-- Command line flag parsing 

module Smap.Flags
  ( Hdl(Std, File)
  , Descriptor(Keyed, UnKeyed)
  , InputType(Set, Stream)
  , Command(Union, Subtract, Intersect)
  , Accuracy(Approximate, Exact)
  , command

import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Options.Applicative as O
import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
import Crypto.MAC.SipHash (SipKey(..))

data Hdl = Std -- stdin/stdout
         | File FilePath

-- Just to help us keep track of how a descriptor is used
data InputType = Set -- Duplicates are discarded
               | Stream -- Duplicates are not discarded

data Descriptor (ty :: InputType)
   = Keyed Hdl Hdl -- Keys are in the first file, values in the second (map behavior)
   | UnKeyed Hdl -- key = value (set behavior)

data Accuracy = Approximate SipKey -- Don't keep the actual value as a key, just its hash
              | Exact -- Keep the actual value as a key

data Command = Union Accuracy [Descriptor 'Set] Hdl
             | Subtract Accuracy (Descriptor 'Stream) [Descriptor 'Set] Hdl
             | Intersect Accuracy (Descriptor 'Stream) [Descriptor 'Set] Hdl

hdl :: A.Parser Hdl
hdl = stdin <|> path
  stdin = Std <$ A.char '-'
  path  = File . Text.unpack <$> A.takeWhile (/= ',')

outHdl :: O.Parser Hdl
outHdl = O.option
  (aToO hdl)
  (O.metavar "OUTFILE" <> O.short 'o' <> O.long "out" <> O.value Std <> O.help "Defaults to stdout."

descriptor :: A.Parser (Descriptor ty)
descriptor =
  (keyed <|> unkeyed)
    <*    (A.endOfInput A.<?> "more filepath characters than expected")
    A.<?> "Could not parse filepath"
  unkeyed = UnKeyed <$> hdl
  keyed   = do
    _ <- A.char '+'
    k <- hdl
    _ <- A.char ','
    v <- hdl
    return (Keyed k v)

aToO :: A.Parser a -> O.ReadM a
aToO p = O.eitherReader (A.parseOnly p . Text.pack)

stream :: O.Parser (Descriptor 'Stream)
stream = O.argument
  (aToO descriptor)
  (O.metavar "STREAM" <> O.help
    "Stream source file. Use '-' for stdin. Use +keyfile,valfile for separate keys and values."

sets :: O.Parser [Descriptor 'Set]
sets = many $ O.argument
  (aToO descriptor)
  (  O.metavar "SET*"
  <> O.help
       "Set/map source files (0 or more). Use '-' for stdin. Use +keyfile,valfile for separate keys and values."

accuracy :: O.Parser Accuracy
accuracy = approx <|> approxWithKey <|> exact
  approx = O.flag'
    (Approximate (SipKey 0 0))
    (  O.short 'a'
    <> O.long "approximate"
    <> O.help
         "For deduplication, store a 64-bit siphash rather than the whole line. Can save memory, depending on the set operation"

  approxWithKey = O.option
      (\i -> Approximate $ SipKey (fromIntegral $ i `div` (2 ^ (64 :: Integer))) (fromIntegral i))
      (O.auto :: O.ReadM Integer)
    (O.short 'k' <> O.long "approx-with-key" <> O.metavar "KEY" <> O.help
      "like --approximate, but takes a 128-bit SipHash key. Example: -k 0x1234..."
  exact = pure Exact

catCommand :: O.Mod O.CommandFields Command
catCommand = O.command "cat" $ O.info
  (value O.<**> O.helper)
  (O.fullDesc <> O.progDesc "Set union. Output everything from the input sets, deduplicated.")
  where value = Union <$> accuracy <*> sets <*> outHdl

subCommand :: O.Mod O.CommandFields Command
subCommand = O.command "sub" $ O.info
  (value O.<**> O.helper)
  (O.fullDesc <> O.progDesc
      [ "Set subtraction. "
      , "Given stream A and sets B,C,..., output values in A but not in B,C,... "
      , "Does not deduplicate values from A."
  where value = Subtract <$> accuracy <*> stream <*> sets <*> outHdl

intersectCommand :: O.Mod O.CommandFields Command
intersectCommand = O.command "int" $ O.info
  (value O.<**> O.helper)
  (O.fullDesc <> O.progDesc
      [ "Set intersection. "
      , "Given stream A and sets B,C,..., output values in A "
      , "only if they are in at least one of B,C,... "
      , "Does not deduplicate values from A."
  where value = Intersect <$> accuracy <*> stream <*> sets <*> outHdl

command :: IO Command
command = O.execParser
    ((O.subparser (catCommand <> subCommand <> intersectCommand)) O.<**> O.helper)
    (O.fullDesc <> O.progDesc "Use -h for help. Available commands: cat, sub, int.")