smtlib2-1.0: A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver.
data Tactic Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> Tactic -> ShowS #
show :: Tactic -> String #
showList :: [Tactic] -> ShowS #
data Probe a where Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> Probe a -> ShowS #
show :: Probe a -> String #
showList :: [Probe a] -> ShowS #
data AnyPar Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> AnyPar -> ShowS #
show :: AnyPar -> String #
showList :: [AnyPar] -> ShowS #
data BuiltInTactic p where Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> BuiltInTactic p -> ShowS #
show :: BuiltInTactic p -> String #
showList :: [BuiltInTactic p] -> ShowS #
data QFLRATacticP Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> QFLRATacticP -> ShowS #
show :: QFLRATacticP -> String #
showList :: [QFLRATacticP] -> ShowS #