{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Text.Mustache.Render
-- Copyright   :  © 2016–present Stack Builders
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Functions for rendering Mustache templates. You don't usually need to
-- import the module, because "Text.Mustache" re-exports everything you may
-- need, import that module instead.
module Text.Mustache.Render
  ( renderMustache,

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (State, execState, modify')
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.List (tails)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos (Pos, mkPos, unPos)
import Text.Mustache.Type

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))

-- The rendering monad

-- | Synonym for the monad we use for rendering. It allows to share context
-- and accumulate the result as 'B.Builder' data which is then turned into a
-- lazy 'TL.Text'.
type Render a = ReaderT RenderContext (State S) a

data S = S ([MustacheWarning] -> [MustacheWarning]) B.Builder

-- | The render monad context.
data RenderContext = RenderContext
  { -- | Actual indentation level
    rcIndent :: Maybe Pos,
    -- | The context stack
    rcContext :: NonEmpty Value,
    -- | Prefix accumulated by entering sections
    rcPrefix :: Key,
    -- | The template to render
    rcTemplate :: Template,
    -- | Is this last node in this partial?
    rcLastNode :: Bool

-- High-level interface

-- | Render a Mustache 'Template' using Aeson's 'Value' to get actual values
-- for interpolation.
renderMustache :: Template -> Value -> TL.Text
renderMustache t = snd . renderMustacheW t

-- | Like 'renderMustache', but also returns a collection of warnings.
-- @since 1.1.1
renderMustacheW :: Template -> Value -> ([MustacheWarning], TL.Text)
renderMustacheW t =
  runRender (renderPartial (templateActual t) Nothing renderNode) t

-- | Render a single 'Node'.
renderNode :: Node -> Render ()
renderNode (TextBlock txt) = outputIndented txt
renderNode (EscapedVar k) =
  lookupKey k >>= renderValue k >>= outputRaw . escapeHtml
renderNode (UnescapedVar k) =
  lookupKey k >>= renderValue k >>= outputRaw
renderNode (Section k ns) = do
  val <- lookupKey k
  enterSection k $
    unless (isBlank val) $
      case val of
        Array xs ->
          forM_ (V.toList xs) $ \x ->
            addToLocalContext x (renderMany renderNode ns)
        _ ->
          addToLocalContext val (renderMany renderNode ns)
renderNode (InvertedSection k ns) = do
  val <- lookupKey k
  when (isBlank val) $
    renderMany renderNode ns
renderNode (Partial pname indent) =
  renderPartial pname indent renderNode

-- The rendering monad vocabulary

-- | Run 'Render' monad given template to render and a 'Value' to take
-- values from.
runRender :: Render a -> Template -> Value -> ([MustacheWarning], TL.Text)
runRender m t v = (ws [], B.toLazyText b)
    S ws b = execState (runReaderT m rc) (S id mempty)
    rc =
        { rcIndent = Nothing,
          rcContext = v :| [],
          rcPrefix = mempty,
          rcTemplate = t,
          rcLastNode = True
{-# INLINE runRender #-}

-- | Output a piece of strict 'Text'.
outputRaw :: Text -> Render ()
outputRaw = tellBuilder . B.fromText
{-# INLINE outputRaw #-}

-- | Output indentation consisting of appropriate number of spaces.
outputIndent :: Render ()
outputIndent = asks rcIndent >>= outputRaw . buildIndent
{-# INLINE outputIndent #-}

-- | Output piece of strict 'Text' with added indentation.
outputIndented :: Text -> Render ()
outputIndented txt = do
  level <- asks rcIndent
  lnode <- asks rcLastNode
  let f x = outputRaw (T.replace "\n" ("\n" <> buildIndent level) x)
  if lnode && T.isSuffixOf "\n" txt
    then f (T.init txt) >> outputRaw "\n"
    else f txt
{-# INLINE outputIndented #-}

-- | Render a partial.
renderPartial ::
  -- | Name of partial to render
  PName ->
  -- | Indentation level to use
  Maybe Pos ->
  -- | How to render nodes in that partial
  (Node -> Render ()) ->
  Render ()
renderPartial pname i f =
  local u (outputIndent >> getNodes >>= renderMany f)
    u rc =
        { rcIndent = addIndents i (rcIndent rc),
          rcPrefix = mempty,
          rcTemplate = (rcTemplate rc) {templateActual = pname},
          rcLastNode = True
{-# INLINE renderPartial #-}

-- | Get collection of 'Node's for actual template.
getNodes :: Render [Node]
getNodes = do
  Template actual cache <- asks rcTemplate
  return (M.findWithDefault [] actual cache)
{-# INLINE getNodes #-}

-- | Render many nodes.
renderMany ::
  -- | How to render a node
  (Node -> Render ()) ->
  -- | The collection of nodes to render
  [Node] ->
  Render ()
renderMany _ [] = return ()
renderMany f [n] = do
  ln <- asks rcLastNode
  local (\rc -> rc {rcLastNode = ln && rcLastNode rc}) (f n)
renderMany f (n : ns) = do
  local (\rc -> rc {rcLastNode = False}) (f n)
  renderMany f ns

-- | Lookup a 'Value' by its 'Key'.
lookupKey :: Key -> Render Value
lookupKey (Key []) = NE.head <$> asks rcContext
lookupKey k = do
  v <- asks rcContext
  p <- asks rcPrefix
  let f x = asum (simpleLookup False (x <> k) <$> v)
  case asum (fmap (f . Key) . reverse . tails $ unKey p) of
    Nothing ->
      Null <$ tellWarning (MustacheVariableNotFound (p <> k))
    Just r ->
      return r

-- | Lookup a 'Value' by traversing another 'Value' using given 'Key' as
-- “path”.
simpleLookup ::
  -- | At least one part of the path matched, in this case we are
  -- “committed” to this lookup and cannot say “there is nothing, try
  -- other level”. This is necessary to pass the “Dotted Names—Context
  -- Precedence” test from the “interpolation.yml” spec.
  Bool ->
  -- | The key to lookup
  Key ->
  -- | Source value
  Value ->
  -- | Looked-up value
  Maybe Value
simpleLookup _ (Key []) obj = return obj
simpleLookup c (Key (k : ks)) (Object m) =
  case H.lookup k m of
    Nothing -> if c then Just Null else Nothing
    Just v -> simpleLookup True (Key ks) v
simpleLookup _ _ _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE simpleLookup #-}

-- | Enter the section by adding given 'Key' prefix to current prefix.
enterSection :: Key -> Render a -> Render a
enterSection p =
  local (\rc -> rc {rcPrefix = p <> rcPrefix rc})
{-# INLINE enterSection #-}

-- | Add new value on the top of context. The new value has the highest
-- priority when lookup takes place.
addToLocalContext :: Value -> Render a -> Render a
addToLocalContext v =
  local (\rc -> rc {rcContext = NE.cons v (rcContext rc)})
{-# INLINE addToLocalContext #-}

-- Helpers

-- | Register a warning.
tellWarning :: MustacheWarning -> Render ()
tellWarning w = modify' $ \(S ws b) -> S (ws . (w :)) b

-- | Register a piece of output.
tellBuilder :: B.Builder -> Render ()
tellBuilder b' = modify' $ \(S ws b) -> S ws (b <> b')

-- | Add two @'Maybe' 'Pos'@ values together.
addIndents :: Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos -> Maybe Pos
addIndents Nothing Nothing = Nothing
addIndents Nothing (Just x) = Just x
addIndents (Just x) Nothing = Just x
addIndents (Just x) (Just y) = Just (mkPos $ unPos x + unPos y - 1)
{-# INLINE addIndents #-}

-- | Build indentation of specified length by repeating the space character.
buildIndent :: Maybe Pos -> Text
buildIndent Nothing = ""
buildIndent (Just p) = let n = fromIntegral (unPos p) - 1 in T.replicate n " "
{-# INLINE buildIndent #-}

-- | Select invisible values.
isBlank :: Value -> Bool
isBlank Null = True
isBlank (Bool False) = True
isBlank (Object m) = H.null m
isBlank (Array a) = V.null a
isBlank (String s) = T.null s
isBlank _ = False
{-# INLINE isBlank #-}

-- | Render Aeson's 'Value' /without/ HTML escaping.
renderValue :: Key -> Value -> Render Text
renderValue k v =
  case v of
    Null -> return ""
    String str -> return str
    Object _ -> do
      tellWarning (MustacheDirectlyRenderedValue k)
      render v
    Array _ -> do
      tellWarning (MustacheDirectlyRenderedValue k)
      render v
    _ -> render v
    render = return . TL.toStrict . TL.decodeUtf8 . encode
{-# INLINE renderValue #-}

-- | Escape HTML represented as strict 'Text'.
escapeHtml :: Text -> Text
escapeHtml txt =
    (uncurry T.replace)
    [ ("\"", "&quot;"),
      ("'", "&#39;"),
      ("<", "&lt;"),
      (">", "&gt;"),
      ("&", "&amp;")
{-# INLINE escapeHtml #-}