1627953287) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NubBySym1 a1627953287) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953287] [a1627953287] (NubBySym1 a1627953287 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953287] [a1627953287] (NubBySym1 a1627953287 l1) l0 = NubBySym2 a1627953287 l1 l0

type NubBySym2 t t = NubBy t t Source #

data UnionSym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a1627953284] (TyFun [a1627953284] [a1627953284] -> Type) -> *) (UnionSym0 a1627953284) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnionSym0 a1627953284) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953284] (TyFun [a1627953284] [a1627953284] -> Type) (UnionSym0 a1627953284) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953284] (TyFun [a1627953284] [a1627953284] -> Type) (UnionSym0 a1627953284) l0 = UnionSym1 a1627953284 l0

data UnionSym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a1627953284] -> TyFun [a1627953284] [a1627953284] -> *) (UnionSym1 a1627953284) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnionSym1 a1627953284) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953284] [a1627953284] (UnionSym1 a1627953284 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953284] [a1627953284] (UnionSym1 a1627953284 l1) l0 = UnionSym2 a1627953284 l1 l0

type UnionSym2 t t = Union t t Source #

data UnionBySym0 l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a1627953285 (TyFun a1627953285 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953285] (TyFun [a1627953285] [a1627953285] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (UnionBySym0 a1627953285) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnionBySym0 a1627953285) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a1627953285 (TyFun a1627953285 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953285] (TyFun [a1627953285] [a1627953285] -> Type) -> Type) (UnionBySym0 a1627953285) l0 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a1627953285 (TyFun a1627953285 Bool -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a1627953285] (TyFun [a1627953285] [a1627953285] -> Type) -> Type) (UnionBySym0 a1627953285) l0 = UnionBySym1 a1627953285 l0

data UnionBySym1 l l Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a1627953285 (TyFun a1627953285 Bool -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a1627953285] (TyFun [a1627953285] [a1627953285] -> Type) -> *) (UnionBySym1 a1627953285) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnionBySym1 a1627953285) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a1627953285] (TyFun [a1627953285] [a1627953285] -> Type) (UnionBySym1 a1627953285 l1) l0 Source # 
type Apply [a1627953285] (TyFun [a1627953285] [a1627953285] -> Type) (UnionBySym1 a1627953285 l1) l0 = UnionBySym2 a1627953285 l1 l0

data UnionBySym2 l l l Source #
