squeal-postgresql- Squeal PostgreSQL Library

Copyright(c) Eitan Chatav 2017
Safe HaskellNone




This module defines a Migration type to safely change the schema of your database over time. Let's see an example!

First turn on some extensions.

>>> :set -XDataKinds -XOverloadedLabels
>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -XFlexibleContexts -XTypeOperators

Next, let's define our TableTypes.

>>> :{
type UsersTable =
  '[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] ] :=>
  '[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
   , "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext
>>> :{
type EmailsTable =
  '[ "pk_emails" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"]
   , "fk_user_id" ::: 'ForeignKey '["user_id"] "users" '["id"]
   ] :=>
  '[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
   , "user_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
   , "email" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext

Now we can define some Migrations to make our tables.

>>> :{
  makeUsers :: Migration Definition (Public '[]) '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable]]
  makeUsers = Migration
    { name = "make users table"
    , up = createTable #users
        ( serial `as` #id :*
          notNullable text `as` #name )
        ( primaryKey #id `as` #pk_users )
    , down = dropTable #users
>>> :{
  makeEmails :: Migration Definition '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable]]
    '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable, "emails" ::: 'Table EmailsTable]]
  makeEmails = Migration
    { name = "make emails table"
    , up = createTable #emails
          ( serial `as` #id :*
            notNullable int `as` #user_id :*
            nullable text `as` #email )
          ( primaryKey #id `as` #pk_emails :*
            foreignKey #user_id #users #id
              OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade `as` #fk_user_id )
    , down = dropTable #emails

Now that we have a couple migrations we can chain them together into an AlignedList.

>>> let migrations = makeUsers :>> makeEmails :>> Done

Now run the migrations.

>>> import Control.Monad.IO.Class
>>> :{
withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $
  manipulate (UnsafeManipulation "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;")
    -- suppress notices
  & pqThen (liftIO (putStrLn "Migrate"))
  & pqThen (migrateUp migrations)
  & pqThen (liftIO (putStrLn "Rollback"))
  & pqThen (migrateDown migrations)

We can also create a simple executable using defaultMain.

>>> let main = defaultMain "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" migrations
>>> withArgs [] main
Invalid command: "". Use:
migrate    to run all available migrations
rollback   to rollback all available migrations
status     to display migrations run and migrations left to run
>>> withArgs ["status"] main
Migrations already run:
Migrations left to run:
  - make users table
  - make emails table
>>> withArgs ["migrate"] main
Migrations already run:
  - make users table
  - make emails table
Migrations left to run:
>>> withArgs ["rollback"] main
Migrations already run:
Migrations left to run:
  - make users table
  - make emails table

In addition to enabling Migrations using pure SQL Definitions for the up and down instructions, you can also perform impure IO actions by using a Migrations over the Terminally PQ IO category.



data Migration p schemas0 schemas1 Source #

A Migration is a named "isomorphism" over a given category. It should contain an inverse pair of up and down instructions and a unique name.




Generic (Migration p schemas0 schemas1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration

Associated Types

type Rep (Migration p schemas0 schemas1) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Migration p schemas0 schemas1 -> Rep (Migration p schemas0 schemas1) x #

to :: Rep (Migration p schemas0 schemas1) x -> Migration p schemas0 schemas1 #

type Rep (Migration p schemas0 schemas1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration

type Rep (Migration p schemas0 schemas1) = D1 (MetaData "Migration" "Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration" "squeal-postgresql-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Migration" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "name") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Text) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "up") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (p schemas0 schemas1)) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "down") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (p schemas1 schemas0)))))

class Category p => Migratory p where Source #

A Migratory p is a Category for which one can execute or rewind an AlignedList of Migrations over p. This includes the category of pure SQL Definitions and the category of impure Terminally PQ IO actions.


migrateUp :: AlignedList (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO () Source #

Run an AlignedList of Migrations. Create the MigrationsTable as public.schema_migrations if it does not already exist. In one transaction, for each each Migration query to see if the Migration has been executed; if not, up the Migration and insert its name in the MigrationsTable.

migrateDown :: AlignedList (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas1 schemas0 IO () Source #

Rewind an AlignedList of Migrations. Create the MigrationsTable as public.schema_migrations if it does not already exist. In one transaction, for each each Migration query to see if the Migration has been executed; if so, down the Migration and delete its name in the MigrationsTable.

Migratory Definition Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration


migrateUp :: AlignedList (Migration Definition) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO () Source #

migrateDown :: AlignedList (Migration Definition) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas1 schemas0 IO () Source #

Migratory (Terminally PQ IO) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration


migrateUp :: AlignedList (Migration (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO () Source #

migrateDown :: AlignedList (Migration (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas1 schemas0 IO () Source #

newtype Terminally trans monad x0 x1 Source #

Terminally turns an indexed monad transformer and the monad it transforms into a category by restricting the return type to () and permuting the type variables. This is similar to how applying a monad to () yields a monoid. Since a Terminally action has a trivial return value, the only reason to run one is for the side effects, in particular database and other IO effects.




(IndexedMonadTransPQ trans, Monad monad, forall (x0 :: SchemasType) (x1 :: SchemasType). x0 ~ x1 => Monad (trans x0 x1 monad)) => Category (Terminally trans monad :: SchemasType -> SchemasType -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration


id :: Terminally trans monad a a #

(.) :: Terminally trans monad b c -> Terminally trans monad a b -> Terminally trans monad a c #

Migratory (Terminally PQ IO) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration


migrateUp :: AlignedList (Migration (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO () Source #

migrateDown :: AlignedList (Migration (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1 -> PQ schemas1 schemas0 IO () Source #

Generic (Terminally trans monad x0 x1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration

Associated Types

type Rep (Terminally trans monad x0 x1) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Terminally trans monad x0 x1 -> Rep (Terminally trans monad x0 x1) x #

to :: Rep (Terminally trans monad x0 x1) x -> Terminally trans monad x0 x1 #

type Rep (Terminally trans monad x0 x1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration

type Rep (Terminally trans monad x0 x1) = D1 (MetaData "Terminally" "Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration" "squeal-postgresql-" True) (C1 (MetaCons "Terminally" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "runTerminally") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (trans x0 x1 monad ()))))

terminally :: Functor (trans x0 x1 monad) => trans x0 x1 monad ignore -> Terminally trans monad x0 x1 Source #

terminally ignores the output of a computation, returning () and wrapping it up into a Terminally. You can lift an action in the base monad by using terminally . lift.

pureMigration :: Migration Definition schemas0 schemas1 -> Migration (Terminally PQ IO) schemas0 schemas1 Source #

A pureMigration turns a Migration involving only pure SQL Definitions into a Migration that may be combined with arbitrary IO.

type MigrationsTable = '["migrations_unique_name" ::: Unique '["name"]] :=> '["name" ::: (NoDef :=> NotNull PGtext), "executed_at" ::: (Def :=> NotNull PGtimestamptz)] Source #

The TableType for a Squeal migration.

defaultMain Source #


:: Migratory p 
=> ByteString

connection string

-> AlignedList (Migration p) db0 db1


-> IO () 

defaultMain creates a simple executable from a connection string and a list of Migrations.