{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, AutoDeriveTypeable, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, PolyKinds #-}



module Prelude.Spiros.GUI where


#include <sboo-base-feature-macros.h>


import Prelude.Spiros.Reexports
import Prelude.Spiros.Utilities
import Prelude.Spiros.Classes

-- Imports ---------------------------------------

import Prelude hiding
 ( (<), (>)
   -- shadowed
 , fail
   -- deprecated


import "template-haskell" Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
  ( Name(..)
  , NameFlavour(NameG,NameL)
  , NameSpace(..)
  , OccName(..)
  , ModName(..)
  , PkgName(..)


import "base" GHC.Generics (Generic)
import "base" Data.Data    (Data)
import "base" Data.Typeable
 ( tyConModule, tyConName, tyConPackage, typeRepTyCon

-- Types -----------------------------------------

{- | A globally unique haskell identifier,
for either a value or type,
fully-qualified with its module and package. 

TODO new field: @Version@.


data GUI = GUI

 { _guiPackage    :: !PkgName
 , _guiModule     :: !ModName
 , _guiIdentifier :: !OccName
 , _guiNamespace  :: !NameSpace
 -- , _guiVersion    :: !(Maybe Version)

 } deriving ( Generic, Data
            , Eq, Ord
            , Show
            -- « GHC 8 » introduced « instance Show NameSpace ».



showsPrec_NameSpace :: Int -> NameSpace -> ShowS
showsPrec_NameSpace _ = showString . go

  go = \case
   VarName   -> "VarName"
   DataName  -> "DataName"
   TcClsName -> "TcClsName"


instance Show GUI where

  showsPrec precedence (GUI p m i n) =

    showParen (precedence >= 11) (foldr (.) id ss)


    ss =
      [ (showString "GUI {")
      , (showString "_guiPackage = ")
      , (showsPrec 0 p)
      , (showString ", ")
      , (showString "_guiModule = ")
      , (showsPrec 0 m)
      , (showString ", ")
      , (showString "_guiIdentifier = ")
      , (showsPrec 0 i)
      , (showString ", ")
      , (showString "_guiNamespace = ")
      , (showsPrec_NameSpace 0 n)
      , (showString "}")


instance NFData GUI where
  rnf GUI{..}
        = rnfString (coerce _guiPackage)
    `seq` rnfString (coerce _guiModule)
    `seq` rnfString (coerce _guiIdentifier)
    `seq` rwhnf             _guiNamespace
    rnfString :: String -> ()
    rnfString = rnf


instance Hashable GUI where

  -- hashWithSalt s GUI{..} = s `hashWithSalt` ...

  hashWithSalt s GUI{..} =

    `hashStringWithSalt` (coerce _guiPackage)
    `hashStringWithSalt` (coerce _guiModule)
    `hashStringWithSalt` (coerce _guiIdentifier)
    `hashWithSalt`       (fromEnumNameSpace  _guiNamespace) -- lol
    -- `hashWithSalt`       (fromEnum _guiNamespace)


    hashStringWithSalt :: Int -> String -> Int
    hashStringWithSalt = hashWithSalt

    fromEnumNameSpace :: NameSpace -> Int
    fromEnumNameSpace = \case
      VarName   -> 0
      DataName  -> 1
      TcClsName -> 2


-- {- | An identifer of a haskell /value/,
-- fully-qualified with its module and package,
-- and tagged with the type of the value.

-- @t@ is phantom.

-- -}
-- data GUI' t = GUI'
--  { _guiPackage'    :: !PkgName
--  , _guiModule'     :: !ModName
--  , _guiIdentifier' :: !OccName
--  -- , _guiVersion    :: !(Maybe Version)
--  } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Data,Generic)

-- -- instance NFData   (GUI' t) where
-- -- instance Hashable (GUI' t) where

-- Functions -------------------------------------

{-| Return a globally unique identifier from a Template Haskell 'Name', even if it's local (i.e. not global). 

== Implementation: @TemplateHaskellQuotes@ return only "local names" ('NameL') and "global names" ('NameG', which 'fromGlobalName' validates). 

* 'NameG'

See 'Name':

* 'NameS':
An unqualified name; dynamically bound

* 'NameQ' ModName:
A qualified name; dynamically bound

* 'NameU' !Int:
A unique local name

* 'NameL' !Int:
Local name bound outside of the TH AST

* 'NameG' NameSpace PkgName ModName:
Global name bound outside of the TH AST: An original name (occurrences only, not binders) Need the namespace too to be sure which thing we are naming


unsafeGUI :: Name -> GUI
unsafeGUI name = go name

  go :: Name -> GUI
  go = fromGlobalName > maybe (fakeGUI name) id

  fakeGUI :: Name -> GUI
  fakeGUI (Name nIdentifier nFlavor) = case nFlavor of
    NameL i -> localFakeGUI nIdentifier i
    _       -> defaultFakeGUI nIdentifier

  localFakeGUI :: (Integral i) => OccName -> i -> GUI
  localFakeGUI (OccName n) i =
    GUI fakePkgName fakeModName qualifiedLocalOccName defaultNameSpace
        qualifiedLocalOccName = OccName $ n ++ "$" ++ show (toInteger i)

  defaultFakeGUI :: OccName -> GUI
  defaultFakeGUI realOccName
    = GUI fakePkgName fakeModName realOccName defaultNameSpace

  fakePkgName :: PkgName
  fakePkgName = PkgName "?"

  fakeModName :: ModName
  fakeModName = ModName "?"

  defaultNameSpace :: NameSpace
  defaultNameSpace = VarName


{-| if the given identifier is [1] global and [2] a value, then return it as a GUI. 


> fromGlobalName 'fromGlobalName 
Just (PkgName "spiros-0.0.1-inplace",ModName "Prelude.Spiros.Exception",OccName "fromGlobalName")

Implementation Note: 'Name' use is compatible with @template-haskell >=2.11@.


fromGlobalName :: Name -> Maybe GUI
fromGlobalName = \case

  Name nIdentifier (NameG nNameSpace nPackage nModule)
    -> Just $ GUI nPackage nModule nIdentifier nNameSpace

    -> Nothing


{-| like 'fromGlobalName', but restricted to /identifiers/
(i.e. not types\/classes, not constructors\/patterns). 



fromValueName :: Name -> Maybe GUI
fromValueName = fromGlobalName >=> go


  go gui = gui & \case

    GUI _ _ _ VarName -> Just gui
    _                 -> Nothing


{- | The globally unique identifier for a type: @(pkg,
<https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/lexemes.html modid>,
<https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/lexemes.html tycon>)@

>>> :set -XPolyKinds
>>> import Data.Proxy
>>> displayGUI $ fromTypeProxy (Proxy :: Proxy [])
"ghc-prim:GHC.Types.(type [])"


  :: forall a proxy.
     ( Typeable a
  => proxy a
  -> GUI

  = typeRep
  > typeRepTyCon
  > go


  go t = GUI{..}


    _guiPackage    = PkgName (tyConPackage t)
    _guiModule     = ModName (tyConModule  t)
    _guiIdentifier = OccName (tyConName    t)
    _guiNamespace  = TcClsName

-- {-| 
-- -}
-- failure :: Name -> Possibly a
-- failure = throwM . userError . showName



>>> displayGUI (GUI (PkgName "package-name") (ModName "Module.SubModule") (OccName "identifierName") VarName)
>>> displayGUI (GUI (PkgName "package-name") (ModName "Module.SubModule") (OccName "ConstructorName") DataName)
>>> displayGUI (GUI (PkgName "package-name") (ModName "Module.SubModule") (OccName "TypeName") TcClsName)
"package-name:Module.SubModule.(type TypeName)"


displayGUI :: GUI -> String
displayGUI (GUI (PkgName p) (ModName m) (OccName o) n) =

  p ++ ":" ++ m ++ "." ++ i


  i = displayNamespacePrefix n & \case

    Nothing ->             o           -- un-paranthesized
    Just s  -> "(" ++ s ++ o ++ ")"    -- paranthesized, for ExplicitNamespace syntax

  displayNamespacePrefix :: NameSpace -> Maybe String
  displayNamespacePrefix = \case

      VarName   -> Nothing -- ""
      DataName  -> Nothing -- ""
      TcClsName -> Just "type "

-- Notes -----------------------------------------


data Name
Name OccName NameFlavour   

the built-in syntax 'f and ''T can be used to construct names, The expression 'f gives a Name which refers to the value f currently in scope, and ''T gives a Name which refers to the type T currently in scope. These names can never be captured.

data NameFlavour
NameG NameSpace PkgName ModName

Global name bound outside of the TH AST: An original name (occurrences only, not binders) Need the namespace too to be sure which thing we are naming

data NameSpace

