squeal-postgresql- Squeal PostgreSQL Library
Copyright(c) Eitan Chatav 2019
Safe HaskellNone



date/time functions and operators


Time Operation

class TimeOp time diff | time -> diff where Source #

Affine space operations on time types.

Minimal complete definition



(!+) :: Operator (null time) (null diff) (null time) infixl 6 Source #

>>> printSQL (makeDate (1984 :* 7 *: 3) !+ 365)
(make_date((1984 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (3 :: int4)) + (365 :: int4))

(+!) :: Operator (null diff) (null time) (null time) infixl 6 Source #

>>> printSQL (365 +! makeDate (1984 :* 7 *: 3))
((365 :: int4) + make_date((1984 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (3 :: int4)))

(!-) :: Operator (null time) (null diff) (null time) infixl 6 Source #

>>> printSQL (makeDate (1984 :* 7 *: 3) !- 365)
(make_date((1984 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (3 :: int4)) - (365 :: int4))

(!-!) :: Operator (null time) (null time) (null diff) infixl 6 Source #

>>> printSQL (makeDate (1984 :* 7 *: 3) !-! currentDate)
(make_date((1984 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (3 :: int4)) - CURRENT_DATE)


Instances details
TimeOp 'PGtimestamp 'PGinterval Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time


(!+) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimestamp) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimestamp) Source #

(+!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimestamp) (null 'PGtimestamp) Source #

(!-) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimestamp) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimestamp) Source #

(!-!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimestamp) (null 'PGtimestamp) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

TimeOp 'PGtimestamptz 'PGinterval Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time


(!+) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimestamptz) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimestamptz) Source #

(+!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimestamptz) (null 'PGtimestamptz) Source #

(!-) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimestamptz) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimestamptz) Source #

(!-!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimestamptz) (null 'PGtimestamptz) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

TimeOp 'PGdate 'PGint4 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time


(!+) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGdate) (null 'PGint4) (null 'PGdate) Source #

(+!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGint4) (null 'PGdate) (null 'PGdate) Source #

(!-) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGdate) (null 'PGint4) (null 'PGdate) Source #

(!-!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGdate) (null 'PGdate) (null 'PGint4) Source #

TimeOp 'PGtime 'PGinterval Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time


(!+) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtime) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtime) Source #

(+!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtime) (null 'PGtime) Source #

(!-) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtime) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtime) Source #

(!-!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtime) (null 'PGtime) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

TimeOp 'PGtimetz 'PGinterval Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time


(!+) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimetz) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimetz) Source #

(+!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimetz) (null 'PGtimetz) Source #

(!-) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimetz) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGtimetz) Source #

(!-!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGtimetz) (null 'PGtimetz) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

TimeOp 'PGinterval 'PGinterval Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time


(!+) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

(+!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

(!-) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

(!-!) :: forall (null :: k -> NullType). Operator (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) (null 'PGinterval) Source #

Time Function

currentDate :: Expr (null 'PGdate) Source #

>>> printSQL currentDate

currentTime :: Expr (null 'PGtimetz) Source #

>>> printSQL currentTime

currentTimestamp :: Expr (null 'PGtimestamptz) Source #

>>> printSQL currentTimestamp

dateTrunc :: time `In` '['PGtimestamp, 'PGtimestamptz] => TimeUnit -> null time --> null time Source #

Truncate a timestamp with the specified precision

>>> printSQL $ dateTrunc Quarter (makeTimestamp (2010 :* 5 :* 6 :* 14 :* 45 *: 11.4))
date_trunc('quarter', make_timestamp((2010 :: int4), (5 :: int4), (6 :: int4), (14 :: int4), (45 :: int4), (11.4 :: float8)))

localTime :: Expr (null 'PGtime) Source #

>>> printSQL localTime

localTimestamp :: Expr (null 'PGtimestamp) Source #

>>> printSQL localTimestamp

now :: Expr (null 'PGtimestamptz) Source #

Current date and time (equivalent to currentTimestamp)

>>> printSQL now

makeDate :: '[null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4] ---> null 'PGdate Source #

Create date from year, month and day fields

>>> printSQL (makeDate (1984 :* 7 *: 3))
make_date((1984 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (3 :: int4))

makeTime :: '[null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGfloat8] ---> null 'PGtime Source #

Create time from hour, minute and seconds fields

>>> printSQL (makeTime (8 :* 15 *: 23.5))
make_time((8 :: int4), (15 :: int4), (23.5 :: float8))

makeTimestamp :: '[null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGfloat8] ---> null 'PGtimestamp Source #

Create timestamp from year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds fields

>>> printSQL (makeTimestamp (2013 :* 7 :* 15 :* 8 :* 15 *: 23.5))
make_timestamp((2013 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (15 :: int4), (8 :: int4), (15 :: int4), (23.5 :: float8))

makeTimestamptz :: '[null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGint4, null 'PGfloat8] ---> null 'PGtimestamptz Source #

Create timestamp with time zone from year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds fields; the current time zone is used

>>> printSQL (makeTimestamptz (2013 :* 7 :* 15 :* 8 :* 15 *: 23.5))
make_timestamptz((2013 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (15 :: int4), (8 :: int4), (15 :: int4), (23.5 :: float8))

atTimeZone :: zone `In` '['PGtext, 'PGinterval] => Operator (null time) (null zone) (null (PGAtTimeZone time)) Source #

Convert a timestamp, timestamp with time zone, or time of day with timezone to a different timezone using an interval offset or specific timezone denoted by text. When using the interval offset, the interval duration must be less than one day or 24 hours.

>>> printSQL $ (makeTimestamp (2009 :* 7 :* 22 :* 19 :* 45 *: 11.4)) `atTimeZone` (interval_ 8 Hours)
(make_timestamp((2009 :: int4), (7 :: int4), (22 :: int4), (19 :: int4), (45 :: int4), (11.4 :: float8)) AT TIME ZONE (INTERVAL '8.000 hours'))
>>> :{
   timezone :: Expr (null 'PGtext)
   timezone = "EST"
 in printSQL $ (makeTimestamptz (2015 :* 9 :* 15 :* 4 :* 45 *: 11.4)) `atTimeZone` timezone
(make_timestamptz((2015 :: int4), (9 :: int4), (15 :: int4), (4 :: int4), (45 :: int4), (11.4 :: float8)) AT TIME ZONE (E'EST' :: text))

type family PGAtTimeZone ty where ... Source #

Calculate the return time type of the atTimeZone Operator.


PGAtTimeZone 'PGtimestamptz = 'PGtimestamp 
PGAtTimeZone 'PGtimestamp = 'PGtimestamptz 
PGAtTimeZone 'PGtimetz = 'PGtimetz 
PGAtTimeZone pg = TypeError ('Text "Squeal type error: AT TIME ZONE cannot be applied to " :<>: 'ShowType pg) 


interval_ :: Milli -> TimeUnit -> Expr (null 'PGinterval) Source #

>>> printSQL $ interval_ 7 Days
(INTERVAL '7.000 days')

data TimeUnit Source #

A TimeUnit to use in interval_ construction.


Instances details
Enum TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Eq TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Ord TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Read TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Show TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Generic TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Associated Types

type Rep TimeUnit :: Type -> Type #


from :: TimeUnit -> Rep TimeUnit x #

to :: Rep TimeUnit x -> TimeUnit #

Generic TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Associated Types

type Code TimeUnit :: [[Type]] #

HasDatatypeInfo TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

Associated Types

type DatatypeInfoOf TimeUnit :: DatatypeInfo #

RenderSQL TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

type Rep TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

type Rep TimeUnit = D1 ('MetaData "TimeUnit" "Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time" "squeal-postgresql-" 'False) (((C1 ('MetaCons "Years" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "Quarter" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Months" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "Weeks" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "Days" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Hours" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))) :+: ((C1 ('MetaCons "Minutes" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "Seconds" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Microseconds" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))) :+: ((C1 ('MetaCons "Milliseconds" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Decades" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "Centuries" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "Millennia" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))))
type Code TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time

type DatatypeInfoOf TimeUnit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Time