Changelog for spectacle-1.0.0
Extensible Records
'RecT' renamed to 'RecF' to avoid colliding with the naming scheme generally reserved for monad transformers. Record constructor names reflect this change.
The "rec" suffix removed from the functions 'setRecF', 'getRecF', 'getRec', and 'setRec' renamed to prefer the less noise 'setF', getF', 'set', and 'get'.
The selector constraint (.|) and (#) type synonym replaced with 'Has' constraint for readiblity.
-- previously type HasFooInt ctx = "foo" # Int .| ctx -- ... is now type HasFootInt ctx = Has "foo" Int ctx
A new type 'Evident' and class 'HasDict' now give a uniform way for capturing typeclass evidence of extensible records.
'Rec' and 'RecT' instance declaration are no longer defined for the base case and inductive case. Instead, extensible record instances pass the responsibility witnessing a dictionary to a 'HasDict' superclass.
-- old version instance Show (Rec '[]) where show RNil = ... instance (Show x, Show xs) => Show (Rec (x ': xs)) where show RNil = ... -- new version instance HasDict Show ctx => Show (Rec ctx) where show Nil = ... show Con {} = ...