-- |
-- Module      :  Text.Mustache.Compile.TH
-- Copyright   :  © 2016–present Stack Builders
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Template Haskell helpers to compile Mustache templates at compile time.
-- This module is not imported as part of "Text.Mustache", so you need to
-- import it yourself. Qualified import is recommended, but not necessary.
-- At the moment, functions in this module only work with GHC 8 (they
-- require at least @template-haskell-2.11@).

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

module Text.Mustache.Compile.TH
  ( compileMustacheDir
  , compileMustacheDir'
  , compileMustacheFile
  , compileMustacheText
  , mustache )

import Control.Exception
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Dec)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift, addDependentFile)
import System.Directory
import Text.Mustache.Type
import qualified Data.Text             as T
import qualified Text.Mustache.Compile as C

-- | Compile all templates in specified directory and select one. Template
-- files should have the extension @mustache@, (e.g. @foo.mustache@) to be
-- recognized. This function /does not/ scan the directory recursively.
-- This version compiles the templates at compile time.
-- > compileMustacheDir = compileMustacheDir' isMustacheFile

  :: PName             -- ^ Which template to select after compiling
  -> FilePath          -- ^ Directory with templates
  -> Q Exp             -- ^ The resulting template
compileMustacheDir = compileMustacheDir' C.isMustacheFile

-- | The same as 'compileMustacheDir', but allows using a custom predicate
-- for template selection.
-- This version compiles the templates at compile time.
-- @since 1.2.0

  :: (FilePath -> Bool) -- ^ Template selection predicate
  -> PName             -- ^ Which template to select after compiling
  -> FilePath          -- ^ Directory with templates
  -> Q Exp             -- ^ The resulting template
compileMustacheDir' predicate pname path = do
  runIO (C.getMustacheFilesInDir' predicate path) >>= mapM_ addDependentFile
  (runIO . try) (C.compileMustacheDir' predicate pname path) >>= handleEither

-- | Compile single Mustache template and select it.
-- This version compiles the template at compile time.

  :: FilePath          -- ^ Location of the file
  -> Q Exp
compileMustacheFile path = do
  runIO (makeAbsolute path) >>= addDependentFile
  (runIO . try) (C.compileMustacheFile path) >>= handleEither

-- | Compile Mustache template from 'Text' value. The cache will contain
-- only this template named according to given 'Key'.
-- This version compiles the template at compile time.

  :: PName             -- ^ How to name the template?
  -> Text              -- ^ The template to compile
  -> Q Exp
compileMustacheText pname text =
  (handleEither . either (Left . MustacheParserException) Right)
  (C.compileMustacheText pname text)

-- | Compile Mustache using QuasiQuoter. Usage:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- > import Text.Mustache.Compile.TH (mustache)
-- >
-- > foo :: Template
-- > foo = [mustache|This is my inline {{ template }}.|]
-- Name of created partial is set to @"quasi-quoted"@. You can extend cache
-- of 'Template' created this way using @('Data.Semigroup.<>')@ and so work
-- with partials as usual.
-- @since 0.1.7

mustache :: QuasiQuoter
mustache = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp  = compileMustacheText "quasi-quoted" . T.pack
  , quotePat  = error "This usage is not supported."
  , quoteType = error "This usage is not supported."
  , quoteDec  = error "This usage is not supported." }

-- | Given an 'Either' result return 'Right' and signal pretty-printed error
-- if we have a 'Left'.

handleEither :: Either MustacheException Template -> Q Exp
handleEither val =
  case val of
    Left err -> (fail . indentNicely . displayException) err
    Right template -> lift template
    -- NOTE Since the feature requires GHC 8 anyway, we follow the
    -- indentation style of that version of compiler. This makes it look
    -- consistent with other error messages and allows Emacs and similar
    -- tools to parse the errors correctly.
    indentNicely x' =
      case lines x' of
        []     -> ""
        (x:xs) -> unlines (x : fmap (replicate 8 ' ' ++) xs)