snaplet-sqlite-simple-jwt-auth- Snaplet for JWT authentication with snaplet-sqlite-simple

Safe HaskellNone





NOTE: This is still very much a work-in-progress project!

A snap middleware for implementing JWT-based authentication with user accounts persisted in a SQLite3 database. It's intended use is to protect server API routes used in single-page web applications (SPA) and mobile applications.

Passwords are hashed and salted using the BCrypt library.

See the project for a full application using this library. It implements a todo application as an SPA using React and Redux with a Haskell API server running on Snap and uses this library to implement logins and route authentication. This blog post has a walk-through of the application's source code.


data User Source #

User account User ID and login name.

If you need to store additional fields for your user accounts, persist them in your application SQL tables and key them by userId.




data AuthFailure Source #

Types of errors that can happen on login or new user creation.



The login name does not exist.


The login name already exists.


Failed the password check.


sqliteJwtInit Source #


:: String

JWT secret signing key filename

-> Snaplet Sqlite

The sqlite-simple snaplet

-> SnapletInit b SqliteJwt 

Initializer for the sqlite-simple JwtAuth snaplet.

If the secret random key jwtSigningKeyFname doesn't exist in the current working directory, a new random key will be generated. Otherwise the existing key will be loaded as the site signing key. This key is used to sign the JWTs generated by the login procedure.

Initialization will automatically setup SQL tables used to store user accounts. It will also automatically upgrade the SQL schema if necessary.

High-level handlers

Use these handlers to implement user registration, login and protecting routes with authentication.

The registerUser and loginUser handlers follow a fixed convention for request parameters and response. To sign up a user or login an existing user, make a POST request to a route handled by registerUser or loginUser. Both require input parameters to be passed in as JSON. A successful user creation or a login will return HTTP 400 code and reply with a JSON object containing the JWT. Failed login attempts will reply with an HTTP 401 error and will reply with a JSON object containing the error message.

Use the requireAuth wrapper for implementing routes that require authentication. The client side is responsible for passing in a valid JWT in the Authentication header.

If you need to customize error handling or need a different JSON schema for communicating between the server and client, you may wish the re- implement registerUser and loginUser using the low-level handlers documented later in the API ref.

registerUser :: Handler b SqliteJwt () Source #

Create a new user.

Use a POST request for this handler with password and login encoded as JSON in the body of the request:

   "login": <login name>,
   "pass": <password>

A successful login will reply with an HTTP 400 code and the following JSON:

   "token": <JWT>

The returned token can be used to make authenticated requests.

Login and user registration errors will be reported with an HTTP error code 401 and the error message will be sent as a JSON object:

  "error": <message>

loginUser :: Handler b SqliteJwt () Source #

Login an existing user.

Use a POST request for this handler with password and login encoded as JSON in the body of the request:

  "login": <login name>,
  "pass": <password>

A successful login will reply with an HTTP 400 code and the following JSON:

  "token": <JWT>

The returned token can be used to make authenticated requests.

Login and user registration errors will be reported with an HTTP error code 401 and the error message will be sent as a JSON object:

  "error": <message>

requireAuth :: (User -> Handler b SqliteJwt a) -> Handler b SqliteJwt a Source #

Run a handler with the currently logged in user.

Verify authentication from the JWT token passed in the Authorization header, and run the user provided action with the logged in user.

Use the following syntax for constructing the Authorization header:

Bearer <JWT>

where <JWT> is obtained from the "token" field of a successful call to registerUser or loginUser.

On errors such as missing or malformed JWT or failure to verify the JWT, error out early and issue an HTTP 401 error.

Lower-level login handlers

Use these if you need more customized login/register user functionality.

createUser Source #


:: Text

Login name of the user to be created

-> Text

Password of the new user

-> Handler b SqliteJwt (Either AuthFailure User) 

Create a new user.

login Source #


:: Text

Login name of the user logging in

-> Text


-> Handler b SqliteJwt (Either AuthFailure User) 

Login a user

Utility functions

Helper functions for JSON request parameters and JSON responses.

writeJSON :: (MonadSnap m, ToJSON a) => a -> m () Source #

reqJSON :: (MonadSnap m, FromJSON b) => m b Source #

Demand the presence of JSON in the body assuming it is not larger than 50000 bytes.