{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, DerivingVia, InstanceSigs, UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | This module provides an implementation for the `MonadSouffle` typeclass
--   defined in "Language.Souffle.Class".
--   It makes use of the Souffle interpreter and CSV files to offer an
--   implementation optimized for quick development speed compared to
--   "Language.Souffle.Compiled".
--   It is however __much__ slower so users are advised to switch over to
--   the compiled alternative once the prototyping phase is finished.
module Language.Souffle.Interpreted
  ( Program(..)
  , Fact(..)
  , Marshal(..)
  , Direction(..)
  , ContainsInputFact
  , ContainsOutputFact
  , Config(..)
  , Handle
  , SouffleM
  , MonadSouffle(..)
  , runSouffle
  , runSouffleWith
  , defaultConfig
  , souffleStdOut
  , souffleStdErr
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (init)

import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall(..), throwIO, bracket)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.IORef
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List hiding (init)
import Data.Semigroup (Last(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word
import Language.Souffle.Class
import Language.Souffle.Marshal
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (hGetContents, hClose)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
import Text.Printf

-- | A monad for executing Souffle-related actions in.
newtype SouffleM a
  = SouffleM (ReaderT Config IO a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
  via (ReaderT Config IO)

-- | A helper data type for storing the configurable settings of the
--   interpreter.
--   - __cfgDatalogDir__: The directory where the datalog file(s) are located.
--   - __cfgSouffleBin__: The name of the souffle binary. Has to be available in
--   \$PATH or an absolute path needs to be provided. Note: Passing in `Nothing`
--   will fail to start up the interpreter in the `MonadSouffle.init` function.
--   - __cfgFactDir__: The directory where the initial input fact file(s) can be found
--   if present. If Nothing, then a temporary directory will be used, during the
--   souffle session.
--   - __cfgOutputDir__: The directory where the output fact file(s) are created.
--   If Nothing, it will be part of the temporary directory.
data Config
  = Config
  { cfgDatalogDir   :: FilePath
  , cfgSouffleBin   :: Maybe FilePath
  , cfgFactDir      :: Maybe FilePath
  , cfgOutputDir    :: Maybe FilePath
  } deriving Show

-- | Retrieves the default config for the interpreter. These settings can
--   be overridden using record update syntax if needed.
--   By default, the settings will be configured as follows:
--   - __cfgDatalogDir__: Looks at environment variable \$DATALOG_DIR,
--   falls back to the current directory if not set.
--   - __cfgSouffleBin__: Looks at environment variable \$SOUFFLE_BIN,
--   or tries to locate the souffle binary using the which shell command
--   if the variable is not set.
--   - __cfgFactDir__: Will make use of a temporary directory.
--   - __cfgOutputDir__: Will make use of a temporary directory.
defaultConfig :: MonadIO m => m Config
defaultConfig = liftIO $ do
  dlDir <- lookupEnv "DATALOG_DIR"
  envSouffleBin <- fmap Last <$> lookupEnv "SOUFFLE_BIN"
  locatedBin <- fmap Last <$> locateSouffle
  let souffleBin = getLast <$> locatedBin <> envSouffleBin
  pure $ Config (fromMaybe "." dlDir) souffleBin Nothing Nothing
{-# INLINABLE defaultConfig #-}

{- | Initializes and runs a Souffle program with default settings.

     The 2nd argument is passed in a handle after initialization of the
     Souffle program. The handle will contain 'Nothing' if it failed to
     locate the souffle interpreter executable or if it failed to find the
     souffle program file. In the successful case it will contain a handle
     that can be used for performing Souffle related actions using the other
     functions in this module.
runSouffle :: Program prog => prog -> (Maybe (Handle prog) -> SouffleM a) -> IO a
runSouffle program m = do
  cfg <- defaultConfig
  runSouffleWith cfg program m
{-# INLINABLE runSouffle #-}

{- | Initializes and runs a Souffle program with the given interpreter settings.

     The 3rd argument is passed in a handle after initialization of the
     Souffle program. The handle will contain 'Nothing' if it failed to
     locate the souffle interpreter executable or if it failed to find the
     souffle program file. In the successful case it will contain a handle
     that can be used for performing Souffle related actions using the other
     functions in this module.

     If the config settings do not specify a fact or output dir,
     temporary directories will be created for storing files in. These
     directories will also be automatically cleaned up at the end of
     this function.
  :: Program prog => Config -> prog -> (Maybe (Handle prog) -> SouffleM a) -> IO a
runSouffleWith cfg program f = bracket initialize maybeCleanup $ \handle -> do
  let (SouffleM action) = f handle
  runReaderT action cfg
    initialize = datalogProgramFile program (cfgDatalogDir cfg) >>= \case
      Nothing -> pure Nothing
      Just datalogExecutable -> do
        tmpDir <- getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory
        souffleTempDir <- createTempDirectory tmpDir "souffle-haskell"
        let factDir = fromMaybe (souffleTempDir </> "fact") $ cfgFactDir cfg
            outDir = fromMaybe (souffleTempDir </> "out") $ cfgOutputDir cfg
        traverse_ (createDirectoryIfMissing True) [factDir, outDir]
        forM mSouffleBin $ \souffleBin ->
            <$> (newIORef $ HandleData
                  { soufflePath = souffleBin
                  , tmpDirPath  = souffleTempDir
                  , factPath    = factDir
                  , outputPath  = outDir
                  , datalogExec = datalogExecutable
                  , noOfThreads = 1
            <*> newIORef Nothing
            <*> newIORef Nothing
    maybeCleanup = maybe mempty $ \h -> do
      handle <- readIORef $ handleData h
      removeDirectoryRecursive $ tmpDirPath handle
    mSouffleBin = cfgSouffleBin cfg
{-# INLINABLE runSouffleWith #-}

-- | A datatype representing a handle to a datalog program.
--   The type parameter is used for keeping track of which program
--   type the handle belongs to for additional type safety.
data Handle prog = Handle
  { handleData   :: IORef HandleData
  , stdoutResult :: IORef (Maybe T.Text)
  , stderrResult :: IORef (Maybe T.Text)

-- | The data needed for the interpreter is the path where the souffle
--   executable can be found, and a template directory where the program
--   is stored.
data HandleData = HandleData
  { soufflePath :: FilePath
  , tmpDirPath  :: FilePath
  , factPath    :: FilePath
  , outputPath  :: FilePath
  , datalogExec :: FilePath
  , noOfThreads :: Word64

newtype IMarshal a = IMarshal (State [String] a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState [String])
  via (State [String])

instance MonadPush IMarshal where
  pushInt32 int = modify (show int:)
  {-# INLINABLE pushInt32 #-}

  pushUInt32 int = modify (show int:)
  {-# INLINABLE pushUInt32 #-}

  pushFloat float = modify (show float:)
  {-# INLINABLE pushFloat #-}

  pushString str = modify (str:)
  {-# INLINABLE pushString #-}

instance MonadPop IMarshal where
  popInt32 = state $ \case
    [] -> error "Empty fact stack"
    (h:t) -> (read h, t)
  {-# INLINABLE popInt32 #-}

  popUInt32 = state $ \case
    [] -> error "Empty fact stack"
    (h:t) -> (read h, t)
  {-# INLINABLE popUInt32 #-}

  popFloat = state $ \case
    [] -> error "Empty fact stack"
    (h:t) -> (read h, t)
  {-# INLINABLE popFloat #-}

  popString = state $ \case
    [] -> error "Empty fact stack"
    (h:t) -> (h, t)
  {-# INLINABLE popString #-}

popMarshalT :: IMarshal a -> [String] -> a
popMarshalT (IMarshal m) = evalState m
{-# INLINABLE popMarshalT #-}

pushMarshalT :: IMarshal a -> [String]
pushMarshalT (IMarshal m) = reverse $ execState m []
{-# INLINABLE pushMarshalT #-}

class Collect c where
  collect :: Marshal a => FilePath -> IO (c a)

instance Collect [] where
  collect factFile = do
    factLines <- readCSVFile factFile
    let facts = map (popMarshalT pop) factLines
    pure $! facts
  {-# INLINABLE collect #-}

instance Collect V.Vector where
  collect factFile = V.fromList <$!> collect factFile
  {-# INLINABLE collect #-}

instance Collect (A.Array Int) where
  collect factFile = do
    facts <- collect factFile
    let count = length facts
    pure $! A.listArray (0, count - 1) facts
  {-# INLINABLE collect #-}

instance MonadSouffle SouffleM where
  type Handler SouffleM = Handle
  type CollectFacts SouffleM c = Collect c

  run (Handle refHandleData refHandleStdOut refHandleStdErr) = liftIO $ do
    handle <- readIORef refHandleData
    -- Invoke the souffle binary using parameters, supposing that the facts
    -- are placed in the factPath, rendering the output into the outputPath.
    let processToRun =
            (printf "%s -F%s -D%s -j%d %s"
              (soufflePath handle)
              (factPath handle)
              (outputPath handle)
              (noOfThreads handle)
              (datalogExec handle)))
            { std_in  = NoStream
            , std_out = CreatePipe
            , std_err = CreatePipe
      (createProcess_ "souffle-haskell" processToRun)
      (\(_, mStdOutHandle, mStdErrHandle, _) -> do
        traverse_ hClose mStdOutHandle
        traverse_ hClose mStdErrHandle
      (\(_, mStdOutHandle, mStdErrHandle, processHandle) -> do
        waitForProcess processHandle >>= \case
          ExitSuccess   -> pure ()
          ExitFailure c -> throwIO $ ErrorCall $ "Souffle exited with: " ++ show c
        forM_ mStdOutHandle $ \stdoutHandle -> do
          stdout <- T.pack <$!> hGetContents stdoutHandle
          writeIORef refHandleStdOut $! Just $! stdout
        forM_ mStdErrHandle $ \stderrHandle -> do
          stderr <- T.pack <$!> hGetContents stderrHandle
          writeIORef refHandleStdErr $! Just $! stderr
  {-# INLINABLE run #-}

  setNumThreads handle n = liftIO $
    modifyIORef' (handleData handle) (\h -> h { noOfThreads = n })
  {-# INLINABLE setNumThreads #-}

  getNumThreads handle = liftIO $
    noOfThreads <$> readIORef (handleData handle)
  {-# INLINABLE getNumThreads #-}

  getFacts :: forall a c prog. (Marshal a, Fact a, ContainsOutputFact prog a, Collect c)
           => Handle prog -> SouffleM (c a)
  getFacts h = liftIO $ do
    handle <- readIORef $ handleData h
    let relationName = factName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    let factFile = outputPath handle </> relationName <.> "csv"
    facts <- collect factFile
    pure $! facts  -- force facts before running to avoid issues with lazy IO
  {-# INLINABLE getFacts #-}

  findFact :: (Fact a, ContainsOutputFact prog a, Eq a)
           => Handle prog -> a -> SouffleM (Maybe a)
  findFact prog fact = do
    facts :: [a] <- getFacts prog
    pure $ find (== fact) facts
  {-# INLINABLE findFact #-}

  addFact :: forall a prog. (Fact a, ContainsInputFact prog a, Marshal a)
          => Handle prog -> a -> SouffleM ()
  addFact h fact = liftIO $ do
    handle <- readIORef $ handleData h
    let relationName = factName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    let factFile = factPath handle </> relationName <.> "facts"
    let line = pushMarshalT (push fact)
    appendFile factFile $ intercalate "\t" line ++ "\n"
  {-# INLINABLE addFact #-}

  addFacts :: forall a prog f. (Fact a, ContainsInputFact prog a, Marshal a, Foldable f)
           => Handle prog -> f a -> SouffleM ()
  addFacts h facts = liftIO $ do
    handle <- readIORef $ handleData h
    let relationName = factName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    let factFile = factPath handle </> relationName <.> "facts"
    let factLines = map (pushMarshalT . push) (foldMap pure facts)
    traverse_ (\line -> appendFile factFile (intercalate "\t" line ++ "\n")) factLines
  {-# INLINABLE addFacts #-}

datalogProgramFile :: forall prog. Program prog => prog -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
datalogProgramFile prog datalogDir = do
  let dlFile = datalogDir </> programName prog <.> "dl"
  doesFileExist dlFile >>= \case
    False -> pure Nothing
    True -> pure $ Just dlFile
{-# INLINABLE datalogProgramFile #-}

locateSouffle :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
locateSouffle = do
  let locateCmd = (shell "which souffle") { std_out = CreatePipe }
  (_, Just hout, _, locateCmdHandle) <- createProcess locateCmd
  waitForProcess locateCmdHandle >>= \case
    ExitFailure _ -> pure Nothing
    ExitSuccess ->
      words <$> hGetContents hout >>= \case
        [souffleBin] -> pure $ Just souffleBin
        _ -> pure Nothing
{-# INLINABLE locateSouffle #-}

readCSVFile :: FilePath -> IO [[String]]
readCSVFile path = doesFileExist path >>= \case
  False -> pure []
  True -> do
    contents <- readFile path
    -- deepseq needed to avoid issues with lazy IO
    pure $ contents `deepseq` (map (splitOn '\t') . lines) contents
{-# INLINABLE readCSVFile #-}

-- | Returns the handle of stdout from the souffle interpreter.
souffleStdOut :: forall prog. Program prog => Handle prog -> SouffleM (Maybe T.Text)
souffleStdOut = liftIO . readIORef . stdoutResult

-- | Returns the content of stderr from the souffle interpreter.
souffleStdErr :: forall prog. Program prog => Handle prog -> SouffleM (Maybe T.Text)
souffleStdErr = liftIO . readIORef . stderrResult

splitOn :: Char -> String -> [String]
splitOn c s =
  let (x, rest) = break (== c) s
      rest' = drop 1 rest
   in x : splitOn c rest'
{-# INLINABLE splitOn #-}