{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.Persistent
  ( initPersist
  , initPersistGeneric
  , PersistState(..)
  , HasPersistPool(..)
  , mkPgPool
  , mkSnapletPgPool
  , runPersist
  , withPool

  -- * Utility Functions
  , mkKey
  , mkKeyBS
  , mkKeyT
  , showKey
  , showKeyBS
  , mkInt
  , mkWord64
  , followForeignKey
  , fromPersistValue'
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Logger
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import           Data.ByteString              (ByteString)
import           Data.Configurator
import           Data.Configurator.Types
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Pool
import           Data.Readable
import           Data.Text                    (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                    as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding           as T
import           Data.Word
import           Database.Persist
import           Database.Persist.Postgresql  hiding (get)
import qualified Database.Persist.Postgresql  as DB
import           Paths_snaplet_persistent
import           Snap.Snaplet

newtype PersistState = PersistState { persistPool :: ConnectionPool }

-- | Implement this type class to have any monad work with snaplet-persistent.
-- A default instance is provided for (Handler b PersistState).
class MonadIO m => HasPersistPool m where
    getPersistPool :: m ConnectionPool

instance HasPersistPool m => HasPersistPool (NoLoggingT m) where
    getPersistPool = runNoLoggingT getPersistPool

instance HasPersistPool (Handler b PersistState) where
    getPersistPool = gets persistPool

instance MonadIO m => HasPersistPool (ReaderT ConnectionPool m) where
    getPersistPool = ask

-- | Initialize Persistent with an initial SQL function called right
-- after the connection pool has been created. This is most useful for
-- calling migrations upfront right after initialization.
-- Example:
-- > initPersist (runMigrationUnsafe migrateAll)
-- where migrateAll is the migration function that was auto-generated
-- by the QQ statement in your persistent schema definition in the
-- call to 'mkMigrate'.
initPersist :: SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT IO) a -> SnapletInit b PersistState
initPersist = initPersistGeneric mkSnapletPgPool

-- | Backend-agnostic initalization with an initial SQL function called right
-- after the connection pool has been created. This is most useful for
-- calling migrations upfront right after initialization.
-- Example:
-- > initPersist mkPool (runMigrationUnsafe migrateAll)
-- where migrateAll is the migration function that was auto-generated
-- by the QQ statement in your persistent schema definition in the
-- call to 'mkMigrate'.
-- mkPool is a function to construct a pool of connections to your database
    :: Initializer b PersistState (Pool SqlBackend)
    -> SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT IO) a
    -> SnapletInit b PersistState
initPersistGeneric mkPool migration = makeSnaplet "persist" description datadir $ do
    p <- mkPool
    _ <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ runSqlPool migration p
    return $ PersistState p
    description = "Snaplet for persistent DB library"
    datadir = Just $ liftM (++"/resources/db") getDataDir

-- | Constructs a connection pool from Config.
mkPgPool :: MonadIO m => Config -> m ConnectionPool
mkPgPool conf = do
  pgConStr <- liftIO $ require conf "postgre-con-str"
  cons <- liftIO $ require conf "postgre-pool-size"
  liftIO . runNoLoggingT $ createPostgresqlPool pgConStr cons

-- | Conscruts a connection pool in a snaplet context.
mkSnapletPgPool :: (MonadIO (m b v), MonadSnaplet m) => m b v ConnectionPool
mkSnapletPgPool = do
  conf <- getSnapletUserConfig
  mkPgPool conf

-- | Runs a SqlPersist action in any monad with a HasPersistPool instance.
runPersist :: (HasPersistPool m)
           => SqlPersistM b
           -- ^ Run given Persistent action in the defined monad.
           -> m b
runPersist action = do
  pool <- getPersistPool
  withPool pool action

-- | Run a database action
withPool :: MonadIO m
         => ConnectionPool
         -> SqlPersistM a -> m a
withPool cp f = liftIO . runResourceT . runNoLoggingT $ runSqlPool f cp

-- | Make a Key from an Int.
mkKey :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend entity => Int -> Key entity
mkKey = fromBackendKey . SqlBackendKey . fromIntegral

-- | Makes a Key from a ByteString.  Calls error on failure.
mkKeyBS :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend entity => ByteString -> Key entity
mkKeyBS = mkKey . fromMaybe (error "Can't ByteString value") . fromBS

-- | Makes a Key from Text.  Calls error on failure.
mkKeyT :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend entity => Text -> Key entity
mkKeyT = mkKey . fromMaybe (error "Can't Text value") . fromText

-- | Makes a Text representation of a Key.
showKey :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend e => Key e -> Text
showKey = T.pack . show . mkInt

-- | Makes a ByteString representation of a Key.
showKeyBS :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend e => Key e -> ByteString
showKeyBS = T.encodeUtf8 . showKey

-- | Converts a Key to Int.  Fails with error if the conversion fails.
mkInt :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend a => Key a -> Int
mkInt = fromIntegral . unSqlBackendKey . toBackendKey

-- | Converts a Key to Word64.  Fails with error if the conversion fails.
mkWord64 :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend a => Key a -> Word64
mkWord64 = fromIntegral . unSqlBackendKey . toBackendKey

-- Converts a PersistValue to a more concrete type.  Calls error if the
-- conversion fails.
fromPersistValue' :: PersistField c => PersistValue -> c
fromPersistValue' = either (const $ error "Persist conversion failed") id
                    . fromPersistValue

-- | Follows a foreign key field in one entity and retrieves the corresponding
-- entity from the database.
followForeignKey :: (PersistEntity a, HasPersistPool m,
                     PersistEntityBackend a ~ SqlBackend)
                 => (t -> Key a) -> Entity t -> m (Maybe (Entity a))
followForeignKey toKey (Entity _ val) = do
    let key' = toKey val
    mval <- runPersist $ DB.get key'
    return $ fmap (Entity key') mval