Copyright | (c) Colin Runciman et al. |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Roman Cheplyaka <> |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
You need this module if you want to generate test values of your own types.
You'll typically need the following extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
SmallCheck itself defines data generators for all the data types used by the Prelude.
In order to generate values and functions of your own types, you need
to make them instances of Serial
(for values) and CoSerial
functions). There are two main ways to do so: using Generics or writing
the instances by hand.
- cons0 :: a -> Series m a
- cons1 :: Serial m a => (a -> b) -> Series m b
- cons2 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Series m c
- cons3 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Series m d
- cons4 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c, Serial m d) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Series m e
- cons5 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c, Serial m d, Serial m e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Series m f
- cons6 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c, Serial m d, Serial m e, Serial m f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Series m g
- newtypeCons :: Serial m a => (a -> b) -> Series m b
- alts0 :: Series m a -> Series m a
- alts1 :: CoSerial m a => Series m b -> Series m (a -> b)
- alts2 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b) => Series m c -> Series m (a -> b -> c)
- alts3 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c) => Series m d -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d)
- alts4 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c, CoSerial m d) => Series m e -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d -> e)
- alts5 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c, CoSerial m d, CoSerial m e) => Series m f -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f)
- alts6 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c, CoSerial m d, CoSerial m e, CoSerial m f) => Series m g -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g)
- newtypeAlts :: CoSerial m a => Series m b -> Series m (a -> b)
- type Depth = Int
- data Series m a
- class Monad m => Serial m a where
- class Monad m => CoSerial m a where
- genericSeries :: (Monad m, Generic a, GSerial m (Rep a)) => Series m a
- genericCoseries :: (Monad m, Generic a, GCoSerial m (Rep a)) => Series m b -> Series m (a -> b)
- newtype Positive a = Positive {
- getPositive :: a
- newtype NonNegative a = NonNegative {
- getNonNegative :: a
- newtype NonZero a = NonZero {
- getNonZero :: a
- newtype NonEmpty a = NonEmpty {
- getNonEmpty :: [a]
- (\/) :: Monad m => Series m a -> Series m a -> Series m a
- (><) :: Monad m => Series m a -> Series m b -> Series m (a, b)
- (<~>) :: Monad m => Series m (a -> b) -> Series m a -> Series m b
- (>>-) :: MonadLogic m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
- localDepth :: (Depth -> Depth) -> Series m a -> Series m a
- decDepth :: Series m a -> Series m a
- getDepth :: Series m Depth
- generate :: (Depth -> [a]) -> Series m a
- limit :: forall m a. Monad m => Int -> Series m a -> Series m a
- listSeries :: Serial Identity a => Depth -> [a]
- list :: Depth -> Series Identity a -> [a]
- listM :: Monad m => Depth -> Series m a -> m [a]
- fixDepth :: Series m a -> Series m (Series m a)
- decDepthChecked :: Series m a -> Series m a -> Series m a
- constM :: Monad m => m b -> m (a -> b)
Generic instances
The easiest way to create the necessary instances is to use GHC generics (available starting with GHC 7.2.1).
Here's a complete example:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} import Test.SmallCheck.Series import GHC.Generics data Tree a = Null | Fork (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Generic instance Serial m a => Serial m (Tree a)
Here we enable the DeriveGeneric
extension which allows to derive Generic
instance for our data type. Then we declare that Tree
is an instance of
, but do not provide any definitions. This causes GHC to use the
default definitions that use the Generic
One minor limitation of generic instances is that there's currently no way to distinguish newtypes and datatypes. Thus, newtype constructors will also count as one level of depth.
Data Generators
Writing Serial
instances for application-specific types is
straightforward. You need to define a series
generator, typically using
family of generic combinators where N is constructor arity.
For example:
data Tree a = Null | Fork (Tree a) a (Tree a) instance Serial m a => Serial m (Tree a) where series = cons0 Null \/ cons3 Fork
For newtypes use newtypeCons
instead of cons1
The difference is that cons1
is counts as one level of depth, while
doesn't affect the depth.
newtype Light a = Light a instance Serial m a => Serial m (Light a) where series = newtypeCons Light
For data types with more than 6 fields define consN
consN f = decDepth $ f <$> series <~> series <~> series <~> ... {- series repeated N times in total -}
What does consN
do, exactly?
has type
(Serial t₁, ..., Serial tₙ) => (t₁ -> ... -> tₙ -> t) -> Series t
is a series which, for a given depth d>0, produces values of the
f x₁ ... xₙ
where xₖ
ranges over all values of type tₖ
of depth up to d−1
(as defined by the series
functions for tₖ
functions also ensure that xₖ are enumerated in the
breadth-first order. Thus, combinations of smaller depth come first
(assuming the same is true for tₖ
If d≤0, no values are produced.
cons4 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c, Serial m d) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Series m e Source #
cons5 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c, Serial m d, Serial m e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Series m f Source #
cons6 :: (Serial m a, Serial m b, Serial m c, Serial m d, Serial m e, Serial m f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Series m g Source #
Function Generators
To generate functions of an application-specific argument type,
make the type an instance of CoSerial
Again there is a standard pattern, this time using the altsN
combinators where again N is constructor arity. Here are Tree
instance CoSerial m a => CoSerial m (Tree a) where coseries rs = alts0 rs >>- \z -> alts3 rs >>- \f -> return $ \t -> case t of Null -> z Fork t1 x t2 -> f t1 x t2
instance CoSerial m a => CoSerial m (Light a) where coseries rs = newtypeAlts rs >>- \f -> return $ \l -> case l of Light x -> f x
For data types with more than 6 fields define altsN
altsN rs = do rs <- fixDepth rs decDepthChecked (constM $ constM $ ... $ constM rs) (coseries $ coseries $ ... $ coseries rs) {- constM and coseries are repeated N times each -}
What does altsN do, exactly?
has type
(Serial t₁, ..., Serial tₙ) => Series t -> Series (t₁ -> ... -> tₙ -> t)
is a series which, for a given depth d, produces functions of
t₁ -> ... -> tₙ -> t
If d≤0, these are constant functions, one for each value produced
by s
If d>0, these functions inspect each of their arguments up to the depth
d−1 (as defined by the coseries
functions for the corresponding
types) and return values produced by s
. The depth to which the
values are enumerated does not depend on the depth of inspection.
alts3 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c) => Series m d -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d) Source #
alts4 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c, CoSerial m d) => Series m e -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) Source #
alts5 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c, CoSerial m d, CoSerial m e) => Series m f -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) Source #
alts6 :: (CoSerial m a, CoSerial m b, CoSerial m c, CoSerial m d, CoSerial m e, CoSerial m f) => Series m g -> Series m (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) Source #
newtypeAlts :: CoSerial m a => Series m b -> Series m (a -> b) Source #
Same as alts1
, but preserves the depth.
Basic definitions
Maximum depth of generated test values.
For data values, it is the depth of nested constructor applications.
For functional values, it is both the depth of nested case analysis and the depth of results.
is a MonadLogic
action that enumerates values of a certain
type, up to some depth.
The depth bound is tracked in the Series
monad and can be extracted using
and changed using localDepth
To manipulate series at the lowest level you can use its Monad
and MonadLogic
instances. This module provides some
higher-level combinators which simplify creating series.
A proper Series
should be monotonic with respect to the depth — i.e.
should emit all the values that s
emits (and
possibly some more).
It is also desirable that values of smaller depth come before the values of greater depth.
MonadTrans Series Source # | |
Defined in Test.SmallCheck.SeriesMonad | |
Monad (Series m) Source # | |
Functor (Series m) Source # | |
Applicative (Series m) Source # | |
Alternative (Series m) Source # | |
MonadPlus (Series m) Source # | |
Monad m => MonadLogic (Series m) Source # | |
Defined in Test.SmallCheck.SeriesMonad |
class Monad m => Serial m a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
class Monad m => CoSerial m a where Source #
Minimal complete definition
coseries :: Series m b -> Series m (a -> b) Source #
A proper coseries
implementation should pass the depth unchanged to
its first argument. Doing otherwise will make enumeration of curried
functions non-uniform in their arguments.
Generic implementations
genericCoseries :: (Monad m, Generic a, GCoSerial m (Rep a)) => Series m b -> Series m (a -> b) Source #
Convenient wrappers
guarantees that x>0.
Positive | |
newtype NonNegative a Source #
guarantees that x≥0.
NonNegative | |
guarantees that x≠0.
NonZero | |
guarantees that xs
is not null.
NonEmpty | |
Other useful definitions
(>>-) :: MonadLogic m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b infixl 1 #
Fair conjunction. Similarly to the previous function, consider the distributivity law for MonadPlus:
(mplus a b) >>= k = (a >>= k) `mplus` (b >>= k)
If 'a >>= k' can backtrack arbitrarily many tmes, (b >>= k) may never be considered. (>>-) takes similar care to consider both branches of a disjunctive computation.
localDepth :: (Depth -> Depth) -> Series m a -> Series m a Source #
Run a series with a modified depth.
generate :: (Depth -> [a]) -> Series m a Source #
A simple series specified by a function from depth to the list of values up to that depth.
limit :: forall m a. Monad m => Int -> Series m a -> Series m a Source #
Limit a Series
to its first n
listSeries :: Serial Identity a => Depth -> [a] Source #
Given a depth, return the list of values generated by a Serial
For example, list all integers up to depth 1:
listSeries 1 :: [Int] -- returns [0,1,-1]
list :: Depth -> Series Identity a -> [a] Source #
Return the list of values generated by a Series
. Useful for
debugging Serial
:: [Int
] -- returns [0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3]list
3 (series
) -- returns [0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3]list
:: [[Bool
]] -- returns [[],[True
The first two are equivalent. The second has a more explicit type binding.
fixDepth :: Series m a -> Series m (Series m a) Source #
Fix the depth of a series at the current level. The resulting series will no longer depend on the "ambient" depth.
decDepthChecked :: Series m a -> Series m a -> Series m a Source #
If the current depth is 0, evaluate the first argument. Otherwise, evaluate the second argument with decremented depth.