{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language TupleSections #-}

module Snmp.Encoding where

import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Language.Asn.Encoding
import Language.Asn.Types
import Language.Asn.Types.Internal
import Prelude hiding (sequence,null)
import Snmp.Types
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.AES as Priv
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.DES as Priv
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Types as Priv
import qualified Crypto.Data.Padding as Pad
import qualified Crypto.Error as Priv
import qualified Crypto.Hash as Hash
import qualified Crypto.MAC.HMAC as HMAC
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified GHC.Exts as E
import qualified Language.Asn.Encoding as AsnEncoding

messageV2 :: AsnEncoding MessageV2
messageV2 = sequence
  [ required "version" (const 1) integer
  , required "community" messageV2CommunityString octetString
  , required "data" messageV2Data pdus

simpleSyntax :: AsnEncoding SimpleSyntax
simpleSyntax = choice
  [ SimpleSyntaxInteger 0
  , SimpleSyntaxString ByteString.empty
  , SimpleSyntaxObjectId defaultObjectIdentifier
  ] $ \case
  SimpleSyntaxInteger n -> option 0 "integer-value" n int32
  SimpleSyntaxString bs -> option 1 "string-value" bs octetString
  SimpleSyntaxObjectId oid -> option 2 "objectID-value" oid objectIdentifier

applicationSyntax :: AsnEncoding ApplicationSyntax
applicationSyntax = choice
  [ ApplicationSyntaxIpAddress 0
  , ApplicationSyntaxCounter 0
  , ApplicationSyntaxTimeTicks 0
  , ApplicationSyntaxArbitrary ByteString.empty
  , ApplicationSyntaxBigCounter 0
  , ApplicationSyntaxUnsignedInteger 0
  ] $ \case
  ApplicationSyntaxIpAddress n -> option 0 "ipAddress-value" n
    $ tag Application 0 Implicit octetStringWord32
  ApplicationSyntaxCounter n -> option 1 "counter-value" n
    $ tag Application 1 Implicit word32
  ApplicationSyntaxTimeTicks n -> option 2 "timeticks-value" n
    $ tag Application 3 Implicit word32
  ApplicationSyntaxArbitrary n -> option 3 "arbitrary-value" n
    $ tag Application 4 Implicit octetString
  ApplicationSyntaxBigCounter n -> option 4 "big-counter-value" n
    $ tag Application 6 Implicit word64
  ApplicationSyntaxUnsignedInteger n -> option 5 "unsigned-integer-value" n
    $ tag Application 2 Implicit word32

objectSyntax :: AsnEncoding ObjectSyntax
objectSyntax = choice
  [ ObjectSyntaxSimple (SimpleSyntaxInteger 0)
  , ObjectSyntaxApplication (ApplicationSyntaxCounter 0)
  ] $ \case
  ObjectSyntaxSimple v -> option 0 "simple" v simpleSyntax
  ObjectSyntaxApplication v -> option 1 "application-wide" v applicationSyntax

bindingResult :: AsnEncoding BindingResult
bindingResult = choice
  [ BindingResultValue (ObjectSyntaxSimple (SimpleSyntaxInteger 0))
  , BindingResultUnspecified
  , BindingResultNoSuchObject
  , BindingResultNoSuchInstance
  , BindingResultEndOfMibView
  ] $ \case
  BindingResultValue obj -> option 0 "value" obj objectSyntax
  BindingResultUnspecified -> option 1 "unSpecified" () null
  BindingResultNoSuchObject -> option 2 "noSuchObject" () $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 0) null
  BindingResultNoSuchInstance -> option 3 "noSuchInstance" () $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 1) null
  BindingResultEndOfMibView -> option 4 "endOfMibView" () $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 2) null

varBind :: AsnEncoding VarBind
varBind = sequence
  [ required "name" varBindName objectIdentifier
    -- result is not actually named in the RFC
  , required "result" varBindResult bindingResult

pdu :: AsnEncoding Pdu
pdu = sequence
  [ required "request-id" pduRequestId (coerce int)
  , required "error-status" pduErrorStatus (coerce integer)
  , required "error-index" pduErrorIndex (coerce int32)
  , required "variable-bindings" pduVariableBindings (sequenceOf varBind)

trapPdu :: AsnEncoding TrapPdu
trapPdu = error "Net.Snmp.Encoding.trapPdu: not yet implemented"

bulkPdu :: AsnEncoding BulkPdu
bulkPdu = sequence
  [ required "request-id" bulkPduRequestId (coerce int)
  , required "non-repeaters" bulkPduNonRepeaters int32
  , required "max-repetitions" bulkPduMaxRepetitions int32
  , required "variable-bindings" bulkPduVariableBindings (sequenceOf varBind)

pdus :: AsnEncoding Pdus
pdus = choice
  [ PdusGetRequest defaultPdu
  , PdusGetNextRequest defaultPdu
  , PdusGetBulkRequest (BulkPdu (RequestId 0) 0 0 Vector.empty)
  , PdusResponse defaultPdu
  , PdusSetRequest defaultPdu
  , PdusInformRequest defaultPdu
  , PdusSnmpTrap (TrapPdu defaultObjectIdentifier 0 GenericTrapColdStart 0 0 [])
  , PdusReport defaultPdu
  ] $ \case
  PdusGetRequest p -> option 0 "get-request" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 0) pdu
  PdusGetNextRequest p -> option 1 "get-next-request" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 1) pdu
  PdusGetBulkRequest p -> option 2 "get-bulk-request" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 5) bulkPdu
  PdusResponse p -> option 3 "response" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 2) pdu
  PdusSetRequest p -> option 4 "set-request" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 3) pdu
  PdusInformRequest p -> option 5 "inform-request" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 6) pdu
  PdusSnmpTrap p -> option 6 "snmpV2-trap" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 4) trapPdu
  PdusReport p -> option 7 "report" p $ implicitTag (tagFromInt 8) pdu

defaultObjectIdentifier :: ObjectIdentifier
defaultObjectIdentifier = ObjectIdentifier (E.fromList [1,3,6])

defaultPdu :: Pdu
defaultPdu = Pdu (RequestId 0) (ErrorStatus 0) (ErrorIndex 0) Vector.empty

defaultUsm :: Usm
defaultUsm = Usm defaultEngineId 0 0 ByteString.empty ByteString.empty ByteString.empty

-- messageV3 :: AsnEncoding ((Crypto,AesSalt),MessageV3)
-- messageV3 = contramap (\(c,m) -> ((c,Just m),m)) internalMessageV3

messageV3 :: AsnEncoding MessageV3
messageV3 = sequence
  [ required "msgVersion" (const 3) integer
  , required "msgGlobalData" messageV3GlobalData headerData
  , required "msgSecurityParameters"
      (\msg -> LB.toStrict (AsnEncoding.der usm (messageV3SecurityParameters msg)))
  , required "msgData" messageV3Data scopedPduDataEncoding

headerData :: AsnEncoding HeaderData
headerData = sequence
  [ required "msgID" headerDataId (coerce int)
  , required "msgMaxSize" headerDataMaxSize int32
  , required "msgFlags" headerDataFlags octetStringWord8
  , required "msgSecurityModel" (const 3) integer

scopedPduDataEncoding :: AsnEncoding ScopedPduData
scopedPduDataEncoding = choice
  [ ScopedPduDataPlaintext defaultScopedPdu
  , ScopedPduDataEncrypted ByteString.empty
  ] $ \case
  ScopedPduDataPlaintext spdu -> option 0 "plaintext" spdu scopedPdu
  ScopedPduDataEncrypted bs -> option 1 "encryptedPDU" bs octetString

scopedPdu :: AsnEncoding ScopedPdu
scopedPdu = sequence
  [ required "contextEngineID" scopedPduContextEngineId (coerce octetString)
  , required "contextName" scopedPduContextName octetString
  , required "data" scopedPduData pdus

usm :: AsnEncoding Usm
usm = sequence
  [ required "msgAuthoritativeEngineID" usmAuthoritativeEngineId (coerce octetString)
  , required "msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots" usmAuthoritativeEngineBoots int32
  , required "msgAuthoritativeEngineTime" usmAuthoritativeEngineTime int32
  , required "msgUserName" usmUserName octetString
  , required "msgAuthenticationParameters" usmAuthenticationParameters octetString
  , required "msgPrivacyParameters" usmPrivacyParameters octetString

hmacEncodedMessage :: AuthType -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
hmacEncodedMessage x key bs = case x of
  AuthTypeMd5 -> BA.convert (HMAC.hmac key bs :: HMAC.HMAC Hash.MD5)
  AuthTypeSha -> BA.convert (HMAC.hmac key bs :: HMAC.HMAC Hash.SHA1)

hash :: AuthType -> ByteString -> ByteString
hash AuthTypeMd5 = BA.convert . (Hash.hash :: ByteString -> Hash.Digest Hash.MD5)
hash AuthTypeSha = BA.convert . (Hash.hash :: ByteString -> Hash.Digest Hash.SHA1)

hashlazy :: AuthType -> LB.ByteString -> ByteString
hashlazy AuthTypeMd5 = BA.convert . (Hash.hashlazy :: LB.ByteString -> Hash.Digest Hash.MD5)
hashlazy AuthTypeSha = BA.convert . (Hash.hashlazy :: LB.ByteString -> Hash.Digest Hash.SHA1)

passwordToKey :: AuthType -> ByteString -> EngineId -> ByteString
passwordToKey at pass (EngineId eid) =
  hash at (authKey <> eid <> authKey)
  mkAuthKey = hashlazy at . LB.take 1048576 . LB.fromChunks . List.repeat
  !authKey = mkAuthKey pass

defaultAuthParams :: AuthParameters
defaultAuthParams = AuthParameters AuthTypeSha ByteString.empty

defaultPrivParams :: PrivParameters
defaultPrivParams = PrivParameters PrivTypeDes ByteString.empty

defaultScopedPdu :: ScopedPdu
defaultScopedPdu = ScopedPdu defaultEngineId ByteString.empty (PdusGetRequest defaultPdu)

defaultEngineId :: EngineId
defaultEngineId = EngineId ByteString.empty

desEncrypt ::
  -> Int32
  -> Int32
  -> ByteString
  -> (ByteString,ByteString)
desEncrypt privKey eb et =
    (,salt) . Priv.cbcEncrypt cipher iv . Pad.pad Pad.PKCS5
    preIV = B.drop 8 (B.take 16 privKey)
    salt = toSalt eb et
    iv :: Priv.IV Priv.DES
    !iv = fromJust $! Priv.makeIV (B.pack $ B.zipWith xor preIV salt)
    !cipher = mkCipher (B.take 8 privKey)

desDecrypt :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
desDecrypt privKey salt d = do
  iv <- iv'
  pure $ stripBS $ Priv.cbcDecrypt cipher iv d
    preIV = B.drop 8 (B.take 16 privKey)
    iv' :: Maybe (Priv.IV Priv.DES)
    !iv' = Priv.makeIV (B.pack $ B.zipWith xor preIV salt)
    !cipher = mkCipher (B.take 8 privKey)

aesDecrypt :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Int32 -> Int32 -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
aesDecrypt privKey salt eb et b = do
  iv <- iv'
  pure $ stripBS $ Priv.cfbDecrypt cipher iv b
    iv' :: Maybe (Priv.IV Priv.AES128)
    !iv' = Priv.makeIV (toSalt eb et <> salt)
    !cipher = mkCipher (B.take 16 privKey)

stripBS :: ByteString -> ByteString
stripBS bs =
    let bs' = B.drop 1 bs
        l1 = fromIntegral (B.head bs')
    in if testBit l1 7
        then case clearBit l1 7 of
                  0   -> error "something bad happened while decrypting"
                  len ->
                    let size = uintbs (B.take len (B.drop 1 bs'))
                    in B.take (size + len + 2) bs
        else B.take (l1 + 2) bs
    {- uintbs return the unsigned int represented by the bytes -}
    uintbs = B.foldl' (\acc n -> (acc `shiftL` 8) + fromIntegral n) 0

aesEncrypt :: ByteString -> Int32 -> Int32 -> AesSalt -> ByteString -> (ByteString,ByteString)
aesEncrypt privKey eb et (AesSalt rcounter) =
  (,salt) . Priv.cfbEncrypt cipher iv
  salt = wToBs rcounter
  iv :: Priv.IV Priv.AES128
  !iv = unJust $ Priv.makeIV (toSalt eb et <> salt)
  !cipher = mkCipher (B.take 16 privKey)
  unJust = \case
    Nothing -> error "Net.Snmp.Encoding: aesEncrypt: bad salt"
    Just a -> a

wToBs :: Word64 -> ByteString
wToBs x = B.pack
  [ fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 56 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 48 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 40 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 32 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 0 .&. 0xff)

toSalt :: Int32 -> Int32 -> ByteString
toSalt x y = B.pack
  [ fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR`  8 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (x `shiftR`  0 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (y `shiftR` 24 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (y `shiftR` 16 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (y `shiftR`  8 .&. 0xff)
  , fromIntegral (y `shiftR`  0 .&. 0xff)

mkCipher :: (Priv.Cipher c) => ByteString -> c
mkCipher = (\(Priv.CryptoPassed x) -> x) . Priv.cipherInit
{-# INLINE mkCipher #-}

mkSign :: AuthType -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
mkSign at key = B.take 12 . hmacEncodedMessage at key
{-# INLINE mkSign #-}

-- mkSign :: AuthType -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
-- mkSign = error "mkSign: write this"

checkSign :: AuthType -> ByteString -> MessageV3 -> Maybe (ByteString,ByteString)
checkSign at key msg = if expected == actual
  then Nothing
  else Just (expected,actual)
  raw = LB.toStrict (AsnEncoding.der messageV3 (resetAuthParams msg))
  expected = mkSign at key raw
  actual = usmAuthenticationParameters (messageV3SecurityParameters msg)

resetAuthParams :: MessageV3 -> MessageV3
resetAuthParams m = m
  { messageV3SecurityParameters = (messageV3SecurityParameters m)
    { usmAuthenticationParameters = ByteString.replicate 12 0x00

tagFromInt :: Int -> Tag
tagFromInt !i = Tag ContextSpecific i
{-# inline tagFromInt #-}