{- Data/Singletons/Single/Type.hs

(c) Richard Eisenberg 2013

Singletonizes types.

module Data.Singletons.Single.Type where

import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Singletons.Names
import Data.Singletons.Single.Monad
import Data.Singletons.Promote.Type
import Data.Singletons.Util
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

singType :: Set Name       -- the set of bound kind variables in this scope
                           -- see Note [Explicitly binding kind variables]
                           -- in Data.Singletons.Promote.Monad
         -> DType          -- the promoted version of the thing classified by...
         -> DType          -- ... this type
         -> SgM ( DType    -- the singletonized type
                , Int      -- the number of arguments
                , [Name]   -- the names of the tyvars used in the sing'd type
                , DCxt     -- the context of the singletonized type
                , [DKind]  -- the kinds of the argument types
                , DKind )  -- the kind of the result type
singType bound_kvs prom ty = do
  let (_, cxt, args, res) = unravel ty
      num_args            = length args
  cxt' <- mapM singPred cxt
  arg_names <- replicateM num_args (qNewName "t")
  prom_args <- mapM promoteType args
  prom_res  <- promoteType res
  let args' = map (\n -> singFamily `DAppT` (DVarT n)) arg_names
      res'  = singFamily `DAppT` (foldl apply prom (map DVarT arg_names) `DSigT` prom_res)
      tau   = ravel args' res'
      -- Make sure to subtract out the bound variables currently in scope, lest we
      -- accidentally shadow them in this type signature.
      kv_names_to_bind = foldMap fvDType (prom_args ++ map predToType cxt' ++ [prom_res])
                             Set.\\ bound_kvs
      kvs_to_bind      = Set.toList kv_names_to_bind
  let ty' = DForallT (map DPlainTV kvs_to_bind ++ zipWith DKindedTV arg_names prom_args)
                     cxt' tau
  return (ty', num_args, arg_names, cxt, prom_args, prom_res)

singPred :: DPred -> SgM DPred
singPred = singPredRec []

singPredRec :: [DType] -> DPred -> SgM DPred
singPredRec _cxt (DForallPr {}) =
  fail "Singling of quantified constraints not yet supported"
singPredRec ctx (DAppPr pr ty) = singPredRec (ty : ctx) pr
singPredRec _ctx (DSigPr _pr _ki) =
  fail "Singling of constraints with explicit kinds not yet supported"
singPredRec _ctx (DVarPr _n) =
  fail "Singling of contraint variables not yet supported"
singPredRec ctx (DConPr n)
  | n == equalityName
  = fail "Singling of type equality constraints not yet supported"
  | otherwise = do
    kis <- mapM promoteType ctx
    let sName = singClassName n
    return $ foldPred (DConPr sName) kis
singPredRec _ctx DWildCardPr = return DWildCardPr  -- it just might work