Metadata revisions for sound-collage-0.2.1

Package maintainers and Hackage trustees are allowed to edit certain bits of package metadata after a release, without uploading a new tarball. Note that the tarball itself is never changed, just the metadata that is stored separately. For more information about metadata revisions, please refer to the Hackage Metadata Revisions FAQ.

No. Time User SHA256
-r2 (sound-collage-0.2.1-r2) 2023-05-24T23:03:02Z HenningThielemann 85221b8cf87eda8d3c810a48cc55d871151f951d444f9641727eebdd52325933
  • Changed the executable 'sound-collage' component's library dependency on 'optparse-applicative' from

    >=0.11 && <0.18
    >=0.11 && <0.19

-r1 (sound-collage-0.2.1-r1) 2022-02-04T11:37:27Z HenningThielemann 5d7327bfca935f862e62110f399bb1349a4760a506a35596b648d3f88848fa1f
  • Changed the executable 'sound-collage' component's library dependency on 'optparse-applicative' from

    >=0.11 && <0.17
    >=0.11 && <0.18

-r0 (sound-collage-0.2.1-r0) 2021-08-06T15:59:43Z HenningThielemann e98487e547840c4556fca3dfdbea0fc8baf6cfea991fb43ed9d2a8d791a72e40