Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition
Description: Pooled connections
Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2017
Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech
Stability: experimental

A `MonadPQ` for pooled connections.

  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , InstanceSigs
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , RankNTypes
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , TypeFamilies
  , TypeInType
  , UndecidableInstances

module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Pool
  ( -- * Pools
    PoolPQ (..)
  , createConnectionPool
  , Pool
  , destroyAllResources
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Time
import Generics.SOP (K(..))
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (..))
import UnliftIO.Pool (Pool, createPool, destroyAllResources, withResource)

import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail

import Squeal.PostgreSQL.PQ
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema

{- | `PoolPQ` @schemas@ should be a drop-in replacement for `PQ` @schemas schemas@.

Typical use case would be to create your pool using `createConnectionPool` and run anything that requires the pool connection with it.

Here's a simplified example:

>>> import Squeal.PostgreSQL
>>> :{
    query :: Query_ (Public '[]) () (Only Char)
    query = values_ $ literal 'a' `as` #fromOnly
    session :: PoolPQ (Public '[]) IO Char
    session = do
      result <- runQuery query
      Just (Only chr) <- firstRow result
      return chr
  pool <- createConnectionPool "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" 1 0.5 10
  chr <- runPoolPQ session pool
  destroyAllResources pool
  putChar chr
newtype PoolPQ (schemas :: SchemasType) m x =
  PoolPQ { runPoolPQ :: Pool (K Connection schemas) -> m x }
  deriving Functor

-- | Create a striped pool of connections.
-- Although the garbage collector will destroy all idle connections when the pool is garbage collected it's recommended to manually `destroyAllResources` when you're done with the pool so that the connections are freed up as soon as possible.
  :: MonadUnliftIO io
  => ByteString
  -- ^ The passed string can be empty to use all default parameters, or it can
  -- contain one or more parameter settings separated by whitespace.
  -- Each parameter setting is in the form keyword = value. Spaces around the equal
  -- sign are optional. To write an empty value or a value containing spaces,
  -- surround it with single quotes, e.g., keyword = 'a value'. Single quotes and
  -- backslashes within the value must be escaped with a backslash, i.e., ' and \.
  -> Int
  -- ^ The number of stripes (distinct sub-pools) to maintain. The smallest acceptable value is 1.
  -> NominalDiffTime
  -- ^ Amount of time for which an unused connection is kept open. The smallest acceptable value is 0.5 seconds.
  -- The elapsed time before destroying a connection may be a little longer than requested, as the reaper thread wakes at 1-second intervals.
  -> Int
  -- ^ Maximum number of connections to keep open per stripe. The smallest acceptable value is 1.
  -- Requests for connections will block if this limit is reached on a single stripe, even if other stripes have idle connections available.
  -> io (Pool (K Connection schemas))
createConnectionPool conninfo stripes idle maxResrc =
  createPool (connectdb conninfo) finish stripes idle maxResrc

-- | `Applicative` instance for `PoolPQ`.
instance Monad m => Applicative (PoolPQ schemas m) where
  pure x = PoolPQ $ \ _ -> pure x
  PoolPQ f <*> PoolPQ x = PoolPQ $ \ pool -> do
    f' <- f pool
    x' <- x pool
    return $ f' x'

-- | `Monad` instance for `PoolPQ`.
instance Monad m => Monad (PoolPQ schemas m) where
  return = pure
  PoolPQ x >>= f = PoolPQ $ \ pool -> do
    x' <- x pool
    runPoolPQ (f x') pool

-- | `Fail.MonadFail` instance for `PoolPQ`.
instance Monad m => Fail.MonadFail (PoolPQ schemas m) where
  fail = Fail.fail

-- | `MonadTrans` instance for `PoolPQ`.
instance MonadTrans (PoolPQ schemas) where
  lift m = PoolPQ $ \ _pool -> m

-- | `MonadPQ` instance for `PoolPQ`.
instance MonadUnliftIO io => MonadPQ schemas (PoolPQ schemas io) where
  manipulateParams manipulation params = PoolPQ $ \ pool -> do
    withResource pool $ \ conn -> do
      (K result :: K (K Result ys) schemas) <- flip unPQ conn $
        manipulateParams manipulation params
      return result
  traversePrepared manipulation params = PoolPQ $ \ pool ->
    withResource pool $ \ conn -> do
      (K result :: K (list (K Result ys)) schemas) <- flip unPQ conn $
        traversePrepared manipulation params
      return result
  traversePrepared_ manipulation params = PoolPQ $ \ pool -> do
    withResource pool $ \ conn -> do
      (_ :: K () schemas) <- flip unPQ conn $
        traversePrepared_ manipulation params
      return ()
  liftPQ m = PoolPQ $ \ pool ->
    withResource pool $ \ conn -> do
      (K result :: K result schemas) <- flip unPQ conn $
        liftPQ m
      return result

-- | 'MonadIO' instance for 'PoolPQ'.
instance (MonadIO m)
  => MonadIO (PoolPQ schemas m) where
  liftIO = lift . liftIO

-- | 'MonadUnliftIO' instance for 'PoolPQ'.
instance (MonadUnliftIO m)
  => MonadUnliftIO (PoolPQ schemas m) where
      :: ((forall a . PoolPQ schemas m a -> IO a) -> IO b)
      -> PoolPQ schemas m b
  withRunInIO inner = PoolPQ $ \pool ->
    withRunInIO $ \(run :: (forall x . m x -> IO x)) ->
      inner (\poolpq -> run $ runPoolPQ poolpq pool)