sorted-list- Type-enforced sorted lists and related functions.

Safe HaskellSafe




This module defines a type for sorted lists, together with several functions to create and use values of that type. Many operations are optimized to take advantage of the list being sorted.



data SortedList a Source

Type of sorted lists. Any (non-bottom) value of this type is a sorted list.

List conversions

toSortedList :: Ord a => [a] -> SortedList a Source

Create a SortedList by sorting a regular list.

fromSortedList :: SortedList a -> [a] Source

Create a list from a SortedList. The returned list is guaranteed to be sorted.


singleton :: a -> SortedList a Source

O(1). Create a sorted list with only one element.

repeat :: a -> SortedList a Source

An infinite list with all its elements equal to the given argument.

replicate :: Int -> a -> SortedList a Source

Replicate a given number of times a single element.

iterate :: Ord a => (a -> a) -> a -> SortedList a Source

Create a sorted list by repeatedly applying the same function to an element, until the image by that function is stricly less than its argument. In other words:

iterate f x = [x, f x, f (f x), ... ]

With the list ending whenever f (f (... (f (f x)) ...)) < f (... (f (f x)) ...). If this never happens, the list will be infinite.


uncons :: SortedList a -> Maybe (a, SortedList a) Source

Decompose a sorted list into its minimal element and the rest. If the list is empty, it returns Nothing.


insert :: Ord a => a -> SortedList a -> SortedList a Source

O(n). Insert a new element in a sorted list.


take :: Int -> SortedList a -> SortedList a Source

Extract the prefix with the given length from a sorted list.

drop :: Int -> SortedList a -> SortedList a Source

Drop the given number of elements from a sorted list, starting from the smallest and following ascending order.

splitAt :: Int -> SortedList a -> (SortedList a, SortedList a) Source

Split a sorted list in two sublists, with the first one having length equal to the given argument, except when the length of the list is less than that.

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> SortedList a -> SortedList a Source

O(n). Extract the elements of a list that satisfy the predicate.


elemOrd :: Ord a => a -> SortedList a -> Bool Source

O(n). An efficient implementation of elem, using the Ord instance of the elements in a sorted list. It only traverses the whole list if the requested element is greater than all the elements in the sorted list.


nub :: Eq a => SortedList a -> SortedList a Source

O(n). Remove duplicate elements from a sorted list.