sketch-frp-copilot-1.0.3: Sketch programming with Copilot
Safe HaskellNone




type Behavior t = Stream t Source #

A value that changes over time.

This is implemented as a Stream in the Copilot DSL. Copilot provides many operations on streams, for example && to combine two streams of Bools.

For documentation on using the Copilot DSL, see

data TypedBehavior p t Source #

A Behavior with an additional phantom type p.

The Compilot DSL only lets a Stream contain basic C types, a limitation that Behavior also has. When more type safely is needed, this can be used.


TypedBehavior (Behavior t) 


Instances details
Output ctx o (Event p (Stream v)) => Output ctx o (TypedBehavior p v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(=:) :: o -> TypedBehavior p v -> GenSketch ctx () Source #

Typed a => IfThenElse (TypedBehavior p) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot

IsBehavior (TypedBehavior p v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

type BehaviorToEvent (TypedBehavior p v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

data Event p v Source #

A discrete event, that occurs at particular points in time.


Event v (Stream Bool) 

newtype GenSketch ctx t Source #

A sketch, implemented using Copilot.

It's best to think of the Sketch as a description of the state of the board at any point in time.

Under the hood, the Sketch is run in a loop. On each iteration, it first reads inputs and then updates outputs as needed.

While it is a monad, a Sketch's outputs are not updated in any particular order, because Copilot does not guarantee any order.

This is a generalized Sketch that can operate on any type of context.


Instances details
MonadState UniqueIds (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


get :: GenSketch ctx UniqueIds #

put :: UniqueIds -> GenSketch ctx () #

state :: (UniqueIds -> (a, UniqueIds)) -> GenSketch ctx a #

Monad (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(>>=) :: GenSketch ctx a -> (a -> GenSketch ctx b) -> GenSketch ctx b #

(>>) :: GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx b -> GenSketch ctx b #

return :: a -> GenSketch ctx a #

Functor (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx b #

(<$) :: a -> GenSketch ctx b -> GenSketch ctx a #

Applicative (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


pure :: a -> GenSketch ctx a #

(<*>) :: GenSketch ctx (a -> b) -> GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx b -> GenSketch ctx c #

(*>) :: GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx b -> GenSketch ctx b #

(<*) :: GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx b -> GenSketch ctx a #

Context ctx => IfThenElse (GenSketch ctx) () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot


ifThenElse :: Behavior Bool -> GenSketch ctx () -> GenSketch ctx () -> GenSketch ctx () Source #

MonadWriter [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)] (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


writer :: (a, [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)]) -> GenSketch ctx a #

tell :: [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)] -> GenSketch ctx () #

listen :: GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx (a, [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)]) #

pass :: GenSketch ctx (a, [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)] -> [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)]) -> GenSketch ctx a #

(Context ctx, Typed a) => IfThenElse (GenSketch ctx) (Behavior a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot

Semigroup (GenSketch ctx t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(<>) :: GenSketch ctx t -> GenSketch ctx t -> GenSketch ctx t #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (GenSketch ctx t) -> GenSketch ctx t #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> GenSketch ctx t -> GenSketch ctx t #

Monoid (GenSketch ctx ()) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


mempty :: GenSketch ctx () #

mappend :: GenSketch ctx () -> GenSketch ctx () -> GenSketch ctx () #

mconcat :: [GenSketch ctx ()] -> GenSketch ctx () #

class Ord ctx => Context ctx Source #

class Output ctx o t where Source #

Things that can have a Behavior or Event output to them.


(=:) :: o -> t -> GenSketch ctx () infixr 1 Source #

Connect a Behavior or Event to an Output

led =: blinking

When a Behavior is used, its current value is written on each iteration of the Sketch.

For example, this constantly turns on the LED, even though it will already be on after the first iteration, because true is a Behavior (that is always True).

led =: true

To avoid unncessary work being done, you can use an Event instead. Then the write only happens at the points in time when the Event occurs. To turn a Behavior into an Event, use @:

So to make the LED only be turned on in the first iteration, and allow it to remain on thereafter without doing extra work:

led =: true @: firstIteration


Instances details
Output ctx o (Event () (Stream v)) => Output ctx o (Behavior v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(=:) :: o -> Behavior v -> GenSketch ctx () Source #

Output ctx o (Event p (Stream v)) => Output ctx o (TypedBehavior p v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(=:) :: o -> TypedBehavior p v -> GenSketch ctx () Source #

class Input ctx o t where Source #


input' :: o -> [t] -> GenSketch ctx (Behavior t) Source #

The list is input to use when simulating the Sketch.

data GenFramework ctx Source #

The framework of a sketch.

This is a generalized Framework that can operate on any type of context.





Instances details
Context ctx => Semigroup (GenFramework ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(<>) :: GenFramework ctx -> GenFramework ctx -> GenFramework ctx #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (GenFramework ctx) -> GenFramework ctx #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> GenFramework ctx -> GenFramework ctx #

Context ctx => Monoid (GenFramework ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

MonadWriter [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)] (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


writer :: (a, [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)]) -> GenSketch ctx a #

tell :: [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)] -> GenSketch ctx () #

listen :: GenSketch ctx a -> GenSketch ctx (a, [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)]) #

pass :: GenSketch ctx (a, [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)] -> [(TriggerLimit -> Spec, TriggerLimit -> GenFramework ctx)]) -> GenSketch ctx a #

newtype UniqueIds Source #


UniqueIds (Map String Integer) 


Instances details
MonadState UniqueIds (GenSketch ctx) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


get :: GenSketch ctx UniqueIds #

put :: UniqueIds -> GenSketch ctx () #

state :: (UniqueIds -> (a, UniqueIds)) -> GenSketch ctx a #

newtype UniqueId Source #


UniqueId Integer 

data PinMode Source #


Instances details
Eq PinMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(==) :: PinMode -> PinMode -> Bool #

(/=) :: PinMode -> PinMode -> Bool #

Ord PinMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

Show PinMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

newtype CLine Source #

A line of C code.





Instances details
Eq CLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(==) :: CLine -> CLine -> Bool #

(/=) :: CLine -> CLine -> Bool #

Ord CLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


compare :: CLine -> CLine -> Ordering #

(<) :: CLine -> CLine -> Bool #

(<=) :: CLine -> CLine -> Bool #

(>) :: CLine -> CLine -> Bool #

(>=) :: CLine -> CLine -> Bool #

max :: CLine -> CLine -> CLine #

min :: CLine -> CLine -> CLine #

Show CLine Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> CLine -> ShowS #

show :: CLine -> String #

showList :: [CLine] -> ShowS #

newtype CChunk Source #

A chunk of C code. Identical chunks get deduplicated.


CChunk [CLine] 


Instances details
Eq CChunk Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types


(==) :: CChunk -> CChunk -> Bool #

(/=) :: CChunk -> CChunk -> Bool #

Ord CChunk Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

Show CChunk Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

Semigroup CChunk Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

Monoid CChunk Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

type family BehaviorToEvent a Source #

This type family is open, so it can be extended when adding other data types to the IsBehavior class.


Instances details
type BehaviorToEvent (Behavior v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

type BehaviorToEvent (TypedBehavior p v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

class IsBehavior behavior where Source #


(@:) :: behavior -> Behavior Bool -> BehaviorToEvent behavior Source #

Generate an Event, from some type of behavior, that only occurs when the Behavior Bool is True.


Instances details
IsBehavior (Behavior v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

IsBehavior (TypedBehavior p v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sketch.FRP.Copilot.Types

type family IsDigitalIOPin t where ... Source #


IsDigitalIOPin t = 'True ~ If (HasPinCapability 'DigitalIO t) 'True (TypeError ('Text "This Pin does not support digital IO")) 

type family IsAnalogInputPin t where ... Source #


IsAnalogInputPin t = 'True ~ If (HasPinCapability 'AnalogInput t) 'True (TypeError ('Text "This Pin does not support analog input")) 

type family IsPWMPin t where ... Source #


IsPWMPin t = 'True ~ If (HasPinCapability 'PWM t) 'True (TypeError ('Text "This Pin does not support PWM")) 

type family HasPinCapability (c :: t) (list :: [t]) :: Bool where ... Source #


HasPinCapability c '[] = 'False 
HasPinCapability c (x ': xs) = SameCapability c x || HasPinCapability c xs