splines-0.1: B-Splines, other splines, and NURBS.




data NURBS v Source


(Eq v, Eq (Scalar v), Eq (Scalar (Scalar v))) => Eq (NURBS v) 
(Ord v, Ord (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar (Scalar v))) => Ord (NURBS v) 
(Show v, Show (Scalar v), Show (Scalar (Scalar v))) => Show (NURBS v) 

nurbs :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ w, VectorSpace w, Scalar w ~ w) => Knots (Scalar v) -> [(w, v)] -> NURBS vSource

toNURBS :: (Spline s v, Scalar v ~ Scalar (Scalar v)) => s v -> NURBS vSource

evalNURBS :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ w, VectorSpace w, Scalar w ~ w, Fractional w, Ord w) => NURBS v -> w -> vSource

Constructs the homogeneous-coordinates B-spline that corresponds to this NURBS curve

Constructs the NURBS curve corresponding to a homogeneous-coordinates B-spline

nurbsDomain :: Scalar v ~ Scalar (Scalar v) => NURBS v -> Maybe (Scalar v, Scalar v)Source

Returns the domain of a NURBS - that is, the range of parameter values over which a spline with this degree and knot vector has a full basis set.

splitNURBS :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ w, VectorSpace w, Scalar w ~ w, Ord w, Fractional w) => NURBS v -> Scalar v -> Maybe (NURBS v, NURBS v)Source