singular-factory-0.1: Multivariate polynomial factorization via bindings to Singular-factory

Safe HaskellNone




Guessing the location of factory's gftables.

For the Galois field domains to work (for non-primer order), you have to first initialize singular-factory by setting this directory.

This can be done either by initGFTables or initGFTables'.


A global variable


initGFTables :: IO () Source #

We try to guess the location.

initGFTables' :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () Source #

Set the location of the small finite field table files.

If you know where they are located, please set it. If you don't know, we try to guess it, but I have no idea how to figure this out in general (pkg-config does not seem to have this information...)

set_gftable_dir :: Ptr CChar -> IO () Source #

Apparently we need to manually find the directory containing the GF tables...

On my debian install it is at /usr/share/singular/factory/gftables/, but how to figure that out???


(>>>) :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a) infixr 5 Source #